when did you realize leftists were stupid, unfunny and void of thought?
Bill Hicks Thread?
You're calling "leftists" unfunny and you think Bill Hicks is? What shit taste, pleb.
.t L.A retard
wow I can't access that video at all
the U.K hates him for making fun of oyur hooligans
try this
nope, not hooktube with tor or anything, seems we're in the world of censorship
ta anywaz
thats fucking insane
jesus christ, uncuck yourself
I urge people to take extra care online, personally I always stay unlogged in to anything, always clear history, cookies etc,
stop using Firefox folks
currently liking Brave browser, big improvement on FFox
Anyway found a version I could listen to, pretty funny right now
copy pasta if it don't hlink
bill hicks was a staunch leftist.
2014/Ferguson. Still somewhat of a liberal, just sans the race-baiting bullshit. But I realize the left is probably finished, so now I'm just a keki
this is really funny
he was absolutely nothing like the low IQ, brainwashed idiots that the U.N created who identify with the left of todays world
Like all totalitarian mindsets. Islam, leftyism, post modernism are infertile when it comes to creativity, creativity thrives on truth and rigid dogmatists can't handle truth
For most of my life I was just like Doug here but latterly faced with the accelerating progress of the corrupt globalist agenda, nationalism becomes a reasonable position in that there in no other way to counter the globalist nightmare that is to come
check out
Agenda 21
or it's current iteration, it's not a secret what they have planned for us