Go send this libtard a nice message

Logan James Smith is currently running a twitter and patreon account under the name "YesyoureRacist" in which they are doxxing many of the right wing protesters. Although some, such as the dodge driver, were violent, many of the right wing protesters were using their first amendment right to express their opinions. Moreover, Logan ignores the violence caused by left wing groups such as the ANTIFAGS and BLM and is solely focused on ruining the lives of many Americans (unlike clanton, a lot of the protesters were not violent and did not beat people up with locks). Go send him something... more info is below

Other urls found in this thread:


email at loganjsmith at gmail dot com

His retarded leftist brain caused him to accidentally expose himself. Send him a little message at eight six five two two zero eight eight two five (AT and T but unverified... same area code according to whois but this is the phone number pipl provided). All of the info is legally obtained and publicly available... so don't say this violates Sup Forums's rules... go send this libtard a message

8825 - that's the number


Not your per....


Squad up personal army!

Loganjsmith of fagbook

Reported his patreon

I agree with the OP... Even if their views are wrong, the first amendment still protects their expression... Remember nazi vs. Skokie and that the SCOTUS allowed it... Have a bump

patreon isn't going to stop them... the fuckin tech companies don't give a shit and wished that every dissenter is ostracized from society... we need to get it straight to logan smith

>Although some, such as the dodge driver, were violent

>Yes, goy, violence is a bad thing, never fight the leftists
>(((debate will solve everything!)))

>says Islam fosters radical terrorism
>says Islam is toxic and must be eradicated
>drives truck of peace through protestors
wew lad. Fire up that truck of peace, this gonna be good.

u do realize that every side does bad things right? many conservatives don't agree with the protesters yesterday... there are always people who go a little too far on all sides (the shooter who try to kill GOP members, eric clanton, ANTIFA, Black Panther)... muslims just like to blow up way too much

And of course the guy is one of (((them))).

more info from a PUBLICLY AVAILABLE DATABASE... i haven't verified it but it seems like a match based on whois

I hate Islam not because they're violent, but because they're violent against us. Right now there are thousands of African tribes killing each other, do you give a fuck about them? No, because it's not our problem if a nigger becomes BBQ of a violent tribe, but if a nigger tribe comes here and starts killing our people, then it's our problem

People shouldn't try to get him banned from anywhere but do the thing Sup Forums is best at: make this little cuck's life unbearable with our troll storm.

Then attack their advertisers

I think these LARPers are cringe af but this faggot is like a Jew who is paid to rat out undesirables to higher powers.

more info from a PUBLIC whois database

Say Hi to him

more info: he runs a soundcloud account under the name scrillionaire and claims to "fight oppression with the power of beats." I haven't verified it but it is probably him based on location and the overall political tone their.
site at soundcloud dot com slash scrillionaire

Kek, the nigger posted a picture of joey salads with a nazi armband

You're not going to accomplish anything docksing them

Oooo you'll Send pizzzas and death threats big deal. Meanwhile when you guys are docksed you'll lose your jobs, your scholarships, your friends. Because no one wants to hire or befriend a racist

SO itsn't it a first amendment right to expose these idiots for showing up to a White Supremacist rally without covering their faces? At least Antifa is smart enough to hide their faces... Never thought Id admit that right wingers are dumber than left wingers but I guess both sides have their group of idiots.

here comes a retarded education-less blm cuck... he actually doxxed himself on twitter because he's fuckin retarded... a lot of us weren't even protesting there but think it is ridiculous to destroy people's lives over political opinions (and a lot of them weren't violent)

this info is good, the address from the whois was inconsistent with the postal code from a letter logan posted, see here:

Leftypol is shilling again... Fuck off back to plebbit

Can't get fired if you collect welfare for a living like I do

against patreon rules please report

i don't think patreon will take it down tho... they target conservatives and push the libtard agenda... u can still try but getting the message directly to him is better

potatonigger, what does topdoghotdog.com have to do with that guy? it's important because the guy they claimed to have gotten fired from his company - their website is not real.

see pic related, go see for yourself and click on the text or go to the "propergander" page

Sup Forums is in desperate damage control mode. I can't wait until you faggots get sick of larping as right-wingers.. this board used to be so much more fun before people started this identity politics bullshit.

If it was posted here and its about a person that lefty fucks hold sacred then its gonna quite a bit to piss off regards.

another fuckin shill... fuck off and get ... we don't want to be subjected to a thought police and are fighting against the liberal overlords