Proof that the car was attacked, causing the driver to panic!

SHARE THIS EVERYWHERE, This is proof that the driver was attacked with a bat, causing him to panic!

Other urls found in this thread:


Come on guys, THIS is what we have been waiting for. Blow this up!

>car speeding up for a considerable length
>bat hits the back of his car a couple of meters before he crashes into the other car as he intended
>he was attacked

alt-right on suicide watch

Are you retarded? He'd already floored it towards the commies.


Watch the video shareblue. He had hit NO ONE yet.

Looks to me like he wasn't being attacked there but was in a hurry to get thru the street. Thought crowd would disperse ahead of him. When it did, saw there were cars already there (white convertible, with red van in front.) Couldn't stop in time and crashed into white car.

Then backed the hell out of there, as people were converging to beat in his back window.

>break light at the beginning, showing he slowed down
>bat hits car as he's slowly pushing through
>you can hear his acceleration after the bat impact


delet now

Bottom line, it wasn't a terrorist attack. SPREAD THIS SHIT EVERYWHERE.

lol no

Hi buzzfeed

Mods are trying to shut this bread down. WE HAVE THE PROOF, NOW WHAT?????!!!!!

you forgot the break light at the beginning of the video retard

He had already floored it on a street with hundreds of protesters. Maybe he was attempting to scare them but either way he's going to prison for 40 years.

>it wasn't a terrorist attack
But it was.

The crowd wasn't "counter-protesters", it was a terrorist combat unit. That's why they were shouting, "Medic! Medic!" They were a paramilitary combat unit with a terrorist agenda. They had medics, they had armed goons.

The antifa thugs came not to counter-protest the protest / rally, but to attack the peaceful protesters, with the confidence that the terrorist-allied media and local government would repeat the fake news they fed them and treat the peaceful protesters as if they were the violent troublemakers.

Kill yourself

Well fuck. I'm way to triggered to even coherently present this case. FUCK LEFTISTS

daam you nazis are in full panic mode

kinda sad desu

>The crowd wasn't "counter-protesters", it was a terrorist combat unit. That's why they were shouting, "Medic! Medic!" They were a paramilitary combat unit with a terrorist agenda.
LOL no dude, these retards genuinely believe they're in a combat zone and they're fucking LARPing

Are you still posting this like it means anything? I saw you posting this yesterday too. It isn't a bat, it's a flag. You can clearly see it's a flag in that very video.

And I'm pretty sure you can also see the same guy in that 8 min video from the other side.

I really doubt he was able to hit anything particularly hard with it.

Not protesters. A terrorist combat unit in town to attack the protesters.

If you ram protesters, a half-dozen goons don't immediately jump on your car with baseball bats and start breaking in through the window to murder you. Rather, you'd expect people to be shocked and panicked.

They were there for a fight. They were the aggressors. Their purpose was to terrorize protesters and prevent Americans from having free speech rights and the right of peaceful assembly.

MODS, age restriction! This kid is 13

>poles on metal rods won't hurt if you get hit with them
>hit car
>large thud, denting the metal
>flag poles completely smash through windshields, reinforced glass that you wouldn't be able to punch through


a metal rod hitting your skull would kill you, you fucking retard

>these retards genuinely believe they're in a combat zone
They believe they're in a combat zone because they came with the intent of MAKING it a combat zone.

Guess what? If people show up with weapons to what they consider a combat zone, now it's a combat zone.

That was a paramilitary combat unit, with a terrorist agenda. They're terrorist combatants.

Hard enough to scare him into flooring the gas pedal. This is CLEARLY not a terrorist attack.

Eat shit, Redguard

Get COMFY, because this is going to be an EPIC, BREAD

You don't have to hit something particularly hard to make it smash in (windows, tail lights, etc). If someone started attacking my car I'd floor it.

1. Out of concern for my life (mobs are unpredictable, pic related).
2. If only to protect something I paid so much of my life working towards obtaining. The left has no respect for personal property. If I stole your bike or slashed your tires how would you feel?

>Hard enough to scare him into flooring the gas pedal. This is CLEARLY not a terrorist attack.
So someone smacked the back of his car with a flagpole when he was already heading towards a crowd with his car in a narrow street. The idea that this means it wasn't intentional let alone apparently proves it is fucking nonsense, dude. People were already screaming and running before the guy with the flag even does anything.

Antifa over screams and cries over everything.

This webm is proof.


I thought physical removal of communists was the only way?

the driver dindu nuffin wrong as far as i'm concerned

You're an idiot. Sage

Reminder that all commies will be hung in public on the day of the rope


It's a good meme that's all that counts. Fuck the truth on this one. If he did it deliberately, meme it out of existence, if he crashed because of antifa, meme even harder.

I've already made my argument. You ignored it. Why did he floor it at the beginning of the video. Just answer that.

Did you miss the first three seconds of the video?

The left is deranged . He was chased down the road and his car attacked . Then he left as the mod were going to kill him . Sjw don't have jobs or cars they don't respect property

That's good. He has a defense

Because he wanted them to move out of the way. He thought he would be able to part them (like moses and the red sea) and get the fuck away from all of those commies. It was an unfortunate accident. The kid is some fat young autist, not a terrorist.

There is a earlier part of that video where he's attacked and chased down the road . A brick was thrown at his car . Post the full video

Most retarded post I've read this morning. No surprise it's an amerifat


I don't see any crosswalks nearby. Why are so many people in the streets?

Post it my potato blood brother! I haven't seen it yet.

he didn't floor it you fucking tard.

Oh he wanted to get away from all the commies? Nevermind he should be acquitted for sure.

He did it on purpose that's why he drove down the sidewa-

Did you see his car? I'd like to drive fast in that thing. It probably has good brakes too in case of a sudden mob that doesn't want to go out of the way. Most of us would have done the same in this situation. Cars are supposed to move freely on the road. Don't blame people for driving.


Moral of story is roads are for driving on and as propel pay car tax they have a right to drive uninterrupted by mobs . Pedestrian sidewalks are for walking on . There Ends the lesson



Yea I guess he just didn't have any tread on his tires. Need to always check your tires.

yo is this picture true? someone posted it in another bread

'Floor it' lol
He was accelerating at the beginning when there was about 20 meters between him and the crowd, he slowed down, got attacked, sped up

he's just a jew larping as a nazi

no big deal senpai

Many car tires were slashed the night before by antifa terrorists. Maybe his breaks did not work . Maybe they cut them too

they really cant help themselves, can they

Someone pls explain why people are blocking a roadway?

I agree. It's time we used MEME MAGIC to save our white Sup Forumsrother from BIG BUBBA.


This is so beautiful. We are breaking the conditioning lads

Even if he was paniced, what idiot stomps on the gas when there are hundreds of people in front of him.

So why did he spin out in the first place? Just having a good time?

retard race trator
Go suck my mother's fucking dick

Black lives matter think they can block roads . Now I have every sympathy for people being shit by cops if they did nuffin wrong but shooting cops makes u terrorists . They attacked the car and blocked the road chanting who's streets our streets we own the streets . Well no you don't now get out of the way

no, you retarded nigger

Which one in the video is the chick who died? Does anybody know this?

>Don't stomp on the gas
>Get pulled out of your car and killed

If he was "aiming for protesters" why didn't he swerve into the much larger crowd on the sides of the road?
That alone told me he didn't intentionally try to hit protesters, he was just trying to speed out of there, unfortunately there were two cars stopped in front of him that he couldn't see due to the people blocking the road. Combine that with his car getting hit and he isn't going to be convicted of murder.

I don't think you understand the concept of panic, or anything related to what's happened in Charlottesville. Please go back to Age of Empires.

libs like to use the tactics that "if you hurt me, we win", but the funny part is that they depend on the police interpretation of the law more than anything, the very force they hate. unfortunately, the mayor ordered the police off, which should say enough

you must have watched a different video, all I saw were commies

This is just the same bit of footage, nothing new here at all, I want to see what they're doing to his car immediately before the filming starts, this is when they first attacked him as I understand it.

Boom! We need to take these ideas to the public somehow. Fight the (((mainstream media)))!

Stopping in a crowd of rioters is how you get pulled out of your car and beaten half to death

The media demonizes humans and humanizes demons.

>hundreds of mentally unstable and potentionally violent people

what a mystery

>Come on guys, THIS is what we have been waiting for. Blow this up!
This is the first footage to come out, nothing new here at all.

>if you hurt me, we win

the cucks have learned well

this. if some random fucking cunt starts trashing the car youre sitting in, are you supposed to just take it on faith that he isnt going to try to kill you

The guy was going home and his car was stopped as he looked like a alt right . He felt trapped . Maybe mace in his eyes and mobs with sticks made him shit himself . Maybe he had ptsd . This could be his first rodeo .


Who hasn't fantasized about ploughing a car through a bunch of snowflakes blocking the road?
Living the dream

There is enough here to prove it's not a terrorist attack.

Bump and share

Why was he driving up to a crowd of protesters in the first place? I guess he just wanted to hand out Pepsis? Maybe there was a rare Pokemon in the area? Goddamn Sup Forums is stupid.

Cops said it was premeditated. That's likely what he told them in the interrogation room. Pretending to be retarded isn't going to save him.


>0.00001 cent has been posted to your gulag commissary card

No one has a rift to stop anybody driving down the road . Unless ur a cop . You don't stop cars holding sticks and bricks and expect people not to shit themselves and press the accelerator



My contribution.

>MSM calls this an act of racist white deliberate terror
>never reports on ongoing Antifa violence in past months

Everybody forget this?

Driver was acquitted because "he felt threatened" by an angry mob of bikers so mowed them down to escape. This is the same thing, it's not truck of peace plowing through a Xmas market it's a mob of bat wielding communist thugs.

>tfw he walks and salt covers the media

I already said if someone ever bangs up my car that I spent so much money on and time fixing, I'm going to either get out and beat their ass or floor it. It's the most sane thing to do.

>implying someone is just going to sit there and let their car get destroyed, which insurance companies will have trouble saying can be fixed and will spend months with a broken ass car. Meanwhile, might get pulled out car and stuff through glass, and beaten up because MUH PEACE

fuck that

>Someone pls explain why people are blocking a roadway?
Antifa is a paramilitary terrorist organization. Those aren't protesters, they're a combat unit, who came to town to initiate violence.

Blocking roadways is one of the ways they force contact with people who want to avoid them.

The actual protesters had their permit pulled and were ordered to disperse. Antifa blocked the routes of retreat, so they could physically attack the law-abiding protesters.

This was a terrorist incident, but the driver of the car was a target of terrorism, while the crowd blocking the road are the terrorists.