Is Chomsky right here?
Is Chomsky right here?
Who the fuck uses blue text?
Capitalists reactionaries control the state apparatus so in a way he is right.
google bookchin
Obviously. Have you seen how personally Sup Forums took that car bullshit yesterday?
Obviously reckless violence (not getting into how legit it is, just how it was presented) makes people think you're desperate and wrong. That's why the board is in damage control.
Not really. Political violence gets shit done. And there's not chance of reigning the left in, as they were radicalized far before the right.
Chomsky is bluepilled
He's right. This war has barely begun and the left is losing, and they fucking started it
Chomsky is correct. We will wait until whites are a small minority, secure victory before starting the battle. All these splinters will prevent any meaningful resistance in the meantime, and prevent our real enemies - the National Socialists - from achieving any status of power. Then its all just land redistribution and global communism. Its pretty much unavoidable now, so why bother hiding it.
I respect Chomsky despite his views.
He actually seems like a decent person and even said that people need to respect the 1st amendment rights of holocaust deniers despite being a jew himself (which made the commies at the ADL screech at him).
If every leftie was like him I'd have actual respect for their views.
Punching Nazis was literally why the Nazis got into power and gassed all the leftist scum.
What else would you expect when one side wants to bring baseball bats to a civil war
I don't know man. The punch a Nazi strategy has done so much to de-escalate violence in the US so far. I think we're gonna achieve peace any day now.
noam chomsky
1. His comments are right on their face: the activist left are mostly effete college types. As we've seen when they try violence on a small scale, they're not very good at it. If they ramp it up and have to square off against ex-military, survivalists, gun enthusiasts, etc. it would not go well for them.
2. You don't use violence when the Establishment is on your side. There's no need. Violence is a tool that you use when you can't win under the rules that the Establishment has created.
He's wrong. Lefties are more brutal, where they control the government.
No the establishment needs them to stir violence.
They really do. Any Sup Forumslacks need a pick-me-up? Find out what gun range the local police use, go there on Saturday or Sunday for a USPSA/IDPA match (one or the other will hold weekly matches) and talk to the guys there. If you've never competed before, just learn the rules and go slow and focus on not breaking them.
It'll really cheer all non-commies up, things aren't that bad.
>the most brutal are not the communists
Well, you can't lie more with less words.
Hes right. The left is HORRIFIED now, because yesterday set the precedent:
>commies and atifa make threats
>nazis actually fucking kill people
Nothing to do with state power.
Lefties are always low-T and aren't prepared to fight brutally individually when away from state power.
It's kinda funny.
I wonder their reaction if someone did a proper planned attack.
I'd expect all of them to switch into "no violence" mode in an instant.
antifa can larp all they want, but they're the ones who have the state on their side
>remove state power
>make it a contest of true strength
who do they think will actually win? the people armed to the teeth or the feminists on tumblr?
Care to explain this in non-rhetorical, syllogistic fashion, preferably numbered, you fucking idiot?
It depends.
If you're a movement that prides yourself on rational thought and discussion, then he's right.
However if you're an ideology like Nazism/Fascism that's both revolutionary as well as pro strength. Then political violence is the thing for you.
Yeah if you read it as it should be written as:
>Don't start shit with the right or you'll get your asses kicked
Which is what happened.
Glad that someone on their side has a tiny bit of sense. That's the real news story there.
Das Rite, rightist must respect lefties like him