I tried to warn you

I tried to tell you to get off POL. I tried to tell you to stop radicalizing yourselves with KKK propaganda. Everyone here mocked me, someone of you even pretended to be extremely racist just to spite me.

But now a WOMAN is DEAD. I told you this board could only lead you down a dark path. You are all choosing your fate by staying here posting, and making yourselves more and more hateful. Now one of you absorbed so much of this KKK propaganda that he got brainwashed into running his car into a group of innocent people.

Are you proud of yourselves? Is this how you saw your life being when you were a child? Remember being a child? Remember having innocent fun (NOT laughing at people's deaths) and having aspirations to be someone? Maybe you wanted to be an actor. Maybe a soldier, maybe an astronaut. But now you are a hateful radical right winger that is just a few steps away from committing a hate crime over fucking internet memes.

Its not too late. Leave POL for good and never look back.

We here at Sup Forums are people who live in opposition to the way things are currently being run in our society.

Rather it be the pornographic epidemic which has consumed the minds of our people, homosexual behavior being viewed as normal - by even doctors, abortion being normalized, white people being mistreated simply for being white or scientists trying to tell us there's unlimited genders.
Not only in our daily lives do we have these lifestyles being impressed upon us by the degenerate sheep masses, but they also slip it into our education and our entertainment.

I would like to ask anyone reading this who pushes degenerate lifestyles to please stop.
Please stop promoting your way of life to our society.

That is all.
Thank you and go with Christ, He is with us until the end.

>Matthew 28:16-20
Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go.
When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.
And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Fuck you faggot. We are a board of peace

Why do you faggots keep coming to our board and telling us we're bad people? This was some dumbass loon and probably fake anyway. None of us are killing anyone, shut the fuck up.

We are bored of peace*




Are we supposed to feel bad about some commies getting killed? What do you think these "protestors" were there to do? sing kumbaya? They were there to "bASh Teh FasH! xD" and got what they were looking for

Play stupid games win stupid prizes

>someone killed a woman
>we are on a dark path

Holy fuck even shills have mentally disabled hires.

The sheer ugliness of anti-White hatred should be evident to anyone who hasn't sold their soul.

An incident will not change what I believe in.

>someone did something
>now you must feel bad
Its like white guilt all over again

The tits on that blonde.


I'm so jealous of them. They have Vault soda.

Looks comfy.

Antifa aren't people

The KKK is politically irrelevant. It's completely riddled with F.B.I. Your appeal to childishness instead of actual moral principles does not persuade.

Typical emotionless autistic reactionary. By othering them and pretending they aren't people, you only lose your own humanity in the eyes of everyone else.

you are right the dehumanisation needs to stop.

So to be consistent, the koran is the muslim version of this board, right? And islam is dangerous and a dark path to follow

>you only lose your own humanity
Do you nigger realize where you are?

Who do you think you're convincing? Your attempt to instill shame isn't convincing anyone. Stop pretending that you're the reasonable, non-judging one.


I'm here to be the voice of reason for the countless underage kids that come to this cesspool of a board and now think that LITERALLY RUNNING PEOPLE OVER WITH A CAR is something to laugh about. You might be too brainwashed and far gone yourself, but there are people here that can still be saved from the far right ideologues that pollute this place with fake facts and hate memes. Maybe I don't want more innocent people to die from pepes and idiots like spencer spreading their filth here.

Sup Forums is a board of peace, no true Sup Forumslack advocates violence and it's both racist and ignorant to pin the blame on all of us

Stop caucasiaphobia

Hopefully the first many dead commies

>LITERALLY RUNNING PEOPLE OVER WITH A CAR is something to laugh about.

How new to the internet are you? There has never not been a time when people dying wasn't made fun of on the internet. You are not the voice of reason. You are the voice of delusion.

Stop being so necrophobic, don't you realize death is natural? Everyone dies at least once.

As if anyone was going to save this hambeast from the beetus


She was a fat worthless subhuman the world is better off

hahahaha see you tomorrow cuck

Concern Trolling 101 in this thread atm

Piss off if we're so fucking hateful then.