So this guy is 100% confirmed a fed now, right?

So this guy is 100% confirmed a fed now, right?

Other urls found in this thread:

Literally who?

Yes but the feds who write shit on DS need a promotion they are hilarious af


He's great.

He stays home and pushes anti woman and pro black articles

Confirmed race mixer

Admitted paedophile

You tell me

Sinead and her cuck are the real feds

hes an anti-nazi Jew race mixer who informs to the FEDS

Kyle and Sinead O'tarda are the feds my man.

I always thought that about him. If not, he is the worst part of the entire new right. But I think it became perfectly obvious that he is a fed agent provocateur after white shariah. Or the biggest, retarded asshole on the planet. Right after communists.

Sinead tries to divide and stir shit. Anglin writes hilarious articles but they also are one of the reasons the Alt Right will never gain any traction.

if you dumb nigger faggots are gonna make threads like this, give us names etc. we dont know who these dumb fucking ecelebs are by their fucking pictures. fuck i want to kill you niggerlovers.

He's very immature and insecure as fuck about being a 5'2 manlet

The guy is just too committed to be a fed. The articles under his name are clearly all written by him - he has a distinct style. You always know. A paid fed could not do what he is doing, and could not write with such conviction.

What exactly has he done that makes him seem like a fed? He constantly disavows violence, and jumps through every legal hoop necessary

Sinead literally has a mulatto child and is in a open marriage.

Doesn't really matter, still a funny guy.

did minime finally grow up? proud of him

To be fair i don't think she's a fed. She's way too fucking unstable for that. She's just a dumb bitch.

His site gets 3 million views per month

>what is a file name

Who is this

Holy trips praise kek

This is starting to spread all over

What a nice, respectable man that gives ethno nationalism just the admirable face it deserves!

Why doesn't he just dress up as KKK and scream "KILL ALL NIGGERS! HEIL HITLER!"