
Huh ..

So I guess Molyneux actually is /ourguy/?

Other urls found in this thread:

Ancaps have always been fascists.

He is king of the brainlets, yes.

Because he knows that an end of Whites means an end to nearly every race except the Chinese.

b-but burning up property is okay because people matter more than property (even though somebody has to pay for that property and people lose jobs over that somebody having to pay to repair the property etc) but saying things that hurts feelings? TOO FAR

He has been openly /ourguy/ since he asked for the Final Argument

The orginal video, gaining more than 60k got shoahed.


aha no . they literally chimped out like niggers

He's the only one that seems to be consistent and willing to point out hard truths, whereas the alt-liters that people hype up (Sarcuck, P(S)JW) are very flaky.

>tu quoque fallacy

>peaceful march
>where counter-protestors were assaulted

BLM has been created to help save blacks from police. Since recently it has been proven police kill whites just the same. BLM are no longer relevant nor as active.

Neo-nazi however are racists who aim to kill all non-whites.

BLM literally murdered 5 police officers in Dallas last year. Did Obama condemn BLM?

Did BLM claim their did it or are you conveniently assuming?

Yeah you're right, I'm sure the angry black guy who wrote about hating white people and police had nothing to do with BLM.


Molymeme has always been ourguy

I just don't like how he has shills on like

Tommy Robinson nee Stephen Lennon
Lauren Southern
Steven Crowder
Paul Joseph Watson

A supporter of BLM took the opportunity to shoot a bunch of cops. So yes, they did do it. If BLM is not cupable, then its strange that one weirdo who went nuts is culpable of a peaceful lawful protest.

Relevance? Both are wrong of course but Nazi want to kill all non-whites. BLM don't want to kill whites but protect themselves from police. One did what the movement promotes, the black criminal is just insane.

What a joke.

He has entry level and mid level redpills on the show. The reason he never had Spencer on is because he detected what an absolute retard Dicky is

Why do you disagree? Don't Nazi want to kill all non-whites?

Peterson is a chadvocate?

It's supposed to be Jared Taylor, who Molyneux did have on the show actually

Well, I never understood it, but Jared Taylore does hang out with Dicky Spender. For huwhatever reason.

>Jordan Peterson
That's heresy, nupol

Molyneux has always been our guy.

I don't think the average Nazi who showed up at yesterday's rally wanted all non-whites killed any more than the average Stalinist or Maoist wants wealthy capitalists killed or the average BLM rioter wants all police killed.

Not so much because the other races depend on whites, but because without the white man's war machine, Wong would just exterminate the other races for their resources

On race, he is basically full blown 1488 at this point

I disagree with you. BLM don't want to kill whites but the Neo-Nazi's only goal is to continue the legacy of the KKK. Glad they are not tolerated in Canada.

>the average Stalinist or Maoist wants wealthy capitalists killed or the average BLM rioter wants all police killed.
but both of them do, user




Well tell that to , since apparently he thinks BLM has nothing but goodness in their hearts.

Whites aren't tolerated in Canada.

He is obviously A FUCKING LEAF troll shitposting, burger

You never know. It could be someone visiting for the first time.

to you

You can be sure with a fucking leaf.

False equivalence.
>hundreds of masked people with baseball bats smashing business windows and setting cars on fire
>a march and then at a separate time and location a person who may or may not have been affiliated with the previous march drives a car through a crowd of baseball bat wielding protesters.
this is a good comparison.

only a matter of time.

Mols has been our boy for a long time.

Ancap turned fashy goy


The time for arguments is over

Do you feel it?

dick spencer and taylor are buds.
Taylor taught spencer everything he knows.

people should really stop choosing sides between them, as if they aren't on the exact same side.

Yeah I think Taylor is a superior advocate, but I recognize the value of a Spencer as well. They both have a purpose, and preach essentially the same message, which I support.

The Final Argument

Communists and Shitskins aren't people, therefore the NAP doesn't apply to them.

Think based nippon would start building their military if they saw the fall of whites (and by proxy, the west) on the horizon. Nips would btfo the Chinese if they had a good ten years or so to build up and train their military. Either way it would be a bloodbath. Slants have no souls, when it's time to go to war they leave their humanity at the home front.
People think the Nazis are bad.... The Nazis are like little babies when it comes to viciousness and wholesale slaughter when compared to the slants.
>Fun fact
>The chinks terrorize and torture their dogs before hanging them upside down and slitting their throats to bleed them in preparation for butchering. They do this because they believe the adrenaline rush caused by the dogs terror/torture tenderizes and makes the meat taste better.
I think id be ok with nuking the lands of the yellowman. Never the nips though, I wouldn't want to endanger mankinds chances of a future filled with fully fuctional sex robots.

>Molyneux corners a jew
>Reaction is priceless

Is anybody at the rally claiming responsibility for the charger? Doesn't stop media personalities to cry disavow disavow disavow!

Trump! Why won't you disavow the KKK?
>I don't support the KKK
See? He can't do it!

>Video blocked in your country
It's amazing how they find a way to block any kind of argument they don't like, in this case it's not even hateful or racist in any way.
Either our censors here are maximum redpilled from seeing all this stuff or it's a bunch of jews running censorship.

Always has been

I can rip it and upload if you want. It's very good.

No, this doesn't mean he's our guy.
This is simple logic. Any man with open eyes can see it.
When he calls out the MSM, the left and most importantly his alt-right besties on jumping to conclusions like the sewage pits they are, he may just have what it takes to be our guy.

no you retarded newfag

Thx bro, appreciated, but I've already seen it a long time ago so it's not necessary.

Why does Jared Taylor pronounce the word white so awkwardly?

Because he grew up in Japan, and has a Japanese accent.


But he only pronounces white in a silly way.

Who unironically says the Baltimore protests et al. were peaceful?

You probably pronounce some English words pretty funny, just like I pronounce some German words pretty funny.

This incoherent stream of consciousness novel here is a good example of why I normally stay away from uppers....
In my defense, I did not go looking for them.
How shall I absolve myself of my degenerate sin?
>Inb4 neck yourself
Maybe 20 "give schlomo whatever he wants" prayed in penance to larper Enoch?
Oh, I know... A few donations to TDS and a subscription to the Paywall is all one needs to do to get right in the eyes of our saviours/prophets down at TRS, no matter how degenerate one might be. Correct goys? It's not blatant greed and opportunism if the money goes to a Nazi larper, amirite fellas. Totally not coughing it up to some complete sellout memelords? Tell me I'm right guys, I need to be reassured.

I don't want to kill all non whites.
I just want to balkanize racially then laugh at their ineptitudes from my side of the wall.

>killed a woman, injured 19 people


Surely you'd accept black refugees from the New republic of Detroit though right?




When did Richard Spencer say he wanted to kill all non-whites? Actually, when did Hitler say this? How about Goebbels, did Goebbels say it?

What did anybody at UtR call for genocide, or even murder? Why don't you point it out to me I'll wait. Why don't you go get some evidence of your retarded claim.