Trump supporters confirmed as retarded

How can right wing retards even contemplate this level of mental gymnastics. The level of retardation is off the charts.

Explain how this even makes sense.

Other urls found in this thread:


rural and suburban retards

They're right for once. 100% positive that the people at UTR larping as Nazis were autistic larpers, antifa moles, or feds undercover. It's all to play into the left's narrative.

They're training for the Extra Special Olympics where all the events require this level of mental flexibility.

They just wanted to get laid

That's delusional though. You have no proof. The proof is of the contrary. Why are you deluding yourself?
>that shit will drive a person mental

You want the alt-right to be discredited? OK then. Let the left's violence go unhinged where (((they))) will find every way they can to demonize you.

>wants to talk about mental gymnastics

Okay, you've baited me.

You know what's wrong with bongland? The fact that British is now offensive. You're not even allowed to be who you are inherently. You don't have the right to bear arms, you don't even have a queen as a ruler, you have her as a gilded prisoner. Everything that made Britain Britain, is gone. You shame the British kingdom, you shame the British name. And then you dare to make comments about the U.S. like we're not more wealthy than you, more influential, and frankly better than you in every single aspect. What the fuck are you, Ahmed? irrelevant? Less than that. You're almost nothing.

What part of no evidence do you not understand?

You do realize /r/the_donald doesn't even get half the traffic of Sup Forums, right?

You think those reddit lefists "pedes" represent the movement youre fucking dumb

triggered snowflake?

Jesus fucking christ. "The ultimate enemy of the state?" These children are delusional


is that fucking joey salads

Yes it is

nevermind just found this
youtu. be/haxNg0kfnPQ

Woah some dudes with swastika armband and flags so crazy
Just like my anime

this is the only thing that needs to be said. You fucking idiots from rural and suburban areas are retarded. I know some of you are good, but you're not bringing your best. Please wake up. The urban centers are sick of your shit. It's cringe worthy. It's like watching your little brother growing up and going through puberty. Grow up already.

He's pretty retarded to do that. He thought he was being ironic. Yet... there were people there unironically with nazi and white supremacist shit. He deserves all the hate he will get, just for being retarded.

What was his joke.
>retards think trump supporters are nazis
>I'm going to ironically mock that
>watch this
meanwhile nazis and white supremicists are seen doing nazi salutes n' shit. A guy also runs into people with car. Talk about a fail.

OP confirmed as NIGGER. bring your liberal pansies and antifa out. you faggots talk big behind computers and masks and shit. we will run you the fuck down with semis next time. WHITE POWER!


What's with spaghetti niggers and siding with nazis?

It was for one of his social experiment videos 5 months ago.

>youtu. be/haxNg0kfnPQ
Shut up you faggot bobbie

Why can't people just express their opinions in a rally without waving swastikas?

Nobody will support that

They're just lazy cosplayers you boring faggot
Look even the flags were not ironed

user, explain affirmative action?

umm yes, If you are saying the majority of the nation are racist then I hope you break your neck on the way down,

Is that Joey Salads with the armband?

Not thinking that it is completely true is the real mental gymnastics.
How do liberals not see this?
not trolling, It is the only logical conclusion you can draw when you look at the big picture.
and I am not even talking about meh jews, I am just going off of the media freaking out over a car accident that took place while violent leftist were sperging out which caused it.
It's literally insane to not see it that way because that is how it is and has been sense virtue signaling and all this SJW crap started.

Well look at that. It is Salads

fuck off nguyen, they are idiots like skinhead nazis, nobody takes them seriously

It's from a 5 month old social experiment video he made

>Just a prank bro

Why is that one guy wearing a swastika armband? He looks like an Arab. Jesus wept Americans are so cringeworthy.

that picture is from a five month old youtube social experiment video

Fuck you lmao I can smell your fear from here

is that a fucking sandnigger with a nazi armband? goddamn, i just got second hand embarrassment

How does it feel to see the beginnings of your people's end? We're not the ones going extinct. This planet will be a blot of ash before we let that happen.

Standard D&C from the rat race.

Upside on this whole thing is that based civics like you can fuck off, there is no need for mental gymnastics commies should hang

Well, you see, since violence is bad and liberals are bad and we're good, the liberals are violent and we dindu nuffin cause we good boys.

The Mein Kampf is the most popular book in the Middle East aside from Islamic literature. They have more right to wear that arm band than white people who don't see it more than a white supremacy symbol.

As a shitskin, I think we all lose. Most of the world would love to see us divide and conquer ourselves. You made the mistake of actually buying in, to one side or the other. I think both sides represent ouroboros, the snake that devours itself. The left being the head, because in it, at least a brain exists. The right, the tail, because this is were the shit comes out. I blame the left as much as the right for eating shit in the first place. If it where up to me, any radicals would have their tongues and genitalia removed.

This, all the city and urban brainiacs voted for based hillary.

cities hold some of the smartest people but also the stupidest people i've ever met where in the city. Cities hold both extremes of the spectrum

Anyone involved on either side is fucking autistic. Anyone posting about nothing but this are loser lefties. Go out and take a walk in the park.

>a handful of people cause issues
>everyone in the group is at fault
>literally simple to pose as one side or the other to cause issues
>somehow difficult to understand for leftypol
but you guys do the same """mental gymnastics""" for muslims #notallakbars

Jesus. How much did David Brock pay you to write this ridiculous pasta?

The only thing that activates my almonds is they thought running around with swastikas was a good thing for the pride parade.

Kek, is that Joey salads on the middle left pic?


>Gets accused of mental gymnastics
>responds by ignoring the accusation and making up random bullshit aka mental gymnastics