Dark Caucasoids (Meds/Iranics/Semitics)

Dark Caucasoids (Meds/Iranics/Semitics)
>Babylon Elam Egypt Assyria Sumer Persia Athens Rome Byzantium Hittites Phoenicia Carthage Lydia Macedon Bactria Akkad Indus River


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>German empire
>Most developed countries in the world


no meme empires please. I want actual examples. Germany only became developed because it received genetic input from Meds allowing them to develop things like maths and science

No it didn't lmfao. Man wtf are you on? Germans didn't start getting advanced until the 1700-1800s.

yeah I guess that's true, so Germans basically copied off everyone more successful races

>German Empire

Top kek, they modeled themselves after the Roman Empire and got their asses handed to them every time

ohh he meant the Holy Roman Empire. That wasn't even an Empire

>muh pure ideology
Race is a social construct. When the Mediterranean basin was the most economically developed region in the world they considered it the product of their superiority to nordic barbarians. During the era of colonialism Westerners started to claim racial superiority to justify their subjugation of nonwhites. Race is meaningless and you neet fags are wasting your lives.

>i believe in science and evolution, but it's impossible for human populations to show any relevant genetic variation cause i'm a faggot communist

Yeah race as we know it today it is and far more complex than white, black, asian. But differences between peoples are not a social construct a snownigger ain't the same to a nigger, the snownigger has pretty womens with more balls than their mans for example

>During the era of colonialism Westerners started to claim racial superiority to justify their subjugation of nonwhites
It's the other way around, their subjugation of nonwhites justified their claims of racial superiority.

Apparently Germanics were capable enough to create a proper society your subhuman parents moved to, Ahmed Greaspodnigrus
The other way around

The largest empire of all time.

That's all that needs to be said, but I eagerly await your bullshit excuse for why it doesn't count somehow. Perhaps that British don't count as Germanic even though they obviously are from Germanic tribes?

>barely lasted few centuries
>obtained by conquering niggers and stone age monkeys
>lost in the most embarrassing of ways

>genetics like varg superior to mediterrean genes

>>obtained by conquering niggers and stone age monkeys
Same goes for Italy on top of that Italy had nonwhites for the most existence of Rome. A literal proto-JEWSA multiracial cuck empire


The Italian SPAGHETTI GUINEA SPICS have the highest frequency of sub-Saharan African ancestry informative markers in Europe (9.2%) and even Asian DNA (Brisighelli et al. 2012), are the most genetically related to Jews (Atzmon et al. 2010, Behar et al. 2010, Zoossmann-Diskin et al. 2010), have the highest Middle Eastern ancestry (Shriner et al. 2014, Pardo-Seco et al. 2014) because Africans and Middle Easterners migrated in masses to Italy during Roman times. Even many of their "Roman" rulers were from those places!

>diaspora nigger pathetically typed from a Germanic nation
Lol. Most Med mongrels look like turks, gypsies or arabs

>Same goes for Italy
stopped reading right there, I see why you are a self hating diaspora, you are more illiterate than a nigger

>colonial empire

>Same goes for Italy on top of that Italy had nonwhites for the most existence of Rome. A literal proto-JEWSA multiracial cuck empire
How did Rome last so long? They had no racial tensions even though the empire was multiracial, instead everyone worked together for the betterment of the empire. Are Meds the true leaders of humanity?

>Ever being Germanic

> They had no racial tensions even though the empire was multiracial,
/nu/pol retards. Ban yourself from this life by putting a handgun into your mouth and pulling the trigger.

also the fact that you quote brisighelli is absolutely laughable, given that by using a handful of SNPs(few hundreds vs hundreds of thousands normally used by geneticists) it concludes north Italians are more nig than south Italians, which you'd knew if you weren't copypasting things you don't understand
see archive.is/h6bLx

Typical med diaspora shitskizoid

>are more nig than
>it has non-human negro genes in any amounts
Lol at you. It's always laughable how shitskins love to screech about who is less of a shitskin from the bunch

but I thought you were a pure 100% nordic Torinese? don't you believe the studies you are posting?

>strawmanning this hard
nice try but the Netherlands consists mainly out of Franks and Saxons

>given that by using a handful of SNPs(few hundreds vs hundreds of thousands normally used by geneticists) it concludes north Italians are more nig than south Italians


see the link posted

>No argument
thanks bby

Both are Germanic, retard EUmedmigrant

How the fuck can you give an argument to a statement that is historically false? You enjoy multiracial society? Chances are you are a mongrel, cuck or a shitskin

genetic admixture is absolutely worthless in estimating race

you people relaly need to go and study

it's funny you would say this, because i reckon 80% of people on Sup Forums would label you non-white solely on account of your low socioeconomic status and large diaspora

eastern euros are subhumans, so what are you even arguing about?

t. Ticino darkie
Genetic admixture proves the loyalty of your ancestors to their European roots. Something a Med mongrel like you will never understand

I don't think any european med wants to be compared to roaches, goat fuckers and poos.

haha, you are absolutely clueless

you realize two people who have the same amount of admixtures can have a completely different race?

Do you even think before you spout dumb shit?

And yet these "naturally superior" white ubermensch still felt the need to rewrite ancient history in an effort to distance themselves from their lowly origins and detract from earlier accomplishments of non-white civilizations.

nordic accomplishments have nothing to do with ancient greek/roman achievements

if you went to school you would know this

Do you know that's fake news donĀ“t you larper?

>>>Babylon Elam Egypt Assyria Sumer Persia Athens Rome Byzantium Hittites Phoenicia Carthage Lydia Macedon Bactria Akkad Indus River
all of them was nordics back in the day though

Med women > Nordic "wo"men


mongrel, you can't be Nordic and have some subhuman nigger blood. Bloodline cleanness and ancestry matters. Go fuck a skull, anti-scientific suburban med retard

funniest thing is that that """study""" he posted concludes Japanese people are also ~10% nig

i was referring more to middle eastern and east asian achievements, which fascists also claimed as their own

yawn... "bloodline cleanness"

it's like you can't even argue without going into full tourette-mode

why don't you post a pic of yourself if you are so confident about your bloodline? surely, if you are so pure, your image will reflect that for everybody to see immediately

come on, don't be shy

china, india, mesopotamia and egypt predate ancient greece and rome by a substantial margin

well you have a point, however it's still important to understand that ancient greek/roman achievements have nothing to do with modern scientific achievements

i don't even know when it became acceptable to just post random spreadsheets with numbers in it

like, how do you create such trashy work and take any kind of pride in it