>“No mother wants to lose a child, but I’m proud of her,” she said. “I’m proud of what she did.”
Her name was Heather Heyer.
>“No mother wants to lose a child, but I’m proud of her,” she said. “I’m proud of what she did.”
Her name was Heather Heyer.
I hope shadman draws her.
Dumb fucking fat cunt. All these dumb fucks are, are soros funded groups.
What did she did?
Also coalburner
Press S to spit on grave.
Anyone who surrounds themselves with Antifa deserves any violence they get. It's Antifa's whole thing.
More like Heifer Heyer.
quick rundown?
payed the toll
>she was 32
>had no children of her own
>was a marxist activist
good riddance to a stain on humanity. I hope that horrible cunt is burning in hell right now
useless cunt
she spread her legs only for negros!
Was she the one that ended up on the hood, or was she backed over?
How many people did she save with her fat?
Typical american female.
I'm amazed anybody would even want to stick their dick in
she was a piece of shit, and now she's a dead piece of shit.
i spit on her grave.
This is a wake up call to Sup Forums
you aren't going to save the white race by killing innocent white women. You say what you want about her, but she didn't hurt anyone. She was just there because she believed that racism was bad. She's dead because some manlet wanted to be a hero to a bunch of frog worshipping faggots on the internet.
Call her a coalburner, call her fat, call her whatever you want, it doesn't change the fact that you killed her Sup Forums her blood is on your hands and the hands of all the Nazi LARP faggots who are in actuality helping in destroying white people as a whole.
Hog hunter extraordinaire.
This guy will have a job in Texas after he serves his 30 days.
She was an old fat cunt who fucked black dudes. Good riddance.
>you killed her Sup Forums her blood is on your hands
Yeah buddy.
nazism is not and never was about 'white supremacy. you have no fucking clue what you're talking about. you can't be a racist and a nazi at the same time.
yes. we must kill every traitor before even starting on the enemy. she was not on our side, and so she was not innocent. she justly deserved death.
you're too fucking retarded to even know what was going on with the incident.
a retarded coward. not a good combo. you are a traitor. it's more important that YOU are killed than a nigger.
The weird thing about faggot liberals is they never seem to care that much over the death of a child. Its fucking strange.
Look at the actual state of the guy, ironically enough, he seems the wigger type.
Why be proud of obese coal burning terrorist.
Fuck she should be praising the nationalists for cutting her food bill down to zero.
Begs the question do whales go to heaven?
What do you want to call me a murderer for, I never killed anyone, but I don't spend my whole life trying to put the blame over on you because my cigarette didn't light or because something didn't work right. If I wanted to kill somebody, I'd take this book and beat you to death with it, and I wouldn't feel a thing.
I've never killed anyone. I don't need to kill anyone. I think it. I have it here!
>you aren't going to save the white race by killing innocent white women.
How was she innocent?
>Nazi LARP faggots
Nigger nobody is going to take you serious round here. Know your place nigger.
only if it's her getting pegged by a decepticon.
Diabetes did 95% of the work, the car only finished her off.
>32 year old childless coalburner overweight slut
Nothing of value was lost.
>I’m proud of her,” she said. “I’m proud of what she did.”
And she is dead, thank the gods
>letting millions of immigrants into the country and allowing the youth to be seduced by Marxism is killing the white race
>killing the people responsible for spreading this poison is killing the white race too
ok then
>muslim drives over white girls
>Sup Forums chimps out, muslims say she deserved to die for being non-muslim
>white guy drives over white girl
>he dindu nuffin he a good boy, she deserved to die for not being right wing
stop being niggers you fucking losers
at least now she doesn't have to lose that weight she's been putting off for the last 8 years
Truth wins in the long run. You'll see.
I agree with her mother: I too am glad she's dead.
more like Heather Heifer amirite
Where the hell was she from? What state did she live in...
The level of hypocrisy I saw on Sup Forums yesterday is worse than some of the cognitive dissonance I've seen from leftists. But of course -
>Muh Sharia blue and JIDF shill.
If she is fromTexas she answered the actors add primising money and no porn...shady shit
>killing innocent white women
Traitors aren't innocent.
fuck me thats so disgusting
Her name was fatty mcfatster and her fat, half naked body will be mocked forever.
>muslim run over a random white child
>white guy killed a childless leftist fat denerate white women who hated her own race and was with antifa and chose to participate in this counter protest.
Why is anti-Sup Forums so fucking stupid? Do you think we like her just cause she has the same skin color? She was worthless as a white person. She was a race traitor. Good riddance.
Toll paid
Another sad thing about this is that a bunch of those torch waving idiots who marched are getting doxed and losing their jobs. I know most of you are unemployed neets, but these guys weren't stealing my money to pay for their welfare, food stamps, and medicaid; now there are more unemployed idiots going to be stealing my tax money.
Looks like university of Texas college shirt orange and white and boys cap hat..check buses and trains up there to charlottesville va Saturday...seriously they had add on sell it groups looking for actors from Texas prior to incident..
>>“No mother wants to lose a child, but I’m proud of her,” she said. “I’m proud of what she did.”
What kind of a comment is this? They lose a child and issue some tepid statement about it?
Nothing happened...till they bused or trained in the other groups....
God damnit
This. Fuck the fat cunt.
U Tenn not Texas
Stop forgetting that the fault lies with antifa and the government for what they did. This would have been a peaceful legal rally without their actions.
She was a good girl. She did do muffins.
How come every time I see pictures of these "White Pride" rallies, the participants all look like the stupidest, most inbred mongrels it's possible to scrape off the trailer park floor.
Not a single fucking one is handsome or good looking, or an example of why the "White Race" is worth holding in high regard.
Then they go and kill a white woman, because "muh politics". What a fucking disgrace, that you can't even talk and reason about this shit like the civilised master race you're supposed to be.
I bet none of you are examples of an Ubermensch. Culling you all would be a benefit to your cause, so just kill yourselves.
I'm good with dead communists.
>Her name was Heather "Hemi" Heyer
Their trying to make her a martyr..to stop protesting
Even without that she totally deserved it.
>Her name was Heather Heyer.
She was fut cunt, only mother could love.
Tennessee my ass texa's ranger ball cap...them wearing the orange and white UT colors...
also don't forget that being morbidly obese greatly complicated any efforts made to save her life
Texas those college kids from UT fly orange and white >rangers ball cap
>Muslims take over
>Force all Christians to convert to Islam, deconstruct the American government, create a race of mulattos and replaces us completely.
>White people are destroyed.
>Nazis take over
>We can all get jobs again, we are free of Jewish degeneracy, can all get beautiful wives and raise healthy white children.
>White people are elevated
Shut the fuck up, the end result of al Qaeda's worldview is infinitely worse for me and mine than the end result of Richard Spencers worldview.
she burned the coal?
coalburning whores deserve nothing less
>landwhale coalburner who had no white children dies
nothing of value was lost
typical leftist double standards.
BLM kills cops in Dallas but oh didn't represent us!
leftist shoots up a baseball field fails to kill anyone but oh he was just some crazy bernout!!
antifa destroys property attacks people and lets not forget bike lock guy! but oh they didn't dindu nuffin
the coal toll always catches up.
I'm sorry....who is doing the killing?
Doesn't antifa support illegal invaders?
They are literally allowing criminals to come into our country that may harm you or your family
Always kill a traitor before an enemy.
I'm amazed they could find the holes in the first place.
>I’m proud of what she did
Got love tapped by a car and died because she was morbidly obese?
Went out to try to shut down a rally that received clearance from the supreme court?
It's pathetic that these shills can't even come up with their own catch phrases
>Her name was fat cunt
His name was Seth Rich. Funny how you people don't care about people dying when they incriminate corrupt politicians, but when some lardo dies trying to eat the first amendment you go up in arms. Or maybe that's a bad phrase to use, since I'm sure she was planning on having the second amendment for desert.
quads of truth
More cushin for the pushin.
Come now,
Don't look back in anger
Where in my post do you see me defending BLM or AntiFa?
What about all the guys she catfished?
And his name was Seth Rich.
This is the war they started. This is the war we'll finish.
>we must kill every traitor before even starting on the enemy
Why not strike the (((root))) of the problem?
she's relieved she won't have to deal with the future embarrassment of a 40 year old, Type 2 Diabetes ridden, without a husband, daughter anymore
criminal thug caught rioting with violent communists