Blacks are less human, its scientifically proven.
No matter if some are smart or educated they are still genetically very far from us.
Blacks are less human, its scientifically proven.
No matter if some are smart or educated they are still genetically very far from us.
Other urls found in this thread:
Abos which are the closest race to being subhuman are closer to whites then they are to blacks. Also whites have no problems creating offspring with blacks, see the entire african american population in the us which is on average 25% white. Your claim is no where near scientific.
>Tigers are the same as lions because they can have kids together
This is how dumb you sound
Why can New World Natives, Asians, and South East Asians can make cities and other things, but not Abos and Sub Saharan Africans??
Niggers are not humans. It's a fact.
Actually, blacks are literally the only true humans in existence as they have no neanderthal admixture.
Kill yourself OP. Take Bio 101 sometime
The only way to humanize blacks is for whites to racemix with them
Can I get a source on this graph or another like it?
Very good Sir.
>implying half-blacks act any less niggardly
The only solution is the final one
Ligers are infertile and can only be made with a male lion and female tiger.
Again your claim is not scientific, the genetic difference between tigers and lions is way bigger then that between the races of humans. Lions and tigers are different species but the same genus. You're just a insecure fuck trying to prop yourself up by stating your perceived superiority over other groups of people.
half black act at most 25% less niggerly but on average about 5% or less.
Who said anything about being superior?
If you feel inferior about being a nigger, that's you own doing, I never said anything.
bluepilled as it gets m8
That's why you keep breeding with the browns until there's no more of them left
Blacks never developed a word or concept for human. That's a European notion.
Focus on your own issues. I mean science or not, you're personal failures won't improve because of whatever race you are. The clock is ticking.
the fuck are APGolla?
gotcha famalamamamamamaalama
source on image
sources to btfo niggers:
(1997) Barbujani et. al., find a human genetic distance of ,155. There are no recognized subspecies.
(2001) Kim et. al., find an Asian dog genetic distance of ,154. There are eleven recognized subspecies.
(1994) Roy et. al., find a North American coyote genetic distance of ,107. There are nineteen recognized subspecies.
(2002) Schwartz et. al., find a Canadian lynx genetic distance of ,033. There are three recognized subspecies.
(2014) Jackson et. al., find a humpback whale genetic distance of ,12. There are three recognized subspecies.
(2008) Lorenzen, Arctander & Siegismund find a plains zebra genetic distance of ,11. There are five recognized subspecies.
(2003) Pierpaoli et. al., find a European wildcat genetic distance of ,11. There are three recognized subspecies and five biogeographic groups according to (Mattucci et. al., 2016).
(2007) Lorenzen et. al., find a Kob antelope genetic distance of ,11. There are two to three recognized subspecies.
its because even subhuman abos are better than you
We don't have enough whites to do that, we might've a hundred years ago, but not now.
(2003) Jordana et. al., find a south European beef cattle genetic distance of ,068. There are eighteen recognized subspecies.
(2004) Williams et. al., find a red winged blackbird genetic distance of ,01. There are twenty-two recognized subspecies.
ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh not really
All abos ever made were sticks, Africans actually created small towns.
(1997) Wise et. al., show that the genetic variability within humans is 0,776. There are zero recognized human subspecies.
(1997) Wise et. al., find a chimpanzee genetic variability of ,63. There are four recognized subspecies.
(2001) Uphyrkina et. al., find a leopard genetic variability of ,58. There are thirteen recognized subspecies.
(2001) Eizirik et. al., find a jaguar genetic variability of ,739. There are nine recognized subspecies.
(2000) Culver et. al., find a puma genetic variability of ,52. There are six recognized subspecies.
(2002) Schwartz et. al., find a Canadian lynx genetic variability of ,66. There are three recognized subspecies.
(1998) Paetkau et. al., find a North American brown bear genetic variability of ,5275. There are nineteen recognized subspecies.
black people are basically baboons
(2000) Waits et. al., find a Scandinavian brown bear genetic variability of ,687. There are nineteen recognized subspecies.
(1996) Garcia-Moreno et. al., find a coyote genetic variability of ,629. There are nineteen recognized subspecies. They further find a Gray wolf genetic variability of ,574. There are thirty-seven recognized subspecies.
(2001) Girman et. al., find an African wild dog genetic variability of ,643. There are five recognized subspecies.
(2001) Kyle & Strobeck find a North American wolverine genetic variability of ,55. There are two to three recognized subspecies.
(2001) Walker et. al., find a Scandinavian wolverine genetic variability of ,325. There are three recognized subspecies.
(2000) Polziehn et. al., find an elk genetic variability of ,395. There are seven to eight recognized subspecies.
(1995) Forbes et. al., find a bighorn sheep genetic variability of ,6235. There are three recognized subspecies.
(2000) Reinartz et. al., find a bonobo genetic variability of ,535. There is one subspecies.
(1999) Paetkau et. al., find a polar bear genetic variability of ,68. There is one subspecies.
(1999) Wilton, Steward & Zafiris find an Australian dingo genetic variability of ,445. There is one recognized subspecies.
(1996) Garcia-Moreno et. al., find a domesticated dog genetic variability of ,5085. There is one recognized subspecies, and there are many breeds.
(2000) Turkheimer presents his Three Laws of Behavioral Genetics and explains their meaning.
Turkheimer begins by stating, "The nature-nurture debate is over. The bottom line is that everything is heritable, an outcome that has taken all sides of the naturenurture debate by surprise. Irving Gottesman and I have suggested that the universal influence of genes on behavior be enshrined as the first law of behavior genetics (Turkheimer & Gottesman, 1991), and at the risk of naming laws that I can take no credit for discovering, it is worth stating the nearly unanimous results of behavior genetics in a more formal manner."
The Three Laws are as follows:
? First Law. All human behavioral traits are heritable.
? Second Law. The effect of being raised in the same family is smaller than the effect of genes.
? Third Law. A substantial portion of the variation in complex human behavioral traits is not accounted for by the effects of genes or families.
(2005) Philippe Rushton and Arthur Jensen (author of, "The g Factor") conclude that IQ is the greatest indicator of future success in Western societies when inter-generational income dependence is accounted for.
They also found that IQ is at least 50% heritable and likely nearer to 80% heritable. To draw comparison, height is 70-90% heritable.
During their analysis they concluded that Whites have a minimum of 75% IQ heritability.
(2004) Plomin & Spinath discuss intelligence in the wider context of genetics, genes, and genomics.
Their discussion is multi-faceted; their analysis illustrates proof of the genetic heritability of intelligence, the immense weakness of environmental explanations for intelligence, changes in heritability during development, a multivariate analysis of IQ and various testing metrics, gene expression profiling, and genomics.
This is an excellent compilatory piece.
if only it were that easy
(2009) Rushton & Jensen refute erroneous claims made about the nature of the Flynn Effect and its relationship with the Black-White IQ gap.
In their conclusions they state, "We conclude that predictions about the Black–White IQ gap narrowing as a result of the secular rise are unsupported. The (mostly heritable) cause of the one is not the (mostly environmental) cause of the other. The Flynn Effect (the secular rise in IQ) is not a Jensen Effect (because it does not occur on g)."
(2001) Rushton & Rushton show evidence for racial-group differences in the form of brain size and structure, IQ, and musculoskeletal trait variation.
Their analysis shows significant variation in both the structure and sizes of the brains of Negroids, Caucasoids, and East-Asians. In addition to this, they have found differences in the skull shapes and structures of the races, alongside differences in average height and weight and all parts of the bone and muscle structures from the neck to the feet.
(2007) Shatz analyzes the relationship between IQ and fertility.
They find that IQ is negatively associated with total fertility rate, birth rate, and population growth rate. This means that higher IQ populations are less fertile than lower IQ populations.
(2013) Michael Woodley, Jan Nijenhuis, and Raegan Murphy conclude that Western IQs have declined by an average of 1,6 points per decade since the Victorian Era.
Higher IQ people are more productive, healthier, and are more creative. The reduction in IQs across the West has been met with a marked decrease in average productivity and general health despite vast increases in average wealth, nutrition and access to healthcare.
The cumulative reduction in IQ is between 12,45 and 13,35 points or roughly one standard deviation on a normal IQ bell curve. This represents an eight-fold reduction in the number of geniuses and a counter to the Flynn Effect.
The resultant decrease in IQ is attributed to dysgenics in the form of outbreeding and negative mate selection within populations. The importation of migrants of different races and ethnicities preempts the outbreeding and subsequent loss in IQ. This effect has sped up as migration has increased.
>Blacks are less human, its scientifically proven.
>Who said anything about being superior?
Meanwhile you whites have the highest neanderthal admixture literally making you less human then africans.
>This unsourced infographic I made in paint is more valid than a peer-reviewed scientific article.
>Abos which are the closest race to being subhuman are closer to whites then they are to blacks. Also whites have no problems creating offspring with blacks
why shitpost like this when you don't even know taxonomy 101
So pure whites>pure african>mixed babies
no suprise there
That's because they are still Neanderthals, fucktard
and you have like 200 other weird ass monkey admixtures you arent very educated but thats to be expected
Coyotes, jackals, wolves, and dogs
Cattle and bison
False killer whales and dolphins
Viable offspring
>hiding location behind a reddit flag
are you a swede, cuckman, leaf, poo, or (You)Kuck?
Are whites even human? They need sunblock just to leave the house.
>hiding location behind a reddit flag
are you a swede, cuckman, leaf, poo, or (You)Kuck?
All of you "scientific racists" need to sit down and take a breather. You have common ancestors, grandmothers and grandfathers with every other person on the planet.
The idea of an "eternally pure race" is ludicrous, given the length of recorded history wars, slaving and conquest. The haploids are constructs them selves.
Same goes for all of you ideological racists, right and left. Smarten up. Recognize people have differences and it causes problems sometimes, don't use that to justify hatred and discrimination, at the same time, don't pretend it doesn't exist and/or try to do away with it. People will always find differences and commonalities between themselves and form groups based on this.
>hiding location behind a reddit flag
are you a swede, cuckman, leaf, poo, or (You)Kuck?
>The idea of an "eternally pure race" is ludicrous
Sure. The idea of eugenics is not.
this reddit flag man gets it
OMG based black destroyed white supremacist cuck.
hahahaha this is the end Sup Forumstards
Okay so by what metric do you quantify blacks not being human while all other races are. Your using psuedo science to prove something you believe. Again whites have the highest neanderthal admixture while blacks have the lowest. So what, does having neanderthal blood make your more homosapien?
and yet tigers and lions are both cool and majestic looking instead looking like a wonky poop man
But Ligers, like Mules can't reproduce. I can't tell if this is bait.
humans and neanderthal bred too, you can be a different species and breed
actually asians have the most neanderthal admixture, and asians also have the highest iqs, hmmmm
It's not he's just grasping at straws to try to prove his point using psuedo science.
I'm not even going to try to correct all of the punctuation and capitalization mistakes.
its true, whites and asians are neotenized neanderthals, but thats a good thing, blacks are something different entirely and have no history other than an endless cycle of rape and starving to death
and being slaves
So again does having higher iq make you more human? Because abos have the lowest iqs and they are one of the farthest genetically from africans. You'll generally find that those in cold climate have higher iqs because the harsh winter naturally selects for smarter people to survive (those that can build better clothing, shelter, store food etc). Also iq varies quite substantially among the population, is an asian with 90iq more human than an african with 100iq or more, of which there are many millions. Keep coming with the pseudoscience.
We izzzzz
>hiding location behind a reddit flag
are you a swede, cuckman, leaf, poo, or (You)Kuck?
>Hurr durr he made spelling mistakes on his post on Sup Forums
>This proves all blacks are retarded. *pats self on back*
Too bad you can't actually answer any of my questions. You really are an enlightened one.
whatever you are, you're a bunch of disgusting poop-colored robbers and you shouldn't have the right to vote.
Places with more wars tend to have higher IQs. People needed to think and invest and find ways to kill people more efficiently.
China, Japan, and Korea were fucking Warzones for a majority of their history. China especially keeps getting fucked over every 100-200 years or so. Europe also fought constantly, but they did have relative peace for a few 1000 years with Rome and other places.
>an african with 100iq or more
you can stop trolling now
>hiding location behind a reddit flag
are you a swede, cuckman, leaf, poo, or (You)Kuck?
By his definition maybe, you're an outdated nigger, hence the smaller brain capacity and derelict cultures riddled through out your shithole continent. The neanderthal mix was necessary in the development of civilization, and even if it wasn't, we'll never find out because your aidsfrican ancestors sure couldnt accomplish it.
did you know that blacks are so retarded, they had to change the definition of retarded so that it wouldn't offend blacks?
Anecdotal evidence. Wars have been constant, everywhere, until pretty recently.
>muslim flag.
Nigger have an higher high point than whites and you, just the majotity is stupid like bread. Feel superior in your stone dessert raping minor goats
So you're telling me that Ecuadorian and Bolivian people are the most evolved humans? right...
>Ligers are infertile
A cross between a lion and a liger is called a Liliger
The first highly documented case of a liger giving birth was at the new York zoo in 1942.
ALL the large cats have been crossed (lion, tiger, jaguar and leopard).
On top of that.
Coyotes can cross breed with grey wolves and produce fertile offspring (or dogs).
However, dire wolves cannot cross with either.
There are thousands of species that can cross and produce fertile offspring.
>all organisms within a species must be able to produce viable young.
>being able to produce fertile offspring DOES NOT automatically group organisms into the same species.
I really fucking hate it when people talk about species when they don't have a clue about biology.
Okay thanks for admitting you're just bigoted. Just don't pretend your claims are in any way scientific.
>did you know that blacks are so retarded, they had to change the definition of retarded so that it wouldn't offend blacks?
>Because abos have the lowest iqs and they are one of the farthest genetically from africans
Of course they are, they're the second most genetically isolated group, after only your garden variety nigger. Meaning that after Africans there is no group farther separated from humans than the abbos.
Stupid argument from a stupid hominid.
>yes this very thoughtful image macro proves this entirely
I'm not just bigoted. I have the facts on my side. Blacks are objectively less intelligent than whites, and yes, Jews are smarter than whites.
nice strawman. we recognize that subsets of jews and asians outscore whites on iq tests. what you fail to recognize (or what you are intentionally ignoring in order to mislead your audience) are the degrees of difference.
for example: white iq follows a normal distribution as do other population iqs. within the white iq there is a standard deviation--the mean nigger iq is a full standard deviation below the mean white iq. meanwhile, the mean white iq is not a full stdev below any other race's iq. you should have paid attention to stats class in high school. this must be embarrassing for you
Okay so does having a higher average iq make a race superior?
ISRAEL Avg. IQ: 95
All they have is their pay up goyim because 6 gorillion.
being able to feed yourself, for one
it doesn't matter, but every group looks for their own best interests. for kikes it's world domination, for whites it's peace and prosperity, for niggers it's oogabooga.
>for example: white iq follows a normal distribution as do other population iqs. within the white iq there is a standard deviation--the mean nigger iq is a full standard deviation below the mean white iq. meanwhile, the mean white iq is not a full stdev below any other race's iq.
Sauce please, id like to know where you found a bellcurve of the iqs of Jews.
abos dont have neanderthal dna
It's funny, you can't understand because your IQ is too low.
The Japanese absolutely, 100% do. Not with unreasonable results, many regional results show positive(and negative) variances exceeding theirs by up to a factor of three. Haven't heard any reason to seriously doubt the Koreans results either and they score similarly. Of course, Chinese aren't at all trustworthy and their PISA results among other things, I'm sure, are pure horseshit(selecting only a few cities to represent the nation as a whole).
Gooks and nips aren't exactly select subsets, they're large groups, ethnicities with their own sovereign nations. No need to shit on their positives.
>shifting goalposts
we're discussing nigger vs human iq here. stop trying to obfuscate
>The Japanese absolutely, 100% do
i already said that
I dont hate all jews, the problem with them isnt that they arent human its that many of them are seriously perverse and seek to destroy the white race using, you guessed it, niggers and the media
Not in and of itself. Superior is subjective, and my definition of a "superior" race would be:
>high intelligence
>attractive features
>low neuroticism
>high in-group preference
Nice anecdote.
>hurr durr Zimbabwe had people starving, this represents the "black race" whatever that's supposed to mean. Also pro tip Africa has the largest genetic diversity of any continent of humans originating from there.
>nice strawman. we recognize that subsets of jews and asians outscore whites on iq tests. what you fail to recognize (or what you are intentionally ignoring in order to mislead your audience) are the degrees of difference.
>we're discussing nigger vs human iq here. stop trying to obfuscate
Holy fucking kek im done with you
>Also pro tip Africa has the largest genetic diversity of any continent of humans originating from there.
and they still cannot feed themselves. top cuck. every other months it's some other niggertopia begging for eurocucks and other assorted white traitors' gibs
I'm a unicorn, it's a fact.
>Holy fucking kek im done with you
you can leave any time, larpy. you must be tired of getting owned
lies, Im white and if world domination means I wont have to put up with diversity bullshit then I say lets do it. We tried to play nice and we got taken advantage of, now we know what we want and we will get it.
>Nice anecdote.
There Are No Successful Black Nations
So you're saying that these humans are less human than other humans because they mixed with some other kind of humans?
Do you even know what a neanderthal look like ?
Use your fucking brain
i acknowledged that other races outscore whites but my specific point is that niggers are far below whites (and farther below east asians and jews)
try to keep up, larpy
the diversity is likely why they are so fucked in the head, mixing with so many different types of subhuman apes is a bitch to mix out of the human genome.