Everyone contributes only the best arguments survive, until the better ones come.
In the true spirit of the chaos that is Sup Forums.
In the mean time we come up with the name and rest of gibberish.
Let's create authentic Sup Forums ideology, enough with the larping
Autist supremacy
Never start with the name
But what happens if we are not superior. Isn't it ugly and degenerate when someone lesser thinks of him self as supreme. Isn't it sad when someone has no ability to self reflect and to put his ego into the context.
Depends, some parts of type of the autistic spectrum such as assperger are prone to be realistic and efficient
We'll find something for the screechers to do
Here is the first possible principle; Balance is to be striven for. But in order to protect the balance, one can not deal in absolutes when it comes to practical applications.
Example; Individualism is not opposite to collectivism, one depends upon other. Freedom of Individuals is needed, but up to the point it intentionally harms the collective or other individuals, and same is true when it comes to collective harming the individual freedoms.
fuck off beta male
>I am tze alpha because i am pointing to the fact that you are beta.
>I am also retarded.
gotcha beta bitch
only betas respond to a chad shitpost
Oh dont get me wrong; i am desperate even for conversations with retards. Since it seems that entire Sup Forums is derailed into irrelevant gibberish, these couple of days.
So i keep the right to spare some time shit posting
No girls allowed
Have faith in your capability for reasoning. You're wrong about lots of things, but not everything. And even in being wrong, you can observe the fruits of your reasoning and be less wrong next time.
Remember that omnipotence can make no use of submission!
We here can also trough criticism of other ideologies. Shape the paths of where Not to go.
I will start with the democracy; Ideology that has a notion of everyone's voice counts, with majority vote, while disregarding the fact that wast majority of population is average and below average IQ. Is retarded ideology.
Our needs to be based on meritocracy.
What if they have merit to give opinion that is to be take seriously.
Women having far less intelligent specimens, does not mean they dont have them, it just means they have less of them, Account for that
The true spirit of chaos in America is stronger than that which you've been presenting. As soon as your asses are in the centrifuge of mainstream American culture, you'll be ousted and doxxed, assaulted at riots and eventually you'll leave this bullshit behind or die.
Free speech protects you from the government, not your peers.
Lets skim over some things
State's most important task is to protect property rights.
State should only protect property rights for those individuals over 18 who pay net positive in taxes. Under 18 year olds are property of their parents to the extent that they are not abusive towards their children.
The fairest tax is flat tax.
Your body is your property allowing you to do do hard drugs and anything you want as long as it's your body.
Fetus with beating heart is considered human. Abortion would be considered abusive, therefore illegal.
Niggers aren't human.
Work and meritocracy should be 2 of the principles in a well driven ideology
Isn't it retarded to think that someone can give you freedom. No one owns your freedom. You give the control of it to someone else. Be it government or other peers by your decisions and actions.
You can, you know, chose to speak, and think what ever you want, even in the face of dire consequences.
Brave man does not stand in front of wall and then just turn around and walk the other way, brave man digs his way trough.
Agree, but we should also keep in mind that we have to define that "work" and "meritocracy"
If u by work mean only the physical one, or the work for the cause of someone other than your self. then it becomes murky as an principle.
Also problem with meritocracy that i have (even if it is my ground principle) is the question on how do we quantify it in reliable way.
in cyber postpostmodernism serious discussion is literally impossible
>State's most important task is to protect property rights.
the question is; whose property? even the state is property of everyone participating in it, including the citizens of it.
we can not have principles that are up to interpretation, we have to account for their relativity.
>State should only protect property rights for those individuals over 18 who pay net positive in taxes. Under 18 year olds are property of their parents to the extent that they are not abusive towards their children.
have no problems with this, other than the one in the first example.
also i think the role of the state should be to provide the best possible atmosphere for education.
children are dependent on health of society as much as they are dependent on their parents.
>The fairest tax is flat tax.
>Your body is your property allowing you to do do hard drugs and anything you want as long as it's your body.
I would add that it should be allowed up to the point you are promoting the same decisions to others. in which case state should trough meritocracy decide the harm of such possible spread of some practice.
>Fetus with beating heart is considered human. Abortion would be considered abusive, therefore illegal.
100% agree
>Niggers aren't human.
Niggers are humans, just lesser ones.
But healthy ideology should be applicable even in possible Nigger state
i do not question the seriousness of any of this. It is irrelevant. but i also do not ignore the power of impact of ideas in such >yber postpostmodernism,
Ideas are virus
Freedom is not free
fascist technocracy
That could work
Autism Supremacism
Excellent, you are a good fagot
Nigger alt-right will do. Don't try to pin this stuff down too much or we'll lose momentum.
do we even need to go to everything wrong with both of those terms?
Fascism literally would be the outcome of the cultural Marxism we are fighting against now. Why cheer for it then?
Also Meritocracy over Technocracy, any day any time.
Niggers are okay, as long as both sides are race realist about everything.
also Niggers (as everyone else would be) are subjects to meritocracy. that is beauty of it.
Freedom of speech, expression, and association are sacred. Political correctness is anathema. Nations are entitled to act in their own national interest. If we're going to divide into racial interest groups, white/european people get to play too. Anyone who takes themselves at all seriously deserves endless, savage mockery. How am I doing so far?
I am writing the summary up to this point. If someone would do me a favor and archive this thread. And explain it to me how it is done, since i am too lazy to ever have bothered with it.
the ultimate ideology is having no ideology, all ideologies are low-tier memes
a kind of nationalist yet socialist ideology that is vehemently opposed to non-white subversion (communism) and strives for racial purity perhaps, the name will be extremely difficult to coin
Everyone that attempts to self virtue by claiming that he has no ideology is degenerate.
Even having principle of AIdeological nature is Ideology its self.
They are inevitable part of our social and individual clockwork of mind
so one better sort his Ideology out, than brushing it under some magical non existing carpet.
>Flat tax to pay for justice and police/army, tax would be adjusted to the budget and not the other way around, wich would mean people would be more active and demanding, wich would be good in a reasonable levels
>You are allowed weapons, so long as seviced the army and use it responsably
>1 deputy for each 10.000 citzens, reform of the administrative sistem to adapt, in the sense of more descentralization
>Abbolition of parties, unless they represented the people ofna region, the president would have final say tough, to avoid internal division
>Separation of powers as we have it, but with the revival of the roman tirant (one with full power in case of calamity or war, but with the obligation of steping down after done, only Júlio César didn't)...
The people will eventually realize that we pay a private banking cartel compounding interest to print our own currency. Maybe then, they will awaken.
do you see my flag?
If you're paying you employees enough to buy most of your goods and services each month, you're doing it right.
regardless; the fact that almost of ideologies are fucking retarded, does not mean there is inherently anything wrong with the notion of ideology it self. It just means we are retarded about it.
that is the problem of whole other nature.
but the problem that should be solved, that problem also should be named for what it actually simply is, integrated Corruption.
agreed, that's pretty much what i was saying
Perhaps a democracy secluded to high iq population?
the colors of shit and piss
nice flag
>he has black piss and yellow shits
feel sorry for you tbqh
>fairest tax is a flat tax
No taxation itself is innately immoral. Fairest tax is donation based
We need modern national socialism
No Usury
No Trans (Gays are our ally against islam)
Public Debate Heavily Encouraged
The 'more the merrier' approach to news sources, no central news agencies such as BBC (propaganda machine)
Etc etc
But however (ill keep doing this shit so ya better bear it). Even if the low IQ people are problem for democracy, Having high IQ does not mean you have merit to decide.
So the problem with the democracy is even deeper
also, how about NO
even if NatSoc has some grounded principles. So does every other Ideology (class struggle is actual problem, and so on) but natSoc is dictatorship, that goes directly against freedom of individual to practice his life according to his merits.
we should rather try looking at the state as shared company. among every citizen of it. taxation is not immoral if you are not being lied about it.
we should focus more on how to optimize spending of tax money than on blaming the tax it self.
>taxation is not immoral if you are not being lied about it.
If the state takes your taxes to pay for trannie operations or wars it's ok because he didn't lie?
I think criteria is more important
>Hey guys let's repeat something we've done automatically and naturally for years except this time we're being shilled XD
no thanks
you misunderstood me, by "not being lied about it", i advocated the transparency.
This sounds like the gayest of gay ideas. Its literally LARPing to go on a filipino turtle rape victim support board to pretend that you and your "friends" are going to create an ideology overnight. KYS
Fuck off, kike.
Talking points/Suggestions for establishing an ideology:
1.) Rights are not granted by any constitution, deity, or members outside this ideology. Rights are secured through force and force alone.
2.) Voting will be restricted to those who operate in said society, and engage under its predetermined rules.
3.) Branches must be divided into branches similar to U.S., with the house representing aristocracy, contrasted by the more democratic senate. Main political figurehead has an extended term, to prevent rapid societal/legislative changes.
3.) All political and military leaders have increased punishments for their crimes.
4.) Firearms are allowed to the populace.
5.)Possibly mandatory military service?
6.)Relatively free market economy, yet preventing Soros/Rockefeller types.
>No Trans (Gays are our ally against islam)
I agree with everything else but that for great reasons like...
>Your essentialy encouraging imoral attitudes and an acceptance of sexual deviants.
>your lowering the nations birth rates by discoraging hetrosexual familes.
>islam isnt a cause for concern some ethnic europeans follow islam, being ethnic europeans is what truly counts.
>citizenship of non ethnic citizens is revoked hence 99% of the islamic problem will disapear.
>Muslim countries will see that we are on there side against the jews, and are no longer being ruled by them thus not fighting their imperalist proxy wars in the middle east against their own people.
true, except I am more prone to word Fagots than to Guys, but to each his own.
and it needs to be brought into attention once and for all. "Automatically" and "naturally" only brought us larpers. Nazi larpers, Anarchist larpers, and whole shit load of mindless recycling and ((hero)) worshiping.
if u retard did not notice over these years. Sup Forums aleady has ideological tendencies, there is such thing as true Sup Forumsster.
Because Sup Forums is free market of ideas, and the strongest and most argumented ones usually win. that is why u have some conclusions (aka redpills) that almost no one argues against here. because they pushed them self as truths.
It is questionable (and probably futile) to "create" ideology. but you can however bring lot of principles (like we already did here) into the light of day.
those principles than can take the life of their own
paranoid fuck. and to play into yer paranoia; Is it possible that the kikes them self want for all of us to mindlessly look for kikery everywhere. to eat each other from the inside, in our purity wars.
Hell yeah
What do you think we should do about normies ?
it is the freedom to commit the act, not freedom from punishment for the act.
create a better world for them ?
you are right. i missed that
a life without ideology is like a basketball team without a coach.
Still, you have to take into account no state can afford to fix everything even if he taxes it's people for everything they produce, you must choose your priorities, i would go with safety
Tradition and family ought to be central to it.
that why i said state is peoples company. as such it has limited and optimized responsibilities.
it should be as small as possible.
tax should be as low as possible.
Spending of such company should be focused and optimized.
For example; education.
State should not own private schools, but should outsource the schools by the states Criteria. That means state spends some minor tax money on creating the general criteria and control of that.
So you avoid having tax black holes that are state owned schools. and u get to keep controlled quality of education.
family should have special protection. But not central position.
Also tradition can be bad if it is regressive.
Larping is fine if you don't want people to take you seriously. If you want to win you need to focus on reality.
this is reality, part of it actualy, actualy the one with yuge influence. if we want to win we just have to stick to being reasonable, just and correct
Sup Forums has no ideology
if we were in nazi germany right now we would all be far-left here
this is only about chaos and nothing else
Trans-human techno-nazism. It has no flaws and if it did they would soon be eradicated.
Here, I've just created a new logo for it, it's just a prototype, needs some refinement.
That seems legit, but it's almost impossible to convince people of that
>Muh private schools inflate grades
>Muh the state saved this much (7 million) in cutting in those schools to put in the public (gets refuted with a statement from the gov were it's claimed the 7 million invested made a 21 million savings)
>Muh poor people and workers rights (unions have their noses up everything, exept the hardworking ones)
>Muh discrimination
Most of it is lies in the first place
is this even legal in ur shithole country?
again, it is apparent that Sup Forums. has bunch of shared principles.
principles are building blocks of ideology.
I agree. The whole discomfort of the right today is against the relativization of truth and morals.
Intellectual White Nationalist Supremacy
it can not escape me mind the fact that male seahorses are the ones giving birth. just a bit triggering
Just intellectual supremacy is enough.
I find this to be a massive redpill.
Everyone has or wants to have a family, nobody wants to be alone. Pro fsmily values unite human beings further tan race, culture, socioeconomics, etc. Once a man becomes a father he inmediately starts caring more and more about what surrounds him, since it's the future world for his offspring.
Roots, well... I'll stfu about roots because I because I start feeling emotional.
t. civic nationalist
>implying intelligence correlates with degenerate behavior in other races.
aka an "based intellectual" nigger still has nigger mentality deep down.
I'm 50% Ashkenazi... can I join the movement too?
>Audit the central bank(fed)
>Defense of Christianism
>Futurist in the adoption of technology
>Promotion of industry
>Absolute opposition to corruption, and new mechanisms to point it
>Historic and cultural awareness promotion for our people to replace globalist propaganda
>Utilization of industry 4.0 tech for new forms of management: Big data, AI, robots, drones, blockchain
>Effort for revival of traditional aesthetic in arts
>Militarization of education
>50% ashkenazi
>checks out
I've take the time to read every post and I've compiled the following:
White males with micro-penises and women with higher than 25% body fat must submit for summary execution.
Now that 90% of the white male population is gone, The united states will operate fine for the net 1000 years.
well said, ultra kike nigger
Radical centrists are waiting for you
I am actualy insanely humane. but also just. sometimes it is hard to balance those two.
average people are the ones state even exists for. but average people are not capable of governing them selfs, dues to them being average.