Goodbye Sup Forums and WN

Anyone else thinking about leaving all this white nationalism and supremacism behind? After yesterday it just seems wrong. I'm not going to stand for or be associated with the killing of anyone

inb4 shill

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Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice.

We here at Sup Forums are people who live in opposition to the way things are currently being run in our society.

Rather it be the pornographic epidemic which has consumed the minds of our people, homosexual behavior being viewed as normal - by even doctors, abortion being normalized, white people being mistreated simply for being white or scientists trying to tell us there's unlimited genders.
Not only in our daily lives do we have these lifestyles being impressed upon us by the degenerate sheep masses, but they also slip it into our education and our entertainment.

I would like to ask anyone reading this who pushes degenerate lifestyles to please stop.
Please stop promoting your way of life to our society.

That is all.
Thank you and go with Christ, He is with us until the end.

>Matthew 28:16-20
Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go.
When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.
And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

say that after they strike back. better pick a corner bruv shits going down

actually i was a liberal just two days ago but now i'm a white nationalist. america could use a strong movement that truly opposes the establishment.

>the end of the Kali Yuga can be achieved only by responding to the decay of the dark age with yet greater violence

Why isn't it though?

you are dumb there was once a right politician that said Extremism is the to protect are rights and this guy was in the cold war on a campaign trail trying to become a president and he hated the moderate conservative and so do i you have no backbone

white nationalism communism and nazism are failed bullshit the shills ca go fck themselves

no, not really, I still like where this is headed

One person dying was not as many as you had hoped for, was it CIA?

Shill! Traitors to the movement will hang first

Phuck off, shill.

Omg, I hate Sup Forums now!

Can't really prove I'm not a shill. I just think there's going to be a huge backlash against all that I stood for, and a backlash against people like I was. So I can't do this shit anymore. I've had friends who think I'm a Nazi etc and I just feel fucking sick to stomach that I supported a movement like this. I'd be totally fine with people with the same temperament and intelligence sticking to their own countries but at the core of WN and Supremacism is violence, that can't be denied.

No. That's a false dichotomy. You don't have to be pro-running people over with a car to be pro-white, the actions of a fool do not delegitimize the righteousness of the cause of white nationalism.

>nationalism and supremacy
Don't come back, senpai

You are a shill. No doubt about that. You also never were a part of the movement.
Nobody who seriously believes in the love for it's own people would be this easy persuaded. A dead commie keeps nobody away from fighting for those he loves and for the things he believes in.
You never felt love in the first place, so piss off and go back to Plebbit

Where do you think you are?

I think we're going about it the wrong way more than anything

>inb4 shill
Like clockwork

You were never with us.

after yesterday it has never seemed more necessary. also hopeless

Your just going to abandon your old viewpoints and ideas because the "image" is no longer serving you? Seems like you had no real belief in the first place.

go home shariablue larp.

Not wanting to be rejected by society is a pretty damn good reason not to support a movement, in my opinion

lmao this shilling is beyond obvious. get fuck outta here cunt


I'm committing suicide tomorrow to BTFO the sjw cucks!

Yeah I love multiculturalism now. Open the borders! Hillary 2020!

today is quite shilly what happened?

No so you are either a retard or a shill. Wonderful.



A movement implied you attempting to move society away from what it accepts....

Fuck off jew

good job op. get out of Sup Forums and save yourself before they poison you

No victory can be won without blood. If you are not willing to fight for your rights, you are a cuck. Freedom can only be achieved from tyrants by violently wresting it from their claws. Evil does not give in easily, so it must be vanquished through war; and this continued rise of leftist wrongdoing must be countered through war, if need be. One man killing one other person, I admit, does not help; but sooner or later, lines must be drawn, and blood will spill. One way or another, this evil will not be vanquished without consequence.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Yeah I am feeling so sleepy right now.... YYAAAWWWNNNNNNN

Hitler couldn't have said it better himself.

Honestly, you're doing the right thing. This shit isn't worth it. Go home, tell your family you love them, follow your dreams, be a good person.

yeah man id rather be the loser in a genocidal conflict. lets all just doom our people, someone died after all.

You're right. you should stand for the killing of Each and every one of the lefitist scum, not just one measly landwhale.

wtf I hate whites now

Come to Jesus Christ,

Pray to Jesus Christ, user.

>James 4:8
"Come close to God, and God will come close to you. Wash your hands, you sinners; purify your hearts, for your loyalty is divided between God and the world."

I'll pray for you, user!

Nah, kill yourself cunt.

wtf I love niggers now

We are all the same after all

>Anyone else thinking about leaving all this white nationalism and supremacism behind? After yesterday it just seems wrong. I'm not going to stand for or be associated with the killing of anyone
Good riddance you coward.

You wouldn't be any use to the White race during the race war anyways.

Just hope you don't hang with your race traitor friends on the day of the rope.

Because losing liberty means you lose the possibility of defending anything else.

Oh look it's this pasta again

You're a coward. You have no problem being pro-White online and talking shit, but when anti-Whites start oppressing your people IRL you cower under the thought of actually fighting back.

I like where it's heading!
You spineless faggots need a wake up call desu

When Jamal or Mohammad slays you in the street for being white, I won't cry for you. I'll laugh at you sodomite weak race traitors.

>If society is anti-White and wants to commit genocide of the White race, who am I to oppose that?
That's how you sound right now, coward.

After what, exactly? Some kid committed one crime? BLM has targeted and assassinated cops, and they're still around and are supported by politicians.

>When Jamal or Mohammad slays you in the street for being white, I won't cry for you. I'll laugh at you sodomite weak race traitors.
OP's last words as the niggers rape him to death for being White will be "at least I'm not a violent racist."

You do realise we've dealt with concern trolling for the past 2 years? You're nothing new OP

>After what, exactly? Some kid committed one crime? BLM has targeted and assassinated cops, and they're still around and are supported by politicians.
On top of that, OP believes the media/politicians anti-White narrative.

If we listened to them, we'd believe all the violence came from the pro-Whites and that antifa literally did nothing wrong.

In truth, it was the complete opposite.

That's why, if you notice, the media isn't playing any clips of this so-called racist violence. The only thing they are playing is the car attack, which we still know nothing about the motives behind it.

Self hating whites are truly the worst of the worst. I can't understand them. They honestly think the niggers will accept them for their ideas. They don't realize that niggers view them as exactly the same as us, whether they're racist or not.

Yeah. One of them apparently brewed their own pepper spray and attacked baked Alaska. Now he's going to lose his vision permanently. He's 28 years old. But the media won't even report that.

The dude's car was hit with a bat.

Communists have been attacking and killing anyone right wing all year, and now that one crazy guy strikes back, you're going to tuck tail and submit? You don't deserve to be here.

>Self hating whites are truly the worst of the worst.
I often wondered why people said "deal with the traitors first"

After yesterday and seeing the pussies speak out against white "violence" I start to understand.

I expect the jews and the non-Whites to be anti-White. There's no reason for Whites to be anti-White, especially if they have access to the truth, which they do on Sup Forums.

>They don't realize that niggers view them as exactly the same as us, whether they're racist or not.
Pic related.

>Yeah. One of them apparently brewed their own pepper spray and attacked baked Alaska.
I heard about the attack, I thought it was just bear mace.

>Now he's going to lose his vision permanently.
Jesus Christ, really?

>He's 28 years old. But the media won't even report that.
Because all the media, yes even Fox News, is anti-White. They are as much of an enemy as the rest.

>Communists have been attacking and killing anyone right wing all year, and now that one crazy guy strikes back, you're going to tuck tail and submit? You don't deserve to be here.
Actually this is good. It gets the faggots like the OP off the fences. The people that are left are more likely to fight to the final victory.

I am white


Nothing changed

>Rather it be homosexual behavior being viewed as normal - by even doctors

But you completely capitulated on gays. That's why you're memeing trannies so hard now - to distract from the fact that you lost on gays and you're not even trying to fight it any more.

>After yesterday it just seems wrong. I'm not going to stand for or be associated with the killing of anyone

Do you honestly expect that there won't be violence, you fucking moron? They are demanding that we submit and we are just now starting to fight back. We are heading toward a collision in America. The Left has been taken over by cypto-communists. To stop them there will be blood. The way we maneuver now determines whether the government backs us or them.

The die is cast whether you recognize it or not. The Left has pitted POC (meaning all others except Whites) against Whites. Whites are just starting to realign behind a White identity.

This has just begun and there will be no backing down.

>But you completely capitulated on gays
That's the altright, conservatives and republicans.

That's why NatSoc's and Fascists like myself don't consider ourselves any of those things.

I have found him but he became a cuck in his later years also he was a fucking jew. but he said in his president campaign during the cold war that extremism is necessary in the face of danger to protect ones people and moderate conservatives need to at lest need to have a backbone

>The Left

The "left" is just following the Jewish playbook aka Cultural Marxism.

but he was a republican so was he Left?

The self hating whites believe their ideology. It's a very strange one to believe, but they're definitely committed to it. To the point of suicidiality. Most would never go anywhere near Sup Forums if they even knew about it.

But yeah, baked Alaska is fucked.


>The self hating whites believe their ideology.
It's because they've never been exposed to a pro-White society and the mere thought scares them into a stupor.

>But yeah, baked Alaska is fucked.
God damn. Any official word?

for christ's sake, you shills really cannot innovate your tactics? we've seen the same bullshit with all those "WTF I am off the trump train now" months ago.
go choke on a nigger's dick.

meh grow a pair

ok bye

Yeah fine, America is doomed, just get used to multiculturalism, learn to speak spanish, fuck some BASED latino or asian woman you can make mixed babies with and renounce all western European culture, you Amerifats have made white people look bad enough for too long.

Even if he is a retard he's still a shill.

It's more than that. They are taught from the earliest ages that they are good people of they believe the right things.

Baked Alaska can't tweet because he can't see, but you can look up millennial matt's feed to see what he says about him.

God bless you user.

>Muslims commit terror attacks constantly.
>Antifa repeatedly brings M80s and the like with obvious attempt to kill, maim, or otherwise injure.
>antifa storms a car, the driver panics and floors it, and some commie gets the zipperhead experience
Shut the fuck up. These shitlibs have finally caused their little tantrum to come to blows and now all you fucking retards wanna do is cry about "muh moral high ground" and act like somehow nobody could see this coming from a mile away. Good riddance dipshit.

Dont be a sucker

>Baked Alaska can't tweet because he can't see, but you can look up millennial matt's feed to see what he says about him.
I just checked, he's tweeting (or someone is tweeting for him)
As far as I've seen, he says the possiblity for permanent damage is good.

From now on, if we attend these events, it's helmets, body armor, gas masks, shields and some kind of legal defensive weapon.

Anything less and we're putting our lives into our own hands.

Nazis are fagots and should be gassed, Feilds was a fucking retard trustfund kid who ruined his life for literally no reason

I felt bad, but SM and MSM are just being so gay about it. I mean imagine if someone counter-protested in ferguson. you wouldve been shot

>This is what a terrorist looks like!

>white nationalism communism and nazism are failed bullshit the shills ca go fck themselves

Easy for you to say when you already live in a 95% society.


The core of all politics is violence. Where do you think rights come from?

Was never there to begin with. Childish, self-absorbed posers

The cops will disarm us like at the battle of Berkeley while allowing antifa their weapons.

I saw a fox news pundit claiming that the alt right was obviously not peaceful because peaceful protesters don't bring shields and helmets. He didn't mention that in every previous rally they were thrown to the wolves.

>The cops will disarm us like at the battle of Berkeley while allowing antifa their weapons.
Then everyone should have civilian versions of bodycams on. (gopro's and shit)

>I saw a fox news pundit claiming that the alt right was obviously not peaceful because peaceful protesters don't bring shields and helmets. He didn't mention that in every previous rally they were thrown to the wolves.
That's because Conservatives are just as anti-White as Liberals.


>The cops will disarm us like at the battle of Berkeley while allowing antifa their weapons.
"What?" This isn't a baseball bat! It's a stick holding up my sign."

"Shields aren't weapons officer."

...Said the anti-White supporting White genocide.

Pic related. One white guy on the right goes nuts and runs people over you guys go ape shit. Muslims rape and bomb people all over the world almost on a weekly basis...."Oh but its not their fault". You people are fucking scum.

What happened yesterday? Some guys car was attacked from what is known

>People attack the car with bats
>Guy in the car runs them over
>CNN makes out like he ran over peaceful protesters.

What made you switch so fast?