Why doesn't the alt-right adopt Uncle Sam as their icon? Seems fitting to me

Why doesn't the alt-right adopt Uncle Sam as their icon? Seems fitting to me.

Being called nazis and fascists by retards constantly I think if we were to make a memetic progaganda campaign utilizing Uncle Sam we could seriously begin to influence people.

An immediately identifiable character that people understand and associate with the U.S. "good guys". I think it may just be worth it. What was Uncle Sam if not an extremely effective meme campaign of yesteryear? We should bring him back.

user is on to something here

Because Uncle Sam doesn't take shit from Nazis, lol.

You larping losers are so clueless.

OP here. Your picture you took from somewhere validates the efficientcy of my idea. Fuck off back to facebook where that meme is trending.

>Fuck off back to facebook where that meme is trending.

Yes. Yes it is, isn't it? ;-)

>Your picture you took from somewhere validates the efficientcy of my idea.
>efficientcy (nigger spelling)

You yourself admitted it's trending on the other side.
You were beat to the punch,
just like when that buff brown dude stole your middle school crush
that you were too scared to talk to, lol.

Uncle Sam is too closely tied to the military industrial complex.
Lady Columbia better conveys the spirit of America in a more endearing way.

the alt right isn't nazis, this whole staged event was a trap to make the alt right (a term they invented to contain and diminish populism) into literally hitler. it failed because it was too obvious. but not too obvious for you apparantly

Come join the MRA/Gamer-gate/Alt-Right,
now represented by a powerful overweight woman in a pussy hat!

lol, the ideas just keep flowing, don't they??
no wonder you guys are such losers.

even you don't believe this crap, you want to sell it to me? lol

Did you just assume her gender?

I would never say such a shitty thing,
but apparently you would.

We need to find a way to drive older whites to the cause. Make them realize that their being attacked too. Young people can't win this alone. Push memes involving European Franternal organizations, knights of Columbus, sons of Norway, order of Scottish clans. Once the libs come knocking on their door demanding they stop taking pride in their heritage they will come to us.

Why not both?

>We need to find a way to drive older whites to the cause
>Push memes

lol, you guys are so clueless,
can you even think twice about the crap you think up?

I will not allow you to corrupt Uncle Sam.

Old guy here. Doing everything I can to help you kids out. God Bless you and pump out all the white babies you can. You guys have a winning strategy in the race war. Don't be deterred. Let them call you whatever name they wish and put it on like a skin in a video game but whatever you do DO WHAT MUST BE DONE. Remember, in war, there is no substitute for Victory.

>God Bless you and pump out all the white babies you can.

lol losers

As a shitskin, I think we all lose. Most of the world would love to see us divide and conquer ourselves. You made the mistake of actually buying in, to one side or the other. I think both sides represent ouroboros, the snake that devours itself. The left being the head, because in it, at least a brain exists. The right, the tail, because this is where the shit comes out. I blame the left as much as the right for eating shit in the first place. If it were up to me, any radicals would have their tongues and genitalia removed.

Its how they've done it for hundreds of years. Or are you familiar with propaganda?

Anyways, arguing will not accomplish anything. To be effective we have to strive towards results and not bicker like children. Lets post ideas in this thread. Pol is flooded with leftie fags rn just here since the Charlottesville shitshow. Overlook them and carry on.

They'll never see the memes, but they will see the libs call them racist on Fox News.

They'll never see the memes, but they will see the libs call them racist on Fox News. It makes it personal for them. They will be angry.

Not at all. Let it trend. Facebook has a serious flaw in that it lets people create echochambers. They block, delete and unfriend whomever they want and it creates a false sense of reality. Limiting content to certain people who only associiate within their comfort zone. It may be trending but only among certain massive groups of people. I'm thinking much beyond that. I choose uncle sam because it is recongnizable and easily extendable beyond the internet. Facebook programming will not stop a well thought out meme machine. Sorry buddy.

We make them and print out and post up over your city? This is uncle sam, not pepe, not some goofy meme. This is propaganda my friend.

Because www.samandmefilm.com owns the copyright and views Uncle Sam as a has-been.

Throw in the eagle and snek too

Remain user. Simple.

Uncle sam is jewish OP. Good luck.