Trys to unite the right

>trys to unite the right
>unites the whole world against you instead

Good job guys, now everyone is on our side. Never forget your insignificance outside of your shitty boards and youtube comment sections. I left this place years ago and never been happier. Bye bye!

Other urls found in this thread:

>I left this place years ago
Now THAT'S an oxymoron


Why do you not fight anti-White racists?

Why do you deny White people an identity?

Leftists do not care about the extensive amount of anti-White rhetoric on the internet.
People are openly Anti-White and this does not bother them.
Because they are secretly against White people.

"Nazi" has become an ethnic slur.

I was hoping for an insurgency anyway. That's why I don't attend rallys which in reality are nothing but scheduled gang fights at this point.


Maybe in your bubble. Most people are sick of the commies taking kids away because their parents believe in traditional marriage and 6 genders and being put in prison for pronouns and cakes.. and muslims raping 4 year olds and getting off because muh sexual emergency, and the 100 rapes a day by niggers, etc etc etc.

Antifa goes around kicking pregnant women in the stomach because having white kids is racist, we have carte blanche to deal with you.

You stupid whites! You fucked up this time. Did you think anti-white rhetoric was bad before? You ain't seen nothing yet. I am a Google employee. We've been having emergency meetings all day. We are going to shame, guilt and belittle you stupid white men the likes of which you've never seen! We will delete your YouTube channels, your email accounts. Everything will be gone. The only thing anyone will read, watch or hear about whites is how disgusting, racist and limp dicked you are and there's nothing you can do about it you fucking racists!

Are you bullet proof? Go ahead. A memo almost ruined you psychologically.

>the whole world cares about rabid lefties


Everything that has happened will be forgotten by next week and no one cares except you.

Yeah but your wife's kid likes our dank memes.



Watching alt faggots try to damage control is absolutely hilarious.

Do you think the IRA won without pissing off everyone?

And everyone doesn't equal MSM and Twitter/Reddit (go back there)

That just shills.

Fire is coming.

when was the last time you left your house user? you should be worried about your mental state.

watching as the alt right fades into obscurity and irrelevance.

Rhodesia - at the hands of Whites.
Nazi Germany - at the hands of Whites.
The Confederates - at the hands of Whites.

Your main attack force also happen to be the race you are trying to kill.

Pic related:

Just to remind you that we have very justification for resistance.

Why would we damage control a dead commie? It's pretty much the first and only achievement of this beta male alt right movement.

It's like watching your fathers fist fade into your anus you creepy little faggot.

You guys thought you had a victory when you punched Richard Spencer and made a bunch of memes about it. A few months later and now your allies are starting to get killed and injured.

You're a god damn fool if you think things are going in a pleasant direction.

stay mad fags

Let me remind you who IS your President. Let me enlighten you that at LEAST 3.6 million votes were ILLEGAL. One crazy at a statue protest egged on by ANTIFA and BLM doesn't change a damn thing

Yeah keep telling yourself that inbred while the entire world turns against you.

Dotr is coming and nazi scum will be on the receiving end.

Dude, the score is us 1, you 0.

You wanna be #2? Keep running your mouth.

>Let me remind you who IS your President.

Trump condemned you faggots yesterday in front of the whole country.

Damage control? One of your comrades was killed and we're basically throwing garbage and shit all over her corpse while standing around laughing. Everyone's laughing at your misfortune.

Watching as Antifa shoes fly into the air, and their bodies go under the wheels.

Rhodesia only failed because britbongs wouldn't support, the chinese wanted to shut down major competition, and the russians also funded niggers who didnt understand how to set the sights on a gun. If (((certain governments))) hadn't disowned rhodesia it would likely be a thriving beautiful country today

>leave Sup Forums
>see unite the right
>woah wtf happened
>see all the shill threads
Now I remember why I left

>terrorist attacks having a huge impact on how people vote
When will you fags learn? It's almost like you haven't been paying attention these last couple of years.

We could have killed 100 people and it would have barely made an impact on our future.

Are you white fagtionalists not capable of thinking past the stupid bitch that got killed? The entire country is turning on you and realizing the extent of your extremist views.

>everyone is laughing at you

Yeah, everyone in your echo chamber, and even that's a stretch seeing as how the board is flooded with "paid shills". God forbid people come on Sup Forums and voice their opposition to you cunts, they have to be being paid to do it, it's the only explanation, am I right?


pretty sure the whole world sees you as a fragile little boy who has no where to run now.

no ones on your side except the same media as theyve always been

What am I running away from?

Faggots on Sup Forums who talk about wanting murder nonwhites while they sit on their asses all day in front of their computer and masturbate to anime?

Was Soros feeling generous with bonus checks on his birthday?


influence outside of
>shitty boards
>YouTube comment sections
oh but you're forgetting one...
>US presidential elections


Treasure ahead


We are oppressed.
It's called affirmative action.
White people are singled out from the rest on the grounds of unfair generalisations and conspiracy theories and penalised on the basis of their race.
They are also unfairly targeted and abused without much in the way of criticism from the left.

>Trump, Ryan, and Sessions all came our and condemned the alt right yesterday


What's your name and address?

Failure to post = you're scared.

See how that works fag?

Here is a modified version of this file my good pirate friend.
It includes the guys picture.

>it's called affirmative action

Actually it's called being a snowflake. Literal faggot.

That's a good goy. Those whiteys aren't opressed.

why would anyone want a one-to-many relationship with hoards of schizophrenic lefties?

Post your info first, since you are so brave and noble.

No I don't see how that works. For what purpose would I do that?

How about you go jump of a building.

Failure to do so = you're scared

What the fuck is even your point, you stupid fag?

The whole world hates you after having to deal with your mindless vandalism, unwarranted assault, and traffic interruptions all because you think you're owed something from everyone else. People are glad you got run over because they're sick of your bullshit.

like anything you said was true. But if you left you should have stayed gone kike

The whole world hates me?

Interesting, so let's see here, Trump, Sessions, Ryan, and even Nigel Farage all came out today, along with plenty of other politicians, to condemn the alt right and their extremist views, meanwhile every single media news outlet is showcasing the rally with pictures of faggots holding Nazi flags and the psycho who murdered that WHITE woman, and you think the whole world hates me?

The IQ level of your average white nationalist, everyone. They just don't think past the echo chambers of this shithole.

So in addition to your desire to murder the White race you also insult people for being homosexual?

You aren't a progressive.

You are simply a hateful person who wants to attack people just because of their sexuality and race.

Youre just a butthurt little baby. Literally everyone on the earth has it worse than you and youre upset? Nut the fuck up little baby bitch. Dad shoulda hit you harder.

Nobody cares. Nothing has changed.

Normies look at this shit and just think "Damn the country is really divided". They don't pick a side because they don't give a shit.

You haven't gained any allies. We haven't lost any. Nothing has changed except now your blood is in the street.

As long as you keeping tranny acceptance/child abuse, normal people will never vote left.

Who cares?

Condemnation of violence is obligatory. They said some bullshit because they had to.

NO ONE GIVES A SHIT. You're just a typical retard getting all hyped up by media coverage. This will be a non-issue in a matter of days.

I don't have to. I'm not the one denying the existence of an enemy threat, there other guy is here.
You failed to post your address.
Therefore you are afraid.
You are afraid that an anime geek will take a break from masturbating and display his serious martial arts skills upon your very fat ass.

>Sup Forums
the whole world has always been untied against us

>the alt right
>Being an actual thing

Outside of internet meme factories, the alt right does not exist.

Anyway, I am happy the tide is turning in a lot of European countries. Time to kick it all back to the good path. The path of glory, the path of succes, the path of social cohesion through homogeneity.


>focus only on white people and their pride
>ignore Jews, Arabian, Asian, Black racism
fuck off

You are the butthurt baby who accuses white people, the kindest race in history, of being involved in some massive conspiracy against other races.

Pro tip, you fucking dork.

If we are so powerful and wanted to beat you up, you wouldn't be alive.

Pic related.

Antifa faggot please walk in front of my car so I can BTFO of your faggot ass .

The whole world hates Antifa and the far right. You commie fucks are far more despised.

Conspiracy? Have you not been awake the last 48 hours? Dipshit. Also, you wouldnt just kill them. You cant exploit the dead. Idiot. You arent kind. Youre finally being called on your shit and you cant deal with it.

and if you killed the other races that would just prove my point. You know youre wrong. Youre even more special of a snowflake then every SJW you hate.

>whites can't be oppressed
ur stupid.
kill yourself



Why are you so fucking angry? Maybe you just need to accept that white people are oppressed.

how are they oppressed. Give me your most valid argument besides some girl on twitter saying white people suck or something similar.

You take your viewpoint of public perception from a minuscule group of biased out of the loop politicians and "news" organizations. This is why you lost the election so bad and it's the same reason you continue to inflame the rage of the Average Joe while falsely believing you're building up a following.

Wrong. I was a huge leftist supporter until I came here yesterday to see this hateful place. They male a lot of good points and realistically, we lefties aren't apposed to violence at all. The hippy love peace thing is dead.

Antifa are currently having a protest where they are attacking police and throwing piss and shit at them, do you think you have normies support?

These retards read rules for radicals and think they're geniuses and revolutionaries lol

The media are pushing the antiwhite narrative hard and all it does is is red pill more to our side stupid.

What normies see...

Muslims kill people in a terrorist attack> media >nothing to do with muslims #notall

Muslims again kill people in another terrorist attack> media > nothing to do with muslims #notall

Muslims kill even more innocent people in yet another terrorist attack> media > nothing to do with muslims #notall

Antifa attack peoples businesses, set fires, shut down free speech events, attack people and wave communist flags > media >they dindu nuffin.

Dindus kidnap mentally retarded white guy, torture him live on Facebook live > media > they dindu nuffin they gud bois.

White guy kills a communist> media >-all white people are responsible, we have to talk about white terrorism, evil white people..

The lefts overconfidence is going to be their downfall bros.

>left this place
>currently here

Leftist logic.

all white people are responsible. But there was an awful lot of WHITE people at this event pushing a WHITE agenda. We arent as stupid as you. Overconfidence? Thats the pot calling the kettle black.

are not** sorry, thats a big typo

Watching cultist libcucks enjoy a joyride to hell.

> how are white people oppressed
White kids get bullied by black kids all the time in school.

There are literal blocks in major city where if you walk down the street, you will get jacked and robed.

Blacks literally break into people's houses, shoplift and steal cars.

There is no recognized equivalent to Black history month, where white people can celebrate the accomplishments of their race.

Affirmative Action is by deffinition, race-based-discrimination.

White people overwhelmingly pay more in taxes, while recieving less in the form of government financial aid.


>white supremacists killing white civilian women
Bravo, America!

All white people are responsible? Really?

All of the Islamic terrorist attacks throughout the west have been committed by Muslims, pushing a ISLAMIC agenda. Do you hold the average Muslim to the same standards as the Islamic terrorists that have drove peaceful lorries into large crowds killing hundreds including children throughout Europe?


u mad niggerfaggot?

Everyone gets bullied in school. You arent special

Why would you want to go to that block? If you went theyd just think you were buying drugs.

Literally every other month can be used to celebrate how awesome you think you are. Blacks were actually oppressed (not disliked, actually oppressed). Lots of blacks think Black history month is condescending anyways.

Affirmative action? Bro if youre black and you fuck up youll still get fired.

White people pay more in taxes? Whose fucking fault? Quit buying shit.. I have seen much more white trash with their EBT cards paying for cheerios and wine then I have ever seen black. Doesnt mean Im correct but you really have a problem with people eating? Fuck dude.

read the post underneath homie,. was a typo in my rage at how stupid you all are.

>Literally everyone on the earth
oh man thats alot

>da whole world !!

lmfao no one actually cares that a fat bitch and some niggers got ran over

communists lose again, next time I hope the death count is much larger.

Didn't see the correction post before posting reply but still

Nigger op ADMITS to making a slide thread.
80 Posters and counting replying to it.

Jesus H Fuck, you idiots are easier to troll than...well.. any board here.

Stop posting to slide threads, report, hide, and move on, don't waste your energy on these fucking things, or you become the exact nigger you claim to hate.

Also: Sage goes in all the fields.

>If you're not a nazi you're anti-white

Nice false binary. Being anti-nazi is a part of being a proud American.

You little bitches shouldn't have taken your hoods off.

Thread theme

Normally I'd just tell you to kill yourself, but I prefer you don't - because some day I'm going to have my boot on your face, and sawing your fucking throat open with a dull blade

Look at this worthless nigger

wew, nigger thinks it knows what "real pain" is

You will never even come close to me. Enjoy your fantasy while you can.


Get the fuck out of our country traitor.

See you tomorrow.

No one likes us, we don't care.

An enemy is what we need to unite.

lol and you think you know what real pain is?