Why isn't anyone open carrying at these rallies?

Why isn't anyone open carrying at these rallies?

they are, they're just pussies.

>that optic for that situation
what a dumb larping faggot

it's for shooting down snipers on the roof?

>No magazine loaded
>Huge ass scope
What a fucking moron.

Because i personally think OCing in populated urban zones is for fags. But disregarding that,
>Huge fucking optic on a cheap 5.56 AR
>it's raised to accommodate a palm actuated light on an offset rail that's top mounted instead of fucking sidemounted
>offhand shooting balance permanantly fucked for no reason

Bench shooters are the worst

Because it's illegal to carry at mass gatherings

>open carrying in public
Thats just retarded
If you want to be effective, conceal a pistol
Unless you aint gonna blast with double barrel shotgun at the object, why would you need that

Because the law enforcement would conficate them, just like they checked every rightwinger in the cville rally (and left them alone with armed antifa soon after).

He can still use the irons. the scope is well above the irons

Why? Aren't there 2 amendments that protect that?

That's a funny looking AR.

>not pretending to be casually passing by

>and left them alone with armed antifa soon after

God, you neo nazi cucks are nothing but pussies when you don't have your precious little guns or out number people 10 to 1

Alt-right literally means you are a fucking pussy bitch

that's because the placement of the scope is retarded

Carry handle is non standard too.

open carry is the bright hair dye of the right

>that height over bore

That scope is completely dysfunctional.

>no magazine in the rifle
>fuckhuge optic attached to the hand guard rail

This guy is a fucking retard

It's actually difficult to justify shooting anyone, ever. These ANTIFA people throw rocks at people, you can't shoot someone for throwing a rock at you.
And if you do shoot anyone, all of the other ANTIFA members will say that you fired into the crowd for no reason and you'll need to prove that you were defending yourself lawfully.
No point in open carrying a rifle unless you have a GoPro to catch all of their bullshit. And even then, they'll attack you from behind to avoid getting it caught on your camera.
It's just more logical to beat them with fists and sticks etc. since everyone generally gets away with that.

>not setting up 9 go pros on your person and one on your weapon to get a 360 degree view of the antifa

>you can't shoot someone for throwing a rock at you.