What happened to pol?

blackanon here, I don't know what to do now. I miss the days when most of pol was Civic nationalist and even the white nationalists were cool with black people who wanted to improve their race. now everybody is calling for race war, and anytime anyone says something remotely positive about a minority they get slammed with "fucking based". at what point did it become cool to shit on blacks and beans who were already on Trump's side? now it seems like my only choices are to join the left and Doom my people to eternal degeneracy or die. what would you do if you were me?
> inb4 go to Africa
> inb4 kys

Other urls found in this thread:


you're so fucking BASED.
please fuck my wife mr BASED black man.

national socialism is the answer, lil nigger.

Go back to Africa where you belong and you'll be safe. Don't say we didn't warn ya.

Bix nood? Bix bax to redditz

Idk, wise up and realize that Sup Forums has always been this way. Also if your for real then you know that there is shill storm blowing through us right now.

As a shitskin, I think we all lose. Most of the world would love to see us divide and conquer ourselves. You made the mistake of actually buying in, to one side or the other. I think both sides represent ouroboros, the snake that devours itself. The left being the head, because in it, at least a brain exists. The right, the tail, because this is were the shit comes out. I blame the left as much as the right for eating shit in the first place. If it where up to me, any radicals would have their tongues and genitalia removed.

You shouldn't care one way or the other. Other people, ESPECIALLY their opinions, have no effect on you other than what you think. Live life so you are proud how you are living.

>I miss the days when most of pol was Civic nationalist

never happened.

But, if you can be a good example to the hood and raise a strong black conservative family and hold down a job then i'm rooting for you, Daquan.

go do what niggers do best and kill other niggers

hello Sup Forums i am new to all of this why is there lots of people hating on whites right now

Sup Forums has fallen into the hands of identity politics

>what happened to pol?
Trump attacked Assad in behalf of Israel and lost half of Sup Forums supporters, assblasted civic nationalists Redditors went back The_Cuck.
Then Sargon of Fuckad appropriated kukistan meme and cringe Redditors started to ridicule themselves publicly.
Go to back Reddit.

In case it's not bait post No. 123241414124 - which btw is one reason for it - it's the radicalization and violence of the far left that radicalizes people here aswell. When you got Jewish media celebrating your extinction as a race, when you witness violence against you every day, not to mention antifa and legit terrorists, then it has an effect. But I do think a lot of it is still just the stress talking.

Edgy fuckers ruined this board. They drown out actual rationalism. I would still defend this guy, memes aside.

>blackanon here, I don't know what to do now. I miss the days when most of pol was Civic nationalist and even the white nationalists were cool with black people who wanted to improve their race. now everybody is calling for race war, and anytime anyone says something remotely positive about a minority they get slammed with "fucking based". at what point did it become cool to shit on blacks and beans who were already on Trump's side? now it seems like my only choices are to join the left and Doom my people to eternal degeneracy or die. what would you do if you were me?
>> inb4 go to Africa
This is the truth, we were never about simply skin color but character and lifestyle. Do you really want the white pedophiles, nazis, rapists, and violent whites in our group?

Nice post my dude. In case you didn't realize: THIS kind of post is EXACTLY what radicalizes people further.

welcome back, based black man
nice digits

I don't know what has been going on here for the last few months it's crazy man, the shilling is just non stop.

Yeah except the global south is moving into European and European derived countries at a massive pace and demanding their pie. Not like people hate you for nothing or you guys were in the USA or Europe to begin with. And don't give me any shit about nation of immigrants, the USA was 90% white in 1965 before Hart-(((Celler))) got passed.

You are based don't let nazis tell you differently.

Based black man detected.
Please BLACKED some white women so I can watch.

Dont worry bruv, it'll cool down. I dont hate you because you're black, that would be stupid..

This is fucking hilarious.

Ignore the larpers and edgelords, even if races are different on average it doesn't mean you have to regress to the mean.

If it were up to me you would be locked in prison for saying that

to be absolutely honest, i want you and all your kind dead

Cool. So you say noone should have identity politics, how often do you voice opposition to affirmative action or mass immigration?

antifa and altright is probably the cringiest thing to happen to politics, and neither is a friend to the hard working minority.

i wish there was a party for the rational minority (yes whites can be considered a minority too)

Wishful thinking is a pretty bad basis for politics. It got the West to its current state in fact.

>friend to the hard working minority.


>Assumes no identity politics = mass migration

Strawman much?

>anyone says something remotely positive about a minority they get slammed with "fucking based"
Hi, welcome /to pol, my name is user. Please stick around and you may end up learning something useful.

Any generally recognized negative attribute of this board is amplified by the shills and then pacing and leading occurs. This is the basis of every psyop ever.

Same tactics to divide and ruin the black family in America are being used against the white family.


Lol most of Sup Forums was never civic nationalist, we toned down the rhetoric during the campaign. TRS are the cucked civic nationalists who think calling women coalburners is offensive to black people and racemixing should be tolerated. Those are called race traitors, they go into the oven with the kikes.

We want segregation, but the reality is that your race rapes 100 white women a day and is objectively less intelligent. You want to run your own land, and have all the foreign aid that goes to other countries be given to you instead - okay. You can have the Rockwell deal, but we dont like you, and you dont like us. Not many of you do, very rarely is a black man smart enough to agree to racial segregation and admit its not working out.

> implying you or the chinks won't just wipe us out for our resources once we get there
been here since 2012 Romney vs obama, we used to regularly have black people you actually agree with threads with Patrice o Neil, Mohammad Ali, and Thomas sowell.
thanks for your honesty

What's your argument against mass immigration if not identity politics and the fact Europeans should have their home country? If you go by IQ then there's still millions of Chinese and Indians to come and if you think Jews have a disproportionate amount of influence they didn't even have their own country when they started transforming the USA.

Also you failed to mention AA so...

you must be a woman or a negro to be this dumb

be a black nationalist and advocate for a black ethno state to save your people, but also be dont be against a white ethno stare, its that simple


It's summer time. Lots of underage children and angst ridden teens out of school shitposting. Shits unavoidable. You must be new to Sup Forums.

Sorry blackbro.

Some of us are just sick and fucking tired of being shat on in every single aspect of our lives. (((They))) have successfully pitted blacks and whites against eachother. Trouble is, the blacks have bought into this bullshit more than whites, exacerbated by a culture of self hating whites interested in inflating their own egos for social purposes.

Only a fool would think there are no 'good blacks', much like yourself. Likewise only a fool would think there are no 'bad whites'.

What we see now mate is a culture in the west whereby it is not only OK, but trendy to hate whites. SJW culture circa last few years proves this. Also a sharp increase in hate crimes against whites committed by blacks... You expect white boys to not get angry?

I myself have been civic most of my life up until a year or 2 ago. I do not want to kill people just because of the colour of their skin. I wish for total separation of the races and the return of each man to his homeland. USA, CAN, AUS and NZ are the white mans land.

The fact remains - different groups cannot co exist in perfect harmony together. It is unnatural and inhuman. We forget that at the very basic level we humans still inheret a tribalistic nature to be with ones own. This is very healthy imo.

Good luck.

i think shills started pushing the whole sarcastic "HURR BASED BLAK MAN" thing and now everyone is afraid to say anything positive about blacks (or anyone who isnt white) because fags will chime in with their bullshit

>nigger here
Stopped reading there
>as a shitskin
Stopped reading there

stupid ass newfag nigger. it's always been this way here. remind yourself that Sup Forums created r/T_D as a front so normies likeyourself could be convinced to kys or go back to africa


What is conservatism?

just kill yourself

the Sup Forums demographic is being radicalized by the attitude in media and political organizations who are whipping people into a frenzy and unleashing them onto them.

This place is blowing up because its one of the only places you can say what the fuck you need to say without someone being able to track you down and ruin your life because it offends them or they disagree with your statement but lack the ability to construct an opposing argument.

It's because of reddit literally before Sup Forums didn't care but because of how much they hate reddit it become the new meme

Racial slurs are really more satire and the real hate is toward the left and world in general

That's also a meme with no basis in reality, almost on the level of D3R. Blacks sort of behaved in the USA because there was a strong white majority that kept them in line. As soon as that majority was eroded by Hart Celler and the civil rights movement things eroded, see for example the Detroit riots.

Blacks are dysfunctional no matter where they are as long as they're not surpressed, it's sad but it's a fact. I mean, are you going to blame Africans fresh off the plane raping Swedish women on the Welfare state too?

>when most of pol was Civic nationalist

A shit movement that couldn't even conserve women's bathrooms.

Holy shit, it's Uncle Ruckus


>Assumes real conservatives were pushing for it

>what would you do if you were me?

I'd go live my life instead of spending my days trolling an anonboard.

The reality is that this battle between left and right is non-existant to most Americans. You would be a fool to let this idea of opposing factions consume you. The ultimate redpill is to devote your life to improving yourself, your family and your community. Look at classical philosophy and Christianity on how to do this. Become a virtuous person and only worry about the things that you have the power to change.

yes, I wish there was a party for hard working minorities

not lazy minorities, obviously

Fuck off nigger, we don't need you. The White race brought you hear, the white race will bury you hear

see you on the day of the rope NIGGER


No. You were just so utterly impotent you let literal communists take over the entire west, conserved nothing and the embodiment of your cuckservatism is literally jeb!.

Not to mention your ultimate race treason of all in WW2 siding with Bolshevism. When you say "conservatism", I think of your nice dear leader sitting grinning next to Stalin and that fat pig Churchill.

Not to mention: if you are unable or unwilling to conserve YOUR OWN PEOPLE, you are not a conservative at all, but a fucking joke and an enemy.

I am not a (((civic))) but I am a ethnic nationalist, I believe blacks (specifically the ones that have slave ancestors, since they helped build the country) should have their own piece of North America (a ethnostae with a coast so they can trade without having to go through the white state) all races need to stay pure for the sake of humanity

the alt lite needs to take back the right tonight
take back the right tonight tonight

divide and conquer tactics hinder our chances at maintaining popular support for immigration reform and real change.

a lot of the naziposts all sound the same, like psycopathic deranged outbursts. shills i would assume, though many useful idiots may be lured in.

What are real conservatives pushing for? I've been following US politics closely for a while, they're just as much into it as the left. In fact a lot of the amnesty proposals came from Republicans because of cheap labour and GDP. Fucking Saint Reagan made sure California would turn into Mexico.

What's more, what's in it for whites? Blacks, Mestizos, Arabs, Somalis, they're all more criminal, lower IQ, take more in welfare than they bring in (link above). What's in it for us to take them in, have them in our neighbourhoods than not being called racist?

We're slowly taking over the board.

Civics will always outnumber racist inbred sociopathic hicks.

Because someone higher up and the media wants division and a racewar. I'm not saying "hurr wurlpees, muh based meyenuroty" but there is still the concept of seperate but equal. The babies are being thrown out with the bathwater because most of the babies are poison.

civic nationalism is shitskin justification for being parasites in white countries

white nationalism is coming back and there's nothing you can do about it

Don't think you should worry about it. I don't believe in civic nationalism, but I think that we have better odds sticking together, at least for the time being. Would rather you by my side than leftists traitors. Just tensions are flared up, suspicions increased given that it'll spiral more and more out of control. MSM fanning the flames doesn't help either.

Are hard working minorities into abolishing Hart-Celler and especially the chain migration that allows them to bring in their families? Because from everything that I've seen they're decidedly not and Hart-Celler is a massive problem for the USA right now.

Even BASED HISPANICS only oppose illegal immigration which is a smokescreen compared to the 1 million+ coming in legally each year.

Polarization happened.
The country swung hard to the left, fetishizing communism and cuckoldry.
As a reaction many fence sitters and those concerned with self preservation ran far in the other direction.
Now we have people trying to reenact 1940's Europe.

I'm just sitting here watching the world burn. Getting some good lulz here and there.

fucking based
but rly no one serious about being "alt-right" or wn is looking to kill for top brownie points. those are just faggy edgelords that don't have anything else to do. the real alt-right is loosely aligned with other racialized movements with the same goal like the Hotep Nation. we can all live in harmony without being forced to smell one another. hotepnation.com/hotep-altright/

it's just that (((they))) will never allow this to actually happen. so the only answer is going to be the racewar which you will lose. sorry, my boy, but just remember they did this.

>Identifying arguments
Not an argument.

This board's always had a large nationalist and fascist following. I don't take issue with blacks that want to improve their race and reject this culture of weakness and depravity, but you must understand that we say go back to Africa because the mix up of different peoples has been a misery for Europeans. Given the size of America, they could give you your own land, but do you really think your fellow blacks would make a success of it? Many African countries like Nigeria would be more successful were this to happen.

I guess the Nazi's on this board who want blood, who see that democracy has failed, and want a 4th riech. Have ruined it for everyone.

Before you call me a coal burner, you can go suck my 6 inch dick.

Black people are perfectly fine despite there flaws, they are very important in society, and the main reason why a many of them tend to be bad is because of there upbringing in the hood, without a dad, and only to look up to violent figures like Malcom X.

republicans, democrats, nazis, it's all the establishment. the deep state wants a race war, has been priming us for it for months with blm and antifa, and now some nazis being "united with the right".

if they want it, i don't want it.

I miss the old days too. The only thing left to do is mock people for their stupidity but it just ends up making me depressed because there's no fixing these morons.

>civic nationalist
k den, Jamal

also this

>Land for ethnic groups
>Nigeria would be better with more blacks
>Ignoring the real reason why Nigeria and other African countries are a shit hole. (TOTALITARIANISM AND CORRUPTION)

Sup Forums is raided by shills so just ignore them

white nationalism is dead on arrival, it's a non-starter. 99% of white people don't want to be white nationalists.

reform immigration and the reproductive rate of minority populations will decline.

or go full nazi, alienate everyone, and white people basically get fucked. what'll it be champ?

Nigger shut the fuck up.

"Based Black Guy" mean doesn't exist. That is why you only support "muh constitutional judeo christian merrican values" but you don't care a damn about the people that created those values.

Listen up whiteman, based black guys will support anti-white legislation eventually. Stick with your own race because when shit hits the fan, those based niggers will turn on you and stick with their own clan.

He feels dispatched and abandoned by the place where he felt comfortable, because he probably defended this place for the fact it was mostly civic nat, but the past year it has been turned on its head.
Years ago anons didn't actually care on this board, it was mostly larpers and people having a laugh. There are many factors that have caused anons to go full ethno nat.
>the "other side" of the political side became so mainstream and extreme that Sup Forums always goes full contrarian
>it's a case of "act idiotic and become surrounded by those idiots" and maybe a majority of Sup Forums are newfags
>it's Trump's civic nat policies and T_D, the hate of reddit that caused anons to hate anything "reddit" thus hating civic nat
>it's a divide and conquer psyop
OP if you're being legit, I agree. It's obvious that this place has changed its mood once again, despite the fact that Sup Forums always likes to say they are not a hivemind.

Fuck off nigger

How's that bad for white people? They don't benefit from other races.

Right back at you, dumbass

>I miss the days when most of pol was Civic nationalist
Sooooooooooooooooooooooo, never?

This board has always been a cesspit of happy fun-time racism. Some people mean it for real, such as during Happenings, and some people are just being savage, such as in this thread.

Well Somalia is the AnCap dream, how are they doing?

Niggers are ok as long as they're the .0001% of them that work and don't reproduce.

Basically hardcore shilling from every angle and all the D&C tactics have caused some degree of effect. Not everybody agrees with the Sup Forums narrative, while im not exactly a civnat im not gonna go after somebody of a different race if they do good for the community.

>INB4 Stormfront kekistan flag larper shitposts hard


Fags larping, shilling, trolling, or worse idiots that really believe the nazi shit and don't understand what this country is.

The tavistock conned you into the identity politics game.

They went for the black families first because they were the easiest. It's no secret that destruction of the family unit has been intel agenices agenda for long long time.

You've been marginalized into engaging in unpersuasive rhetoric to politically neutralize you while the family unit is destroyed.

Its because of the corrosive effect of BLM based black man, every single one of you are going to get fucked if you let them continue doing what theyre doing. Damn shame innocents like you will get caught up in it.

Fuck off nigger. You niggers are the reason why everything's fucked. If we never bent over for your ilk the sjw garbage would have never come to pass. It's not like the meta-plan is to divide america around racial lines to conquer it more easily. This is just garbage peddled by race traitors. The problem is niggers. Not a single nigger can act like a human being. Case in point: this nigger thread.

So we can agree that niggers are objectively dumber than whites right?

it's all ogre

>what happened to Sup Forums??
Nu cancer like you started shitting up this board

I have white liberal faggots way more than any non-white. My enemy is the enemy within my own people. I rarely think of non-whites desu.

Sorry man, it is nothing personal.

Civic nationalism won't work... not when whites shrink to a small enough proportion of the country. Civic nationalism is great if whites are like 90%, but as we get closer to 50% the dysfunction grows. The tribalism spreads.

If I were black... I'd just focus on trying to raise a traditional, healthy family, and stay away from politics.