They're not even hiding it anymore
NYT: Women Had Better Sex Under Socialism
yes you can see the outcome of these "kindergaden and crèches" in russia
you know where all these abadonded children came from that lived there in the 90's huffing gas and jumping off buildings by the thousands? they all had the great pleasure of being "stocked" into one of these children horts
>socialism is a political ideology that caters to women and their base urges
Gee what a surprise.
>using sex appeal to sell socialism
Damn I didn't even know that was possible
Because they had to prostitute themselves for a loaf of bread?
This is all women really care about. Fuck economic mobility and fuck the liberty of future generations, what's the system that can get them fucked the best?
Pornography has a deleterious effect on the relationship between men and women. Objectification, low self-esteem and so on. So, yes, women probably had better sex under socialism.
You literally know nothing about life in the USSR.
90s is the direct result of the collapse of USSR, massive unemployment and poverty and crime wave that it brought.
Before daycare and maternity leave was instituted, mothers were forced into work immediately, and the children were left with the older siblings/someone too old to work.
Because there were no sand-niggers around?
>A comparative sociological study of East and West Germans conducted after reunification in 1990 found that Eastern women had twice as many orgasms as Western women
That's because Slavs aren't cutlets and they have big dicks on average. Using America as a standard by which to judge women's pleasure during sex is ridiculously stupid with all the cutlets and dicklets running around. Take America and Canada out of "the west" and I guarantee we'd be near-tied with Eastern Europe in terms of delivering sexual pleasure to women.
None of this "article" makes any fucking sense. It's just some click money bullshit.
Isn't it interesting how the filthy subhuman behind it can have a sickle and hammer as her avatar, even though those are the symbol of the most oppressive and destructive ideology in human history?
Well they technically did but It was because of a lot of things like the lack of porn and better sex ed. None of that had to with socialism.
>implying free love wasn't a tenet of Lenin's social policy
>implying 99% of present-day communists aren't pro-prostitution, pro-pornography, pro-sexualization of everything
Probably because the ones that starfished got sent to the gulags.
>>implying free love wasn't a tenet of Lenin's social policy
he critized his wife when she suggested that
USSR was going to collapse sooner or later, it was inevitable.
Nazi lover boy detected. Fuck you cunt.
all these commies picture themselves as part of the party leadership, not part of the underclass that gets worked to death to meet some quota, or shot because they stole some bread.
I would love to see them have their iPhone taken and then given a shovel and made to work the fields 18 hours a day.
Well, he still legalized homosexuality.
If socialists today want to extol the high rates of sexual satisfaction in the twentieth-century Eastern European states, then they need to drop the veneration of the sex industry.
Actually the best sex I ever had was with a American who was in the klan.
Not gonna lie. He was eight inches of pure Aryan.
oh god
Socialism makes you thin!
Speaking about socialism........
Do they mention how under socialism prostitution for favours was rampant? No?
Did they also mention that Eastern European countries probably had stronger traditional gender roles then their western counterparts?
jesus christ that's fucking horrific
I wonder how good these women's sex was when their husband was taken prisoner in a mental asylum because they didn't have their papers handy.
thats why facism is the answer
>*leans back almost falling over
>*breathes in heavily on his computer chair covered in cheetos saying* ohhh gawd
>due to being socially retarded thinks I am """triggered"""
literally everything is about sex now
porn has completely fucked up everything
You might be retarded. Sorry.
that was the point
If these kids would have lived in a proper "backwards" nuclear system they would have had a backbone in their family even when everything came down
Well at least we can have the last laugh when society doesn't work without whites. Asia will be the new super powers.
well a lot of women have rape fantasies so it might check out
Jew gotta Jew. News flash- voting for Hillary will make your dick bigger because some bullshit nonsense. Not having white children and sponsoring black families will make you thinner. Look ten years younger by turning your country over to invading brown hordes.
>Western Communist
If there ever are refugees from West coming to us we should just sink the fucking boats before we let your enablers get here
>>A comparative sociological study of East and West Germans conducted after reunification in 1990 found that Eastern women had twice as many orgasms as Western women
uh, does this study provide any sources?
>we need socialism so we can have better sex.
>we're intellectuals.
Happy because the soldiers fucked them by the dozen.
>no more white people.
>no more tax dollars and gibs me dats.
>blacks riot some more.
Women are nation destroyers.
Are there leggit commies in the West? Like smash capitlism, from each according to, redistribution of wealth, global revolution etc or they are larping socialists?
A marxist revolution in the US is inevitable. Until millions of people die and the leftovers slowly starve, america's most retarded will chase the marxist dream. If only our leadership was capable. But its not. If only the grass roots were capable. But its not.
This is why women liked socialism, they were part of the livestock and treated as such. It was bliss for them to be dominated and taken by their husbands.