Anyone else feel like we could all use a break from this place?
Anyone else feel like we could all use a break from this place?
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We are needed now more than ever, user. The day of the rope grows nearer by the day.
It's called suicide and I think about it every day.
Nah. Only the weak minded do, like you.
When someone gets murdered and people here are unironically trying to defend or justify it yeah I think that's a good sign of needing a break
yes, i'm growing very bored and tired of politics, nothing ever changes
Yes, I'm kind of tired of being called a nazi and everything
Has anyone else grown out of NatSoc this year?
First there was that guy who yelled angrily in a beer hall, and now this!
I jumped onto the Nazi train during the elections where it was fun times making paramilitias, and triggering a few Lugers. We even had the Night of Long Knives.
Now what has it come to? The recent performance of the fascism/Nazism thing has turned out to be a fucking disgrace, and I'm a shamed to be a part of it.
Gassing Jews, and declaring war on countries with Stalin is absolutely vile, and I hope the Third Reich dies.
You let them associate you with the Nazi
lol, no matter what part of the spectrum you're on the Nazi are universally hated and will be destroyed.
So accepting the Nazi into your ALT right senpai was stupid, you need to boot them out
the Nazi have more in common with the left, now the MSM can legitimately you Nazi, and that's bad becuase any traction you made has been lost.
Thats why you feel bad, you just took a kick to the head
Yeah, you shills should take a break
Are you kidding? I'm praying for more happenings to kek heartily over.
Dude me made fun of every terrorist attack since 2001 , why should this change now?
Go fuck yourself SHILLS
I'll take a break when Jews abandon identity politics
>libertarian master race
GET THE FUCK IN HERE Evidence that it wasn't a terrorist attack!
I just came in to raid
>REEEEEE get out of my safe space mean lefties!
He's right, mdark times are ahead and action will soon be taken.
I havent been to Sup Forums for 3 months. Only came back for this happening. If this wasnt a false flag and was legit, it was bound to happen eventually. The larger any movement or whatever you want to call it gets, the more retards and mentally ill degenerates you will attract. For this retard to not realize that A) violence of any kind from the alt right/white males would cause more anger and outrage from the media and subsequently american normies in general than if muslims killed 20 people or if blacks burned down a city and shot cops and B) that he looks like a cross between a racist inbred hillbilly and the typical autistic online racist, shows to me that this was either a false flag or just a complete retard that doesnt understand optics and is also mentally ill.
Its amazing how whatever was achieved from like 2013 to the election has been destroyed by everything that has happened since the election.
No. We need to spend more time here; now more than ever
Fuck off, shill.
No, why don't you fuck off? I can't believe I'm saying this, but the trolling/shitposting here has gotten unbearable. Every single thread, someone either gets called a shill, kike, shareblue, whatever. It used to be fun, what with Ebolachan, Ferguson, the 2016 campaign, HWNDU, etc. 7 months into Trump's presidency we've become paranoid, and now people are justifying murder? I know Sup Forums was always edgy, but this is too much.
For the sake of the mental health of everyone here, I really think this board should be shut down for 1-3 months. That way when we come back we can have a fresh start and talk about all that happened while we were gone.
We need a break.
>we need a break
What so (((they))) can stuff our countries with fucking immigrants and pay them our birth right in fucking gibbs.
Mate we've been on break for like fifty fucking years. I don't want to Larp as an autistic Nazi wannabe but fuck who else is even trying? And according to (((MSM))) not wanting ti be colonize by some third world shit shins auto makes you a Nazi anyway.
Fuck right off, my country I'm fucking keeping it, fuck everyone else and I have to be king of the ashes well so be it. At least that has dignity compared to rolling over and kissing the feet of people who actively despise me anyway.
Scorch the earth mother fuckers.
Yeah, no. You are trapped here until you die. Deal with it.
I do bro
I am renouncing my whiteness