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Those Masks are fucking aweful. Someone should try making actual copies of the real one.
Have fun losing.
Who the FUCK is going to fight in this "race war" anyway? You? Western "men"? LMFAO. You have never broken a law in your LIFE. Say what you want about Arabs and blacks, but fighting is INGRAINED in their culture (Jihad+rap music) they reproduce at FIVE TIMES the rate of europeans, and the men tend to be low-inhibition and unafraid. And you spend your evenings...posting on a forum...convincing yourself you're a warrior because you occasionally pick weights up. Lmfao. Riiight, okay stormfag. I'm sure a few thousand pasty white teenagers will really be able to defeat MILLIONS of Mujahideen who are so dedicated that they're LITERALLY WILLING TO BLOW THEMSELVES UP FOR THEIR RELIGION.
But yeah. J-just a few more years t-til "da day of da rope" r-right? Lmfao at you. What world are you living in. You're a pathetic, pasty coward. How the FUCK is an 18 year old white autist who has to take ANXIETY MEDICINE (FUCKING LMAO) going to do SHIT against ISLAMIC CONQUERORS who probably bullied and slapped him around in school?
Just stop embarrassing yourself. Your way of "taking action" is crying on forums and buying a "crusader" flag for your wall which you probably hide from your parents. Meanwhile Muhammad parades through your streets, spreads Sharia, and has ten children amd four wives who ADORE him. Lmfao.
>asociating nazi faggotry with the dixies
As a shitskin, I think we all lose. Most of the world would love to see us divide and conquer ourselves. You made the mistake of actually buying in, to one side or the other. I think both sides represent ouroboros, the snake that devours itself. The left being the head, because in it, at least a brain exists. The right, the tail, because this is where the shit comes out. I blame the left as much as the right for eating shit in the first place. If it were up to me, any radicals would have their tongues and genitalia removed.
Hans that a Moon Man mask not a KKK one
pick one
I'm half white and voted for Trump. Where do I fit in?
none of them failed, they were all attacked and put down by an enemy that heavily outnumbered them
pol is a diverse and complex community of mostly quasi reactionaries.
thats were you are wrongm, the right are just basic reactioanires.
>pick one
3. allies of colour
here with me: 3. allies of colour
What does this handsign mean?
Well, we haven't taken action yet. There are still a great many who believe this can be solved non-violently. You'll know when the white race has truly "taken action" because it will be far worse than you could ever imagine.
Abra kadabra
That shirt is rad
>Ron Paul photo
>Hitler photo
You sound like a commie.
>communism hasn't failed!!!! it becuz the evil capitalists attacked them1!!!1!!!
Neck yourself
I have that same fan.
I like fans. I can't go to sleep without a fan blowing near me. It feels nice and the white noise is relaxing.
>>Ron Paul photo
>>Hitler photo
welcome to core of Sup Forums !
Yeah but they're still shit looking and don't look like the official Moonman we all love and Blacks all fear.
Shit tier bait. Fuck off FBI.
hi, schlomo.
bye, schlomo.
amazing meme
Libertarianism could only work in a white ethnostate
new here?
congrats on scaring everyone away from alt right and killing the movement.
So in other words they failed
The alt-right only needs dudes that aren't total pussies right now
what was wrong about my statement? you claim an ideological system failed on its own which isn't true, all three of those mentioned in user's pic didn't fail on themselves, they were brought down with force because they worked.
no, if you want to put it in other words you'd say that they lost
failing implies a fault or weakness within the ideology, none of those 3 would have failed without zerg attacks comming from the outside
Where are these icons from? They look so comfy.
hasan, go back to the goat.
You look like a filthy uncivilized sand nigger. Disgusting.
Welcome to Sup Forums, newfag.
Yes and I don't ever plan to break a law. When my health companies nano bots are injected into your blood stream as will be required for you to get healthcare the malfunction that kills all non-whites will be deemed an accident.
lol jews won, now you're being subverted and your kids are going to get molested by packs of niggers and pizza eating trannies.
No one cared who I was until I put on the mask.
Please stop having the Dixie flag associated with you Nazi faggots. I bet the dude in the pic has never stepped foot in Dixie once.
Fucking cringe.
>they didn't fail they failed
Are all alt-righters this retarded?
obvious bait
He had a point
This! The old divide and conquer, left vs. right and the idiots are still picking sides to fight to death while the banksters and politicians are throwing a party at your expenses. Wake up fucking morons!
Fuck off cuck
K for KKK
>quasi reactionaries
I don't think it's "quasi"; the only reason I'm in with the white nationalism shit is because the entire establishment talks about how fucking great it will be when whites are a minority in the US. If it wasn't for the complete and groundless hostility towards white people, I wouldn't have given two shits about my skin color.
Lol what a fucking hero!
I win!
how can you admire a libertarian like ron paul and a socialist authoritarian like Hitler? Have some convictions you retard.
so basically what you're saying is stalin should have 1v1'd hitler at lan?
We can't stop winning!