>be a loser
Wow, really makes u think huh? Does pol want to lose?
>be a loser
Wow, really makes u think huh? Does pol want to lose?
Rather lose standing for what I believe in than die on my knees.
I wouldnt lump Rhodesia with the other two considering the failure that is starving zimbabwe ATM
we have a thing for people who fight even tho they know they can't win. Its called bravery
These flags have literally nothing to do with each other
>they all failed
Every country fails eventually you dumbfuck.
tfw you don't have a home to fight for.
That's exactly what will happen, just as it did to your idols
they did fail, just like SA, they lost their hegemony over their country, their strategy couldn't last
You forgot the soviet flag.
Also the American flag soon since the people running your country in 50 years will have no relationship whatsoever racially or culturally with those who founded it.
>he worship a dead god
Lol what a loser. In a couple years nobody will remember his name, praise Jupiter.
doesn't fit the pattern or the thread's theme, tha pol keeps following losers' footsteps
Everyone here knows commeis are retards already
>punished user
>a hero denied his homeland
Hitler fought for justice and his people, he fought the entire world of corrupt globalists and almost won.
The South was made up of ordinary people, farmers and countrymen who were fighting for the same rights the founding fathers fought for, against a professional military force that was violating the constitution and the principle of democracy.
On the other hand, who do commies worship? The USSR? A repressive regime that literally everyone hated, that murdered millions, that was prone to famines, that collapsed in peace time?
Who do cucks worship? Reagan? They don't believe in anything desu.
Only the Right has anyone worth following.
As a shitskin, I think we all lose. Most of the world would love to see us divide and conquer ourselves. You made the mistake of actually buying in, to one side or the other. I think both sides represent ouroboros, the snake that devours itself. The left being the head, because in it, at least a brain exists. The right, the tail, because this is where the shit comes out. I blame the left as much as the right for eating shit in the first place. If it were up to me, any radicals would have their tongues and genitalia removed.
We aren't nazis or confederates. Only by rejecting them can we make this a movement of our own. I hope we attack these nazi larpers and dumbass confederates out of this group. Purge the morons is the only way forward from here.
Rhodesia didn't fail. It was literally gang fucked by nations that didn't have any business being in their situation. Western Governments have been cucked since the early 1900s
newfags don't sage and hide obvious and shitty bait threads
>Hitler fought for justice and his people, he fought the entire world of corrupt globalists and almost won.
And got his country split in two and occupied for decades. Lost.
>The South was made up of ordinary people, farmers and countrymen who were fighting for the same rights the founding fathers fought for, against a professional military force that was violating the constitution and the principle of democracy.
And got occupied for centuries because they fought a war any retard knew they couldn't win. Aka lost
>On the other hand, who do commies worship? The USSR? A repressive regime that literally everyone hated, that murdered millions, that was prone to famines, that collapsed in peace time?
Very retarded, but at least they lasted more than the retard regimes pol tries to emulate and managed to subvert public opinion so much that to this day no one condemns them nearly as hard even tho they killed 100 million people and were the worst cancer that ever touched earth
>literally gang fucked by nations that didn't have any business being in their situation
>not failure
Where's the U.S.S.R. flag?
These fucking twats are giving the antifa what they want, a martyr.
These MGTOW virgin losers dont seem to realize they have done nothing to fight culturla marxism.
Milo Yiannopulos, Ann Coulter, Stefan Molynexu, Ben Saphiro or Gavin McGinnes are donig their best to fight the Left and give a new generation of conservatives hope, and yet these fucking white supremacist want to take credit for the efforts others made.
Trump, Paul Ryan, Tommy Robinson and many others are condemning the attack and yet these fucking virgins from Stromfront dare to call everyone who disagrees with them "Kikes":
Listen to me, you nazi scum, you are the ones boycotting the arise of the Right and you are fuelling the Left with your ideology.
Needs a communist flag too.
Not needed on pol, maybe when reddit is raiding us tho
this guy got it
Eat shit faggot.
the end matters
I hope you realize that it's better to fight and lose for what is right, than to be a puppet to evil and "win" (if you can call it that, when all you are doing is ensuring your own continued enslavement).
Of course all those people lost they were outnumbered and outgunned. Takes more courage to fight against all odds.
>its better to worship failures and be le noble failure than trying to do something that actually works and think for myself
wew lad
>The Confederacy
A calculated move. We will rise again.
You're one retarded Nigger.
So on your hands AND knees then
Fucking retards. The left is still winning even without martyrs. If they weren't then the Antifa would be listed as a terrorist political organization. There will never be a resurgence of the right again after Trump. The West is still gonna get fucking sunk into third world shit holes
I can't help but laugh at the irony of an ancap saying this.
Someone whose ideology literally never achieved any sort of power in any major government in the world; and thankfully, because it would fall apart immediately if tried.
rhodesia was stabbed in the back by the eternal anglo
Pluto will rise again
All For Pluto
That's a Juden.
>that wound
Rhodesia was quite literally non-discriminatory, confederacy had jewish officers and rules, Nazi Germany allowed part jews to join. Next time we'll do better
Can someone make one with all commie flags?
You'll realise I changed memeflags a lot
Also not an aegument
>Rhodesia was quite literally non-discriminatory, confederacy had jewish officers and rules, Nazi Germany allowed part jews to join. Next time we'll do better
So total cucks besides being losers?
Wanna bet how much longer the Robert E Lee statue stays?
Exactly. All hail pre-1974 one drop rule sterilize the degenerate Sweden
And a society who got btfo and raped by communists and burgers for 50 years afterwards and is currently suiciding because that fag Hitler killed himself like a coward and let them all behind to bear the burden of his actions
Argies must feel right at home sitting at the losers table.
You'll realize that I'm only responding to you in the exact same terms that you're responding to me.
If you're going to give me
>Hurr durr they lost
Then I'll reply
>When has your ideology even been in a position of any authority at all?
You're right though, that it doesn't matter, since the important thing is the truth, not "hurr what's your side's kill count" like it's some sort of videogame.
Funny cause its true
Rothbard is not the god of ancapism. Putting someone in a position of dependency obviously entails the responsibility to provide for that person's health and safety.
Communism failed on it's own, even more laughable
I think the point is that you live on your knees.
Yup commies are the biggest losers of all time lol.
Commies are so fucking frustrated with their bitter and sad existence they can only identify themselves with what they hate witch is the superior ubermensch.
I guess that's why killing commies isn't a bad thing - it's just putting them out of their misery.
>Putting someone in a position of dependency obviously entails the responsibility to provide for that person's health and safety.
What's your axiom for stating this? Not God, not deontology, not virtue ethics, not utilitarianism.
Ancaps believe in nothing. They believe in a voluntary contract as the be-all-end-all of ethics. Well, if the parents don't want to pay for their kids, there's no voluntary contract. Kids can starve. That is the logical extrapolation of ancap morality.
you mean die standing for what you believe in than live on your knees
An ancap society will have humans in it. Any behavior that the population doesn't agree with will not be allowed to take place on their private property. Just like murders will be isolated and ultimately imprisoned. Anyone who can't find a society to live in will be imprisoned aswell.
Both failed, but at least commies managed to change enough to keep control of a bunch of countries to this day, to still have people shilling for them even tho they're genocidal maniacs and economy-wreckers, and to control education
Yet pol thinks its smart to larp as, associate with and worship the cucks who lost to fucking commies
Plebbit plz
right wingers are by their very nature, losers
the only way they "win" is by losing
You completely fucked up the maxim you retarded faggot.
Except when these groups lost - we all lost. We just didn't realize it yet. When you support the Cult of Multi, you are supporting the demise of quality of life in the few countries that are able to sustain decent living conditions.
>Changed memeflags a lot
So you stand for nothing?
He will live and die on his knees following LOSERS
Nope. Just to avoid the tu quoque fallacies, diversionary tactics and other non-arguments
So insulting someones based on his flag is a non argument, right? Like you did in the OP, right?
Yea and what came after is even worse
Go back to school kid, you're talking nonsense
Nazi Germany wasn't REAL fascism/national socialism.
We just need to try again, this time for REAL.
For someone who doesn't want non-arguments you sure know how to use them
Just because we lost some battles doesnt mean we lost the war.
You can't even read the OP and interpret it correctly, or understand the difference between criricizing actual ideologies and regimes and addherence to them vs wanting to use a memeflag to spew tu quoque bullshit.
Come back when you learn logic, you belong in /bant/
Good luck
>Their martyr is some 35 year old landwhale
bahahahah please post her "remembering" shrine from fb
In how many countries is fascism illegal vs communism illegal? In how many countries are other ideologies than these two illegal? How many fascist countries survived to this day?
Its over. Even fucking duginism has a better shot of winning than larpers and alt-kikes
Wine and water.
>Worships losers
>"Muh 10 hebrewillion popular votes!"
W0w dat rly turns on mi almond
>where were you when the loli market boomed
>20 fucking posts
This nigga really calling other people losers.
How does Hillary being a 2x loser make any of these regimes non-failures?
>Just because we lost every battle
Why so defeatist?
The weak must be sacrificed first.
>Lose standing
>Die on my knees
As long as i live we havent lost all battles.
>Even fucking duginism has a better shot of winning
>in a country where fascism is also illegal while communism is not
Just so you see how good the chances are for larpers
Why the fuck is Rhodesia in this? Rhodesia was a multi-racial society that had little to do with racism/white nationalism. Rhodesia's rallying point was about responsible majority rule rather than a reckless majority. The USA, UK, and USSR hated them for being so successful and respectable and when they got what they wanted they turned a jewel with a promising future into a fucking dog turd that is the bottom of the barrel as far as successful nations in the world goes.
Reminder that Rhodesia was the closest thing to a true sustainable utopia we ever had and that the history of Rhodesia/Zimbabwe is the anti-venom to liberalism, with South Africa as a modern day example that is following its footsteps.
Aaaaand it failed too, another pol idol btfo
>Confederates fought to bring millions of black people into their country as cheap labor
>Nazis fought to exterminate millions of white slavs and bring the remainder into their country as cheap labor
>Rhodesians fought to continue living in a country that was 90%+ black because cheap labor
>BONUS: Apartheid South Africa tried to encourage black people to move to black areas that would eventually be given independence but businesses couldn't give up cheap black labor and so they remained in the cities
>BONUS 2: Homogeneously white Europe and 90% white America passed liberal immigration laws to destroy their racial harmony to get... cheap labor
I'm starting to see a pattern here. Maybe capitalism is the problem.
Don't forget, Communism is run by the same banker fucks as Capitalism is.
So we should be slaves to jewish capitalism because some movement in the past which is similar to us lost?
Fuck out of here kali yuga filth.
The pointless destruction of resources and loss of life? Great, have fun destroying stuff so that no one will give a fuck As soon as it’s over