So it appears we're nearing the brink of civil war. How long do you think it will be before Trump is assassinated, and what do you think are the ramifications of that?
So it appears we're nearing the brink of civil war. How long do you think it will be before Trump is assassinated...
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Assassinating a President has become pretty damn hard.
Maybe some nutty leftist would try so, but chances of it to succeed is zero.
Kek, can't wait for the purge.
I wouldn't say so. People just don't try anymore because of all the mythology around the SS being supersoldier gods of combat and dumb bullshit like that. If someone wanted to, and was coordinated enough, they could do it rather easily.
Considering how incompitent Trump is and how much he puts himself in harms way, plus how many times he moves around the country, they can barely do their job. It wouldn't be too hard.
Me neither, its gonna be funny when the alt-right are massacred by the thousands. If Sup Forums is still allowed to be up around that time, the reaction from them would be fucking glorious.
As a shitskin, I think we all lose. Most of the world would love to see us divide and conquer ourselves. You made the mistake of actually buying in, to one side or the other. I think both sides represent ouroboros, the snake that devours itself. The left being the head, because in it, at least a brain exists. The right, the tail, because this is where the shit comes out. I blame the left as much as the right for eating shit in the first place. If it were up to me, any radicals would have their tongues and genitalia removed.
This has been posted to other threads, fuck off you damn shill
Stop playing Call of Duty and read a book.
>copypaste in multple threads
fuck off robofag
As a shitskin, I think we all lose. Most of the world would love to see us divide and conquer ourselves. You made the mistake of actually buying in, to one side or the other. I think both sides represent ouroboros, the snake that devours itself. The right being the head, because in it, at least a brain exists. The left, the tail, because this is where the shit comes out. I blame the left for eating shit in the first place. If it were up to me, left radicals would have their tongues and genitalia removed.
I see the shilling software do not allow you to see the pic to lessen the chance of assimilation.
You are missing out.
Aaand FBI has been notified.
I think talking about assasinating president is still illegal in USA.
I feel the same, don't mistake me for taking a side in this, I hate both sides deeply, for different reasons, the right are literally just evil, and want to turn back the clock to the days when they ruled the world, and the Left have gone from pushing progress to forcing people to take their imaginary bullshit seriously and making up a billion genders. They've made the word "progress" have a weighted meaning weighed down by their own idiocy.
In the end the right will lose, as they always have, and that is good, but I'm worried as to how bad it'll get before then.
>As a shitskin, I think we all lose. Most of the world would love to see us divide and conquer ourselves. You made the mistake of actually buying in, to one side or the other. I think both sides represent ouroboros, the snake that devours itself. The left being the head, because in it, at least a brain exists. The right, the tail, because this is where the shit comes out. I blame the left as much as the right for eating shit in the first place. If it were up to me, any radicals would have their tongues and genitalia removed.
Shut up nigger and quit commenting the same shit on posts
Aaaaaaand nothing will come of it you hilarious fucking faggot. People talk about killing the president all the fucking time, remember Twitter after both Obama elections, and Trump's election? Nobody is ever arrested, and its not illegal. Grow up.
Cool meme senpai
>don't mistake me for taking a side in this
fantasizes about assassinating the president
writes about Americans being massacred by the thousands.
so based
No, blame the shitskin is enuf
> live in eastern florida
> not even ten miles away from both an air-force base and a naval port.
Fuck me up famalam.
On the thread topic: I doubt a civil war would happen, but I bet the next president will be a democrat.
You stupid whites! You fucked up this time. Did you think anti-white rhetoric was bad before? You ain't seen nothing yet. I am a Google employee. We've been having emergency meetings all day. We are going to shame, guilt and belittle you stupid white men the likes of which you've never seen! We will delete your YouTube channels, your email accounts. Everything will be gone. The only thing anyone will read, watch or hear about whites is how disgusting, racist and limp dicked you are and there's nothing you can do about it!
>Nobody is ever arrested, and its not illegal.
Except they are and it is.
>Grow up.
You gotta live up to your own standard before imposing those standards on other people, you immature child.
"Fantasized" is a strong word, I'm just saying its not impossible and by Trump's own actions he makes it more likely, and of course I talk about Americans being massacred, its a civil war what the fuck do you think is gonna happen.
Piracy will rise again!
Except nope and nope.
Eat shit kid.
>People talk about killing the president all the fucking time, remember Twitter after both Obama elections
Please share 10 or more examples of this, and 10 or more of celebrities calling for Obama's murder.
>Rather easily
Legitimately the most retarded thing I've read on das internetz. How do you feel?
Lol, aren't you fucking special. Look out guys, we got a google employee here and he's gonna ban us from life!!!!!!1111oneoneoneshiftplusone
What in Davy Jones’ locker did ye just bark at me matey, ye scurvy bilgerat? I’ll have ye know I be the meanest cutthroat on the seven seas, and I’ve led numerous raids on fishing villages, and raped over 300 wenches. I be trained in hit-and-run pillaging and be the deadliest with a pistol of all the captains on the high seas. Ye be nothing to me but another source o’ swag. I’ll have yer guts for garters and keel haul ye like never been done before, hear me true. You think ye can hide behind your newfangled computing device? Think twice on that, scallywag. As we parley I be contacting my secret network o’ pirates across the sea and yer port is being tracked right now so ye better prepare for the typhoon, weevil. The kind o’ monsoon that’ll wipe ye off the map. You’re sharkbait, fool. I can sail anywhere, in any waters, and can kill ye in o’er seven hundred ways, and that be just with me hook and fist. Not only do I be top o’ the line with a cutlass, but I have an entire pirate fleet at my beck and call and I’ll damned sure use it all to wipe yer arse off o’ the world, ye dog. If only ye had had the foresight to know what devilish wrath your jibe was about to incur, ye might have belayed the comment. But ye couldn’t, ye didn’t, and now ye’ll pay the ultimate toll, you buffoon. I’ll shit fury all over ye and ye’ll drown in the depths o’ it. You’re fish food now, lad.
>A death threat is a threat, often made anonymously, by one person or a group of people to kill another person or group of people. These threats are often designed to intimidate victims in order to manipulate their behavior, and thus a death threat can be a form of coercion. For example, a death threat could be used to dissuade a public figure from pursuing a criminal investigation or an advocacy campaign.
>In most jurisdictions, death threats are a serious type of criminal offense. Death threats are often covered by coercion statutes.
Up to the victim if they want to pursue it.
Amused that you think Trump is perfectly safe when he walks around all the time going to a new place every week and forcing the SS to draw up new guard routines every few days.
There was no threat, I just said it was possible. I didn't say "LUL Sup Forums LOOK ON CNN IMA SHEWT TRUMPADUMP KEKEKEKEKE"
I just said its possible to do so if someone wanted to.
>10 or more celebrities, go scrounge on the internet for quotes on president assassination and get the FBI on your ass for a faggot on Sup Forums
Eat shit nigger, just google "president assassination quotes and you'll have plenty of proof.
Addition to this, that dumb fucking comedian bitch who's name I can't be bothered to remember held up a prop of Trump's bloody head to a camera implying she wanted to murder Trump and literally nothing came of it besides some media drama. Keep LARPing all you want, this isn't nazi Germany and I'm not going to jail for pointing out that Trump is too stupid to properly protect.
>Implying the alt-right could ever accomplish this ever by any means
Thats the biggest LARP I think I've ever seen.
>thinking that alt-right is only part of that equation
Do you even read?
The SS let Michelle fields touch the president when he was a candidate
They're garbage
Kim jong uns assassins could get the job done
It doesn't matter, they wouldn't get that far. They'd shoot a few power grids then be gunned down and tracked by drones to their little rebellion bunker before a low yield thermonuclear warhead was thrown through the front door and destroyed the entire rebellion in under a second.
Probably, yea. If Trump would stay put and let his operatives do their job, it would be safer, but he's never been one for intelligence.
Anyone read shitskin?
Pointing out their incompetence is not a threat, dipshits
She walked right past his SS retinue
Trump actually did nothing wrong there
>summer holidays
>young people off school/university
>hot days, warm nights
>kids want to do stuff and have fun
It's no coincidence most civil disturbances coincide with fine weather.
It's not civil war, it's just children pretending that their about to change the world.
Him moving base 2 times a week doesn't help things very much.
Adolf Drumpfler hopefully dies, that'll be what's best for the nation, and then we can heal and kick Pence out for Madame President.
I believe Blackwater runs his security detail.
Deep state is on notice since November 8th.
>So it appears we're nearing the brink of civil war.
If so that would be retarded...Most of these people like perfectly normal lives and have enough food/resources. It would be dumb if we went to civil war mostly because people are bored and want something to live for.
>So it appears we're nearing the brink of civil war
Do you actually believe that lol
Reminder that most people don't care. Things only seem loud in your echo chamber.
Yet again, didn't read fully.
deep state is already trying to kill trump every day
Pretty much every ANTIFA member will be killed in short order.
99% of the country watches 1% of the country freak out and shits burning and stuff flying everywhere.
That has nothing to do with immediate protection, which is where they're failing
I mean, dumb as it is, tensions are only growing higher and higher, this shit has been escelating since election day, I don't see it ending in September when school starts up again.
I will come and help you lads, will bring as much assault cutlery as I can
Fed tanks economy, Trump removed.
GG gameover.
From chaos comes Order, a new World order.
((Their)) biggest threat are patriots and the revolution won't be televised.
Civil war is the perfect furnace to craft the next generation of super soldiers and men of action
By who, the Alt-Right crusaders? They're more likely to be eleminated than Antifa at this rate.
>thinking the white nationalist side has enough numbers to put up a decent fight
Yes, but again, the Right Wing just doesn't have the numbers to win this war. They're good at killing, but they'd just be crushed by the numbers of centrists/leftists.
You gonna kill them all with your A kay four sevens?
No, the police will. I'm just going to watch and have a dank chuckle.
These last few days have seen sliding on steroids. Leftist shills and agitators flooding onto here like never before - all to stifle and prevent discussion. Our threads are effective: we work and think fast. And that is what they are trying to stop.
Please do it. You will only encourage the right wing to take to the streets
lel when liberals are a biggest threat than that korean fat guy
I just feel if the conflict does get worse, it will be the fault of the media, and not because there is actually anything going on. I mean most of these "participants" are people who always have food to eat and iphones...Why fight?
>Gets ass beat everytime we fight
>one yours got shot trying to attack an asian with a trump hat
>one of yours got killed when you mobbed a car
>one of yours tries to assassinate a repub senator, fails
Nigger so far you commies aren't doing so well in your little war against free speech and white men. You are like the coyote and we are the road runner lmao
We hope so. Make sure to keep those aspie faces uncovered so it's easier to recognize you.
Pick one.
Cute, but no. Antifa are undisciplined and not the ones I root for. If you continue as you are doing, and righty isn't very good at adapting so you probably will, the government will be what you fight, not antifa-fags. You'll be rolled over in days little fag. :)
Holy shit that is a high level of retardation.
The thing I worry more about is the destabilization of power across the whole map. Too much power has been ceded to the federal government for state governments to remain viable should a civil war break out. With the failing of washington already, there exists the real possibility that the U.S. as a whole could stutter and fall apart. A civil war would be only the natural result of factions seeking to maintain some sort of power.
I say only this:
Let them die.
What came after Caesar?
The dark ages.
>what do you think are the ramifications of that?
A lot of trump and pepe statues, and a lot of dead commies.
Pic related, every time the far right/far left try to make an attack during this upcoming conflict.
More like after a few months of massacre, both sides will be destroyed and Sup Forums will be deleted from the internet.
You're not winning this, I don't know how else to explain it to you.
>incompitent Trump is
Can't spell.
Implies folk hero who beats him at every turn is stupid.
Ya Im sure some handgun holding sideways homies can take on our autism and vets
We need more political organization, most of all legitimate and legal white advocacy groups. We are at least normalizing the people's angst here about the demographic shift. The next step in America is advocacy/lobbying groups for the American majority that are legal. This is a long term game. Watch out for CIA and FBI infiltrators.
I mean you're right, he was even smart enough to get rid of Obamacare! With all the support in congress it was ea- waaaait... oh... ohhhhhh. :(
fuck off fbi
Scrawny college kids aren't made for this type of fight.
Lefties only do well when the state gets them moving together.
Again, you're not fighting Antifa when you try to retake America, you're fighting the government. The government will destroy you. Case closed.
I support trump but he lets commies assasins like lacy macauley and dylan petrohilos walk on the white house property.
Trump needs to have the whole D.C. antifa killed for his own safety.
>People thought you could make America great again by non-violent means
Ok, but it doesn't have to be the could be soros for example
Can't, as that's treason and Soros would be rounded up like all people meddling in it. As most he can give some funds, but it's not going to make them effective at fighting. It's psychological -- lefties are low-T by design.
Lefties only do well when they come to power through democracy.
>calls himself a 'shitskin'
jesus christ have some self respect
Richard Spencer is gonna get JFK'd at the presser tomorrow. I can feel it.
We have successfully killed your fat 32 year old American cat lady. She must have been a very high ranking member of the communist resistance movement. Do not step to us, commies. We are armed with Dodge Challenger's and EXTREMELY dangerous.