Busy hectic day, let's have us a good ole fashion nigger hate thread to relax and blow some steam off at the jungle antics of the Congolese street ape.
Nigger Hate Thread
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there's no reason to hate blacks user
Why did God make niggers smell so repugnant? So the blind could hate them too!
And Jews have the highest IQ of all. I guess they're the real Master Race.
My preacher was praying today to expel all racist degeneracy from this earth. To allow God's love to wash over all inhabitants of this earth and allow them to participate in holy fraternity each and every brother of this planet we inhabit. Feels pretty good to know that most whites don't participate in this kind of degeneracy.
GTFO Shill!
The only good nigger is a dead one. Fact
So, are you christian user? It's a pretty important part of being a Southern man.
They primarily vote for larger government gibes. That's just one of the many reasonable reasons one can fathom what where might one grow an affinity for nigger haterid.
>conservative southerners vote against their interest because Republicans tell you that you're going to hell
I'm a southern man but no Christian, Christianity is meek and Jewish.
The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity's illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the Jew. The deliberate lie in the matter of religion was introduced into the world by Christianity.
Well, you're not following in Old Dixie's traditions. One of the main characteristics of the South is its devotion to Christianity.
Wealthy and educated so it's not against my interest to avoid large taxes and universal healthcare.
I was born and raised here you don't get to tell me how to be where I was born and raised. There ain't no NAACP (Niggers Alligators Armadillo Coons and Possums) for Lil ole nigger hating me.
I'm a Southerner too. Being a Southerner without Christ is like being a man without a dick.
Keep your Jewish cult shit to yourself, everywhere has problems ours happens to be boomer christian mega churches.
delete this!
The South's problems are antagonistic shits like you that are holding on to hatred of other races that were fed to you so you could uphold the status quo of slavery. Slavery was strictly economically beneficial and the rich Southern slaveowners needed a way to keep Southerners in line and not question it too much.
I hate niggers because to this very day, they are a drain on society, produce nothing of value, and commit more crime than any other ethnicity. Those are real problems with real causes and the people that cause them are black niggers.
Their culture, appearance, odor everything about them is repulsive period.
There are countless blacks in America's history that have contributed to society far more than you ever will. How do you reconcile this?
Outliers do not justify the whole. That's like saying Yao Ming is a great basket ball player so most Asians are great at basketball.
The majority of Africans are below the IQ nessicary to understand concepts of self sacrifice and deferral of gratification. That's just the matter at hand, there's nothing wrong with observing nature.
You conflate class with race.
What sacrifices have you done for your race? Why do you treat the successes of your race as your own accomplishments?
Even if the amount of blacks doing these terrible things are enough to stereotype ALL blacks. Your hatred of them is still pathological. You're simply displaying your impotence.
You delusionally mistake ideological class for biological unadaptedness.
Still alive, still working, still gaining capital so I can influence the world as I see fit. More than most I'd say.
So you're an average citizen just like the average black person.
So nothing. You've contributed nothing. At least by your general standard. You're like an average black person
Hate is natural, hate is a stimulant to solve a problem in the real world. My hate is a fuel I use it to better myself. You've been spitting your stupid liberal virtue signaling garbage since you showed up. I don't think you get that's not going to win you brownie points here.
My goal as a white nationalist is to have a very large white family, which I'm accomplishing. The white race moves forward.
>tfw 82 mensa tested IQ
I refuse to belive im a literal nigger and blame the fact that I havent done a single math problem or handwritten a sentence in 5 years, thus degrading my mental capabilities.
I will start to exercise my brain a bit and retake the test in a year.
Should the result be less than 95, i'd seriously consider suicide
a black man can do the same, you're still not really making a good point.
honestly, IQ is such a shit parameter for intelligence. You can be useful in so many other ways. I'm only just above average IQ (109) myself and I'm a nigger.
Its just funny that you talk about IQ then spell necessary COMPLETELY incorrect for it to just be a typo.
IQ is your ability to solve problems with speed and see multiple dynamics of a problem.
It is a powerful tool the measure the effective processing power of the brain in question.
Certain concepts in politics can only be understood at a certain IQ level. It explains why you're a dumb nigger who can't understand any of this and why someone high IQ like myself is against importing more dumb low IQ niggers like you.
It's hilarious because if any one of you retarded autists said these things to a black man in person you'd be in a coma. Fucking Sup Forums faggots. That's coming from a white male.
You autistic fucks are just mad that the black man is hung more than you. How does it feel to have the girlfriend you never had pounded by a huge black cock while your on your desktop fapping?
Is cuckold porn a fetish in Canada or something?
>IQ is such a shit parameter for intelligence
It's the best we've got, nigger.
You're a salty degenerate
Whatever you say, Cletus. It only tests one type of intelligence. Why don't you learn to spell before you come at me with about being a low intelligence nigger.
Not really. Just look up any alternative intelligence test or hell look up criticisms of IQ tests. this one i just pulled up off google.
Well there kinda is.
> Why do you treat the successes of your race as your own accomplishments?
I dont. Youre intentionally obfuscating the meaning of pride and strawmaning.
Were merely acknowledging our genetic succession to the greatest , most powerful race to walk the earth, which instills pride.
Just how a nobleman is proud of having the privilege to belong to an old, namely royal house
The leftist idea that pride can be exclusively directed towards oneself is not only follish but extremely egomaniacal, since ones accomplishments are mosty a result of inborn intelligence which is predetermined by your dads creampie of mom.
Egoistical pride is therefore more illogical than having pride in your race, which on the contrary is noble and morally heightened for it infers appreciation for the work of your forefathers and deep love of your people
"coming from a white guy"
lol yea.... no
i guarantee that you're either a toronto nigger mad that he cant get white girls or a vancouver chink jealous that all your women want to get bleached
But if you're saying the most intelligent races are the most superior then Jews and Asians and Finnish people are the most Superior you fucking dunce kraut.
>And not because niggers are retarded.
>And not because niggers are more inclined to crime.
Lol,sure nigger, now gtfo.
With the increase in the number of new friends we should have them more often.
Maybe rename them in Nigger Facts Thread the hate should happen by seeing their actions without the veil of (((their))) propaganda
Why don't you get off my people's inventions (the computer) and stop appropriating my culture.
The most intelligent race is not the most superior, the white race is the perfection of middle ground when it comes to intelligence and art. There are no other races that create science, art and culture as fast or on the scale that we do and did. Whites ENDED slavery, every other race today still practices it in some form jews including.
You're really dumb. I'm so sorry lmao I'll leave you to your thread dude
clearly satire is lost on you, try some family guy on TV that might be more your speed.
>posts smug infograph about critical thinking
>doesnt engage argument in any way
Hahaha you're a fucking idiot dude. I'm from London area, and you can shove your bullshit statistics up your ass you low life. I love hopping on Sup Forums to be reminded that people like you exist. Makes me feel a little better about myself. Im gunna go smoke a joint and have sex with my beautiful indigenous girlfriend. Have fun being a depressed, overweight autist.
He's talking about averages and you're bringing up extremes?
Enjoy having halfbreed aberrations with your snownigger gf. You seem very sad and unhappy.
>Nice day out
> Ride bike to store to get a drink and enjoy the weather
>Immediately swarmed by little niggers as i pull in
>young negroes want to make it go "vroom vroom"
>yeah whatever, just dont hold the throttle wide open
> proceed to hold the throttle wide open
> put helmet in helmet lock
> "Whoaaaa, how does that work"
> Show lil nigs how the helmet lock works
> they cant understand
>show them like 5 times
> they still can't comprehend
> they think its black magic or some shit
> wat
They couldnt understand what is basically a padlock. How are they that stupid?
shekel for a good goy. Sounds like you hop on here because you know what you're doing to yourself is disgusting and deep down you want someone to tell you that bestiality is wrong.
the irony of this infograph is interesting too, that someone can sit and write about how other people need to stop being so critical of others
Make america white again
>not mentioning crime
Someone's feeling generous.
Hey dummy post dick and feet pics. Thanks!
Khazars own the banks and use them to set each other up all over the world. Jews high IQ is from interbreeding with Europeans for a thousand years.
>this random test i pulled off google is better than IQ.
No. And regardless of what test is used, blacks will always fall short.
truly a parasitic breed.
lol if you have to fuck natives just to get some pussy then youre obviously a 2/10 max
We was tripped an sheeit.
>It's bad to be religious
I get that you don't like religion but I thought fags were largely about "live and let live". Isn't that closer to Libertarianism anyways? Or are modern fags just bloodthirsty, degenerate mongrels that actually deserve oppression?
Here's a popular leftist rhetoric for you.
>Republicans are all a bunch of rich and evil corporate masterminds!
>The only people that vote for the GOP are poor, low IQ, rural suburban retards!
How does one be a simultaneous rich mastermind and poor retard? Leftist doublethink. Everyone is everything you hate because you don't know jack shit about them. You're the real bigots.
i dont understand why people come here and try to act like gandhi. must make them feel good. you have your own biases user. every faggot ive ever argued with in real life has some group they despise, whether its baby boomers or fat people or white trash, christians, etc etc doesnt matter. youre no different. you have things that you rail against. you find statistics to justify it. with you id guess its that you hate christians. ill assume youre a fedoralord. if you owned a business you wouldnt employ a born again christian. this is like the murderers in prison who have their "code" of killing rapists like theyre somehow above them. youre just being hypocritical.
youre just given the green light by hollywood to hate on racists, when you yourself are bigoted in lots of ways. you just hate what is culturally safe to hate. dont pass yourself off as some type of saint m8, youre full of yourself. if people here dislike blacks, they may have personal reasons behind that based on their life experiences. get over yourself. you dont see anyone here going to r/atheism arguing with you about your prejudices against religious people so how about you give it a rest because youre not actually better than anyone here.
Violence against opinions and words.
Gotta be a nigger.
>muh dik
Gotta be.
Jeez, Satan. He deserved to get roasted but you incinerated his weak and gay soul. Chill out.
Its all peace and love with his black brethren, until that black man sucker punches him and robs him for his change.
now, now user. thats a little unnessicary. i am loving this influx of redditards today though, more meat for the grinder is never a bad thing. be careful here user, the abyss stares back.
>if you are anti-white woman, you are anti-white
Artificial wombs will make females no longer needed.