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ITT: The most evil men in history
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He ahted the jews and the monarchs. Court jews used him to weaken the monarchs and take the reigns of power
Would have a beer with
Satanic man who weakened the one true Church.
Ultimate redpill in Martin Luther
OP isn't a Christian
Martin Luther was good, he sparked the Protestant Reformation, but he only wanted to clean up some things about roman cucktholicism.
It was John Calvin that was the Chief Engineer of the Protestant Reformation with his Magnum Opus "Institutes of Christian Religion". If you want to be a red-pilled Christian and not liberalized/feminized/cucked Christianity, you MUST read this book.
>OP isn't a Christian
Neither was Luther.
Didn't he call out the jewry of the (((catholic))) church?
The man who made the degeneracy possible (detaching reality from concepts and logic)
I don't get it. Looks like a good eme
Christianity is not a white religion it is a jewish weapon, they DESTROYED our religions. If he weakened it then good.
S to spit on this jew.
This decrepit fat fuck gorged himself with the finest delicacies while rationing his people and bombing kids to death.
Also this nigger terrorist who chanted Kill Whitey! as he blew up white politicians' children.
this video is garbage bruh
Your basic teenage pagancuck
>Christianity is not a white religion
no such thing as white religion apert from your disturbed incel brain
>it is a jewish weapon
Wrong. Jews hate christianity with the utmost fiery hatred
>they DESTROYED our religions
Wrong. Pagancucks were crushed by olwhite christian, thus proving theyre truly whjte for white=superiority.
Being annihilated is for sumhumans.
Victimhood is the default state or non whites.
Thus pagancucks arent whjte
Kys fag
Nah, he can't really be held accountable for his actions
I punch nazis
?? how do you mean?
he did not exist lol
But the Catholic Church of the Late Middle Ages was the most evil and corrupted institution in the history of the world, and literally burned all the books in the world and killed all the scientists because they hated knowledge.
Stay mad cathcuck by the way, did you forget to give money to the church today?
We have a winner
Don't forget the millions of Indians he purposely starved in the Raj and then he had the audacity to try to refuse them indepedence.
But we lost both WW. Our ideology was crushed and destroyed. Our whole way of living was annihilated and we were forced into the puppet state we are today.
By your definition we are subhumans.
>Dude what if we made a bomb that ends civilization as we know it lol don't be a pussy just lemme make it
You are. Welcome to the new world order, kraut. You don't have a place in it.
If i remember properly Einstein didn't want his research to be used for warfare, I may be wrong though.
Keep sucking the popes cock
>detaching reality from logic
Do you understand the irony of saying this about possibly the most famous idealist ever
This man deserved to be spitroasted
One of the things I love about pol is that they are red-pilled on roman cathcuckolism. So happy about that.
Semper Reformanda
>Medici popes
>true church
The "One True Church" was already corrupt. This man is a hero.
Yeah, I guess Jews and Mongrels like you rule the world now. But the new world order will grow old one day and other people will find a reason to abolish this one too
Amerifats aren't even part of it, they like to pretend that they are but they're just puppets to the Jews.
all of these cocksuckers should hang in dc
If Germany hadn't gone full retard in the 30s, the reaction against nationalism wouldn't have been so severe post-war.
Germany's going full retard on European integration as well, and that's going to end in tears.
Why the fuck are you guys so autistically intense about everything?
Hitler shouldn't have autistically invaded the USSR and then Germany would've had a much higher chance of winning.
What's happening today is the result of us being fed propaganda by the allies.
The reaction against nationalism is also the result of the worldwide propaganda by the allies.
Hitler himself did nothing wrong. If you wonder why nationalism is dead and why your and my country are a shithole, ask Churchill, he did everything wrong after all.
>Bolshevik education
What was wrong with what I said.
Lyndon B. Johnson.
Hitler HAD to invade the USSR. They were waiting at the border with troops, growing in size day to day. He would have been attacked if he weren't the attacker. The German army showed to be the greatest army while being on the offense but absolutely unable to defend. Just look at the design of the Stug for example.
>There is a time line where this fucker died from Cholera in childhood
>In 2017 of this time line there wasn't two world wars
> South America and Africa are good place to live
>America is peacefully place to live
>No RAP, no commie rock, no commie bull shit
>North and South america reached an agreement
>No mass imigration
>No Israel bullshit conflict= no terrorism
You know that is true right?
Germany should have known how to court alliances with France and the UK (Ribbentrop was not a well appointed ambassador ).
The enemy of the West lay in the Soviet Union. But Germany was a socialist, rabble-rousing, nationalist political mess, how could any of the Western democracies work with that?
That would be Abraham
>They were waiting at the border with troops
Then how come at the start of Barbarossa they were completely massacred?
Also, I hear about how the USSR was supposedly planning on invading Germany but I never see any plans or anything which prove this.
>Christcucks argue over their flavor of jew on a stick ITT
Christians are part of the reason why Africas population is swelling, with all the donations that go over there through christcucks.
Nice try. Catholic nigger states actually have much sex rates than protestant nigger states because Catholics trained niggers to get their dick wet less. So your problem is with protestants and their HIV positive Africa.
Make no mistake if (((Marx))) didnt invent communism (((someone))) else would have envisioned something similar
even looking at him makes me sick
>Then how come at the start of Barbarossa they were completely massacred?
How come the french troops were massacred even though the war wasn't even a surprise for them?
>but I never see any plans or anything which prove this.
That's mostly taken from spywork and reconnoitering. It's more believable than the Holocaust (which doesn't say much) but Stalin was no nice man and being on the defense would have been the death. An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.
Was I too subtle, or do you struggle with sarcasm?
He translated the bible.
At first he thought jews were discriminated and they should get treated with love and friendliness.
But then he hated them like the plague.
Hm, I wonder what happened, is it maybe he made his experiences with jews after that?
I press S to shit on him.
Take the Stalin pill, user
>How come the french troops were massacred
Because France's army was immensley weak compared to Germany's army and tried going on the offensive when they should have been on the defense.
I thought Stalin's defense went quite well, it cucked the German army and stopped them right outside Moscow and Leningrad. Also, if the USSR did plan to invade Germany, some solid proof would exist asside from assumptions.
The absolute truth about evrrything
Was Jesus lying when he said that the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church? At what point was the Church corrupted, the year 100? 200? 300? Was it later?
Oliver Cromwell was the first dommino that brought about the desruction of England hence he is the person who is to truly to blame for my nations problems.
>He was financed by jews in international finance working out of Holland, on the preface he would let them back into England.
>Toppled the Monarchy thus replacing it with democracy where politicans can be swayed by money.
>plunged England into chaos by splitting it down the middle and bringing about a bloddy war that resulted in thousands of English deaths.
>Let wealthy Jewish familes gain money and power through usury creating the problem we have today.
>gulags where justified
>holodomer/Ukraine Terror Famine was justified
>equality of the people is more important than quality of life for the inidivual
>muh cosmonaughts
>muh raising our dead dog in robotic body
>By your definition we are subhumans.
Arent we?
Take a look at present germany and tell me its not the case.
Even an animal knows not to attack and kill their own. Even an animal knows to preserve their offspring. Even an animal recogizes the breach of his territory.
We may have money and somewhat clean streets. But make non mistake
We are subuman.
The new subhumans. Along with swedes.
You can't compare the troops of the later war with Soviet troops at the start of Barbarossa. Both sides learned from eachother while they clashed and both sides changed their way of fighting several times. The troops at the border were surprised. lacked the proper equipment for the defense and had to fight against the clearly superior, fresh German army that excelled in the offense. The soviet doctrine at that point couldn't compete at all.
I'm no catholic by any means or even religious, but the "catholic church vs science battle" is a fantasy of 19th century liberals. Look up any actual literature from historians about this time period (more specifically Bruno's en Copernicus, the so called "martyr's of science")
The catholic church burning all the books in the world is so wrong on so many levels i'm not going to get even started on this.
Just his eyebrows tell me everything I need to know.
>We are subuman.
Maybe you, but not me. Don't believe that what the propaganda tells us to do is our natural way of living.
This state is not ruled by Germans, nor does it do what a true German would want. It does what the Jews told our people is right.
If anybody is a subhuman, it's the Jews.
And we totally remember that Peter allied with the romans and said "other apostles eat shit".
t. St. Paul
If you condem the USSR for gulags then you'll also condem the USA for internment camps and Germany for concentration camps, yes?
Holodomor was about as exaggerated as the holocaust
In comparison to many nations, the USSR had decent living conditions (as long as you lived in or near the cities) considering it was a new nation which just emerged from civil war.
The cosmonaut thing you mentioned had nothing to do with Stalin as he died in 1953.
>Still think that communists are people
Good point but I wasn't talking about later in the war, I meant after the Red Army mostly organised and mobilised a few months into Barbarossa.
He pointed out contradictions between the Roman Catholic Church and what the Bible said, and questioned why the plebs were forced to listen to sermons in Latin to keep them ignorant. He wanted change for the better, not an accidental revolution.
I can't beat that.
Martin Luther was based! BASED!
I actually read your first post as Leningrad and Stalingrad, not Moscow. I'm a little tired.
I think the most important aspect is the element of surprise. The border troops were taken by surprise, Moscow however was strongly fortified at that points with troops ready for the defense. Troops before Moscow relied on scorched Earth and the fast amount of resources, taking away the stamina of Germany. Moscow however put the Soviets on the offense for the first time, with German troops retreating after their initial attack was slowed down by the mud.
They used the right tactics at the right place to the right time of the year.
real life tekken
>plunged England into chaos by splitting it down the middle and bringing about a bloddy war that resulted in thousands of English deaths.
parliament started the first civil war, the second civil war was started by charles, and the third civil war was started by lackeys of charles ii
judas & luther are two of the most difficult possessive spirits to exercise out of humans
ask an exorcist
Depends on your criteria for what an evil person is. I'm a firm believer that you can think and ponder about things of grave maleficence without actually being evil (or, at least, without being able to manifest those wicked thoughts to their full extent). Someone like Jeffrey Dahmer, therefore, is nowhere near as evil as Ronald Reagan, even though Reagan was nowhere near as degenerate in thought or motivation. The suffering that Reagan's administration inflicted on the rest of the world, however, still haunts our country to this day, while the scars that Dahmer left on us are a distant memory.
Basing it on the mere outcome of the person's own gifts and actions, I don't think any one person has single-handedly inflicted a more grievous wound on humanity than Sigmund Freud's nephew, Edward Bernays, the father of PR and the American consumer culture. Americans today grow up believing they don't have a genuine culture, and it's because they quickly recognize the facade of culture that's been erected where the American one ought to be, and this has spread throughout the west.
Easy. Your protestantism is just an offshoot of your schism.