How does this make you feel, peter?

How does this make you feel, peter?

Other urls found in this thread:

Based Serb diaspora removing commies and niggers in USA... We truly are the chosen people and of course God is a Serb!

I wonder if he's interested in going bowling.

We really need to find better things for the FBI to do

Should have worn a white hood (kek)

Is this real or is this disinfo we're spreading to muddy the waters?

>democrats are so deranged they drive some poor kiddo to an extremist ideology
>continue to provoke him personally
>what will he do next?
cool plan you have going there lol

Hey Pete are you single? Wouldn't mind going down south to have some white kids with you.

his a faggot it says on his facebook profile that his interested in men and women,but even our faggots can be based.

report occupydemocrats facebook shit and get it banned.

Good ol' America

>holding torches


lol now you like us its always disporafag and traitor but now its 'bro'.

Ubite se cigani

seriously i need to hear it from him not from facebook i remember that i always fucked around on social medias and sites putting other gender and shit like that for lulz.

Well, if someone ends up getting killed over this I guess it's all good and fine.


>messing with monteniggers


>based faggots and based black men amirite fellow 'pedes xDD

Holy shit die

he said it on his profile that his interested in men and women,just check his profile and you will see it.

We're all Peter

go prep Omar for Helga you cuck.

Cvjetanović? Might be Croat.

The Cvjetanovic surname exists only in Serbia (most people with that surnames) and Croatia (small ammount) and there is USA and straya

What the leftist retards don't realize is that when you dox so many people so hard that they can never have a decent career or social life for the rest of their lives, then the doxxed might be forced to do something actually radical if they feel that they have nothing left to lose.

Leftists will not be prepared to reap what they sow.

Yeah it could be but odds are smaller

Reap what they sow? From someone who supports a goddamned murderer? They are absolutely right to retaliate against your violent ass.

kek our media is allready calling him a Croat and a nazi.

Yeah it's real. He gave a statement about it and it's been picked up by pretty much everyone

>I-it was just a p-prank, bro...
>heh, I'm not really a n-nazi

peter (petar) is 100% serb its like dragoljub or rastibor as in no other ethnicity uses it

Go troll facebook you fruitcake nigger

I know, I thought the same when that BLM guy shot a bunch of people in Dallas.

He's going to have a better paying job at some right wing news organization by the end of the year.

The guy is an idiot to come out and identify himself

Bog Je Srbin!

seems legit how there's 50 threads on Cvjetanovic up and the one on the guy who doxxed him gets deleted.

He/She looks like fagoot.

totally endorse getting the filth out of our organization. all the people who make this look like an emotional nazi movement should be publically outed.

>caring what our cucked lib media says
also according to some guy in comments there that lived near peter, his dad is Serbian and mom Croatian.

nobody uses that name lol

>1 post by this ID

>An organiser of a far-right march that led to violent scenes in Charlottesville has been chased away by protesters as he tried to give a press conference. Before Jason Kessler ran away, he blamed the police in the Virginia city for not preventing the violent clashes. The BBC's Joel Gunter was there.

Bravely bold Sir Jason
Rode forth from Charlottesville.
He was not afraid to die,
Oh brave Sir Jason.
He was not at all afraid
To be killed in nasty ways.
Brave, brave, brave, brave Sir Jason.

Must be his mother side that forced him to be such faggot,but who knows really this is the US we are talking about.

Why is there a Serb in every shitstorm on the planet?
Every possible incident, ever, a Serb must be involved.

Devil's chosen people starting another conflict that will end in a mass bloodshed. makes me proud

We and our kinsmen Isrealis are the Gods chosen people

yea I know I used it to make a point

>Men and women


>A literal Altaic nomad

He is half Croat and half Serb so you are in this shit with us too Ante.

Why you so mad? Go suck trumps micro dick.

The guy who is doxxing AltRighers just got doxxed by 8pol. He is literally some fucking nu-male Jew.

No it's not.



reverse muh hurritage!

Stay the fuck out of Reno maple nigger.

The rally was a joke before it even started.

You mong where do you think your ancestors come from? You are European first.

I know marko and nikola are >50% serb names but only recently I discovered that croats are named nikola and marko. Never knew petar was also used by croats

Is Serbia a decent place for a fatass American burger to vacation?

You were mad enough to reply, I win faggot.

Why you so mad? Still can't handle the fact that Hillary lost? Beta bitch

he can be a nigger,mestizo trash,pecific nigger,some type of Chink or just a mutt.

>taunting very angry people who now have nothing to lose thanks to you
Lol do they not see where this is headed?


>(petar) is 100% serb
Retarded diaspora.




pussy ass bitches like this guy have zero integrity.

can't stand up for anything, can only talk shit from behind a computer, or in large groups.

living at home like little boys on their parent's dime. i liked it better when people like this from Sup Forums were suicidal.

Alt-right looks like half-retarded children today. This is now your image

More violence in Trump's name, I hope.

It's not a place you'd want to vacation if you're from anywhere, nowhere in the balkans is (aside from Greece).

For the time will soon come when Hobbits will shape the fortunes of all.

naš tip/lik >>>>>>>> naš momak

Did you know that Croats and Serbs also use the name Igor,Ivan,Darko,Luka,Aleksandar,Strahinja...i can go on and on but what's the point??

While it's not Serbia, Croatia is nice as fuck
Was in Dalmatia for 2 weeks, didn't see a single nigger. The people are nice and the beaches are amazing.

he's of a mesani brak, his mom is croat and dad is a serb

Do we know who owns occupy democrats (like the admins)? Would be a shame for someone to dox them


These two are seldom used in Croatia though, Strahinja almost never. The rest are correct.

Never heard that one, dbi

Besides, wouldn't a Serb be Cvetanović, without the "j"?

People thought of them as just internet trolls who spew buzzwords on the internet all day.
Today? They're seen as a very real threat. Chances are pretty great that every last person in that march is going to get arrested and jailed for life, but even still, this is what people see your movement as now. A danger. Whether or not you consider that a good thing is ultimately up to you, I suppose, but I'll give you guys that you've proved yourselves to be more powerful than just "trolls" who don't take shit anymore.

>his mom is croat and dad is a serb

We got cucked again, boys.


whenever you ask serbs about someone's ethnicity hes 100% serb because of the name, only recently I'm seeing croats who have majority serb names and surnames so you never know.

I know a lot of couples that are Serbian man with Macedonian/Bulgarian/Greek girl. They can't stop cucking everybody.

>Was in Dalmatia for 2 weeks, didn't see a single nigger
I've seen some living in Zagreb in the past couple of years. There's even a pink-haired black woman in my neighbourhood, looks like a SJW. The Westernisation is coming.


Wtf I love unr now

You mean standing there voicing his opinion , with his face uncovered in full veiw of the worlds media? Yeah he's a massive pussy. Unlike your commie "hero's " wearing all clack and hiding their faces.
Say what you like but he has more balls than have nutted inside you faggot.

you wont do shit but blow in wind leaf

There ya goy

yeah i went there last summer was great

There's a very real chance he's going to get the chair for this. You understand that right?

Pick one, dark filth.

Was it Belgrade? I've only seen videos about it on YouTube.

>forfeit your privacy
>get mad about lost privacy

american logic

my mom is serbian and dad macedonian

zig hajl

Damn, enjoy the time you have before it arrives.

i mean, yeah, they say they are worried that Trump is too unhinged and will nuke someone if he's provoked so the left's response is to build a giant chicken in Trump's likeness on his front lawn. Seems like they just want to egg him on.

Please post a picture

I want to believe there's still girls out there that want to raise white babies

Public intimidation is a fascist tactic.


At it again with the cheeky bantz.
> under8d

so Southern Serb