Is it okay to be a centrist?
Is it okay to be a centrist?
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Hell no. Fuck that shit.
Centrists are useful idiots.
everyone is a pawn of the jews
Even the Left hates centrists.
Being a centrist/moderate is about being both far right and far left
this meme needs to die dude
>I dont agree with what you say but ill give you a plataform to say it because everyone deserves to be heard!
sure do.
"radical centrism" from my experience is usually people who don't want to be offensive to their politically minded friends OR people who never grew out of their edgy linkin park days 'fuck the government' without supporting any kind of alternative.
I'm not sure which kind is worse. One is pretty much being spineless, the other is just being a classic edgelord.
>Defending free speech
>Centrist talking point
Fuck off.
I'm a Kike who only recently grew out of that phase.
>centrism is about standing in the middle of all issues
>Even the Left hates centrists
woow no shit man
Centrism is bullshit and manufactured by the government to support their own positions.
It has essentially no connection to what positions are considered the plurality opinion.
People who are centrists are too stupid or cowardly to voice their own opinions or like to virtue signal with the fallacy of the mean.
he knows
That's not what it means though. Radical centrism is literally 'I don't want to offend any of my friends so I won't take a position'. Both alt-right and alt-left are retarded in my view, and completely irrelevant outside of America and parts of Western Europe, but I'm definitely not a centrist.
Centrism is understanding both sides have good policies which can be implemented with no problems, and that both sides have policies in desperate need for revision. Centrism is not standing in the middle, it's siding on the left with some things, and siding with the right on others.
>defending free speech is wrong
>war isn't useful
The right 2 panels are relatively sound though.
>this is wrong
Is this how Sup Forumsacks see politics?
>Centrism is understanding both sides have good policies which can be implemented with no problems, and that both sides have policies in desperate need for revision. Centrism is not standing in the middle, it's siding on the left with some things, and siding with the right on others.
That's not what it is in practice though. Radical centrism is preached and used by people who generally don't want to offend anyone.
>That's not what it is in practice though
>aaaa i cant undertand why people agree with me on some things but not in all things aaaa must be the government operation
Fuck off nigger.
I'm a massive fucking centrist who sees policies on both sides of the argument, and how they can be implemented together. Centrism bridges the gap between political extremes and avoids deadlock. Jesus Christ, if everyone was hard-line on everything, all political systems would be at a standstill.
The ideology of the status quo. The people who believe that the world is fine the way it is ("America is already great") and reject any fundamental changes as they literally cannot imagine a world functioning on different premises because they haven't read the The Bread Book or whatever the equivalent is on the right.
Leftists were the ones saying that America is already great, that was a massive Hillary talking point.
The centrists are the people who make the world work for them aka the middle fucking class.
>reject any fundamental changes
Nice meme, but considering the alternatives, the world isnt actually that bad as you nazis and commiecucks believe
Fuck no.
I never have any idea if people posting about radical centrism are serious or not.
>Centrists are idiots
Actually the centrist would say that racism doesn't solve anything but we do need to examine the key issues around which the controversy has developed in an objective and fair way.
Nice try with your shitty mspaint comic though.
Aw, I hope you never lose your innocent childlike naivité, it's kinda cute.
That's not an argument.
How about attempt to refute me in the correct way rather than with a shitpost?
I agree with you, you retard. it's a parody of what comics about centrists usually look like
>Leftists were the ones saying that America is already great, that was a massive Hillary talking point.
The Left has as much overlap with Clinton Liberals* as this board does, and similar feelings towards them.
* which are center to center-left, at best. More like center-right, given her foreign policy being basically that of a bush-type neocon.