Here we talk about situation in post comunist countries depression, uneployement and failing economy.
Thread THEME
EX USSR thread
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A fallen empire all we see is red snow, and death.
Get the fuck out of my Latvia, Vlad.
>Get the fuck out of my Latvia
Your?What do you mean?
I would like to thank the commies for bulgarizing the T*rks and deporting all those who refused to change their name, religion and culture to ours.
jesus, man...
> depression, uneployement and failing economy
lol compared to literal breadlines in USSR it's paradise
I am Lithuanian, my grandmother and her family got deported to Siberia Ulan Ude when she was 16
My grandfather got deported to siberia as well, he returned but dosen't whant to talk about those times.
Everything was great. One of the biggest mistakes was not deporting every baltnigger to the Arctic ocean.
That is actually pretty bad. The right thing would have been right to deport or kill them.
Your fault for rejecting Jesus Christ and embracing godless Jewish communism
Go back to church faggot
Flame of our spirit has died, we kill to live and live to kill, our soul was broken and made red, and now it's only black.
It's far from relligion burger.
Situation - shit.
Unemplyoment - not that bad.
Failing economy - If it isn't EU gibs we would be worse.
Race war against gypos when?
Thank you Ivan i salute your grandfather for killing our people.
• universal socialist law: no private land, no political views that isn't subject to the states meaning none!, no privacy and no intellectual property meaning everything!
• hi tech death vans for tax evaders and fraud, yep theres still taxes!
(very loss term to kill and harvest a guy for)
• polite cannibalism, you may eat humans but no eating of the wifes, thats his food!
• No gay porn/ or any content about being gay, thats right attention whore your the first to go
friendly reminders on what socialist laws in Cuba wont let you do without them
• Travel abroad without government permission.
• Change jobs without government permission.
• Change residence without government permission
• Access the Internet without government permission
• Watch independent or private radio or TV stations
• Read books, magazines or newspapers, unless approved/published by the government
• Receive publications from abroad or from visitors
• and a fuck ton more of this nightmare
but don't worry if you read on in the list and the replies to the list special status seems to get bypass alot of these in certain situations because isn't that what being socialist is all about
• Forced Labor Camps in EU Communist countries in the 20th century
theres a fuck ton more comrades i just scratched the tip of the iceberg
We had nothing to gain, we where praying for death, only red and grey only smell of broken vains, let them sink, let them lose spirit and soul to vacum of suffering.
Mine got deported too, and he's a tually quite vocal about it. He has told me many stories of his childhood, both before, during and after the war.
He was sent there because one of hos brothers had served in the german military as a borderguard. Gramps only had to rot in there for I think 10 years, after which he and his parents were allowed back into Estonia. His brother though... poor fellow had to work in a coal mine in the far north of siberia for 15 years. Grams said that his brother talked about seeing auroras in the sky almost daily at times and the sun either never setting or never coming up for long periods of time.
If yo7 guys want it, I could post some of his stries here, as greentext.
Post em Eesti
And this thread will archieve and be gone like our soles that died, only red will not be gone.
theres a strange thing about socialism it invents an ideology that can only exist when they finish with the country they applied there logic on
ruin-ism (when they fuckin ruin everything for everyone)
>I know, I will make a commie thread when half of Sup Forums is lit up with James "Commies have brought the hate? Let them argue with my V8" Fields
Sup Forums threads are 15% relevance, 25% content, , 60% marketing.
Gonna have to apologize for poor grammar in advance, as I am phoneposting.
>Be my grandpa.
>Early teens
>Going to 7th grade in a local school in west Oesel.
>Got some friends, not a chad or anything. Just your average normie.
>Has already tried smoking and alcohol, but not doing it daily, more like a casual thing, to spend time with friends.
>Getting average grades in school, you know, 3s, 4s, 2s time to time. Nothing special here either.
>No special information on any school teachers except the german teacher, who got elected as principle later on.
>Such a huge Bitch!
>Really forcing german on us, despite clearly knowing about the fact that war is about to break loose, and Estonia WILL be annexed by much stronger Russia.
>Manage to somehow survive until the end of the year, around may or june
>Usually, at the end of a school year, a party is held, with food and dancing and all that kind of stuff. Many funs!
>Next day after which the students would get their diplomas for finishing their school education.
>war finally reaches west Oesel
>School has to close early
>No party is held
>Next day school gets bombed to the ground
>mfw never actually finished primary school
some short ones
>Be my grandpa
>Be a kid
>Parents own a small farm during the first republic of Estonia
>Own a couple cows and pigs, a potato field and also earn extra by fishing
>kinda a little rich, or at least more rich than some other families in the village
>Parents usually not at home during day, so kids have to tend to the animals.
>House is located around 1-2km from beach
>Kids have to walk the cows there to let them drink every morning
>Each kid had his own cow and his own stream of water
>Water is so fresh, so clean, no chemicals, no fluoride, clean ground water.
At this point I was getting really comfy, but
>Apparently now they have moss grown over them and some streams are completely shut. Also, water not nearly as clean in our day and age.
Here are some fun pasttimes they did as kids
>Inb4 parents aren't home
>Have to tend to pigs
>Feed them potatoes and let them out of the barn to walk until the fence.
>once we reach the fence, we turn the pigs around
>Sit on their backs
>Slap the shit out of the pigs ass
>It starts squealing and running towards the barn
>Literal pig race
>tfw parents never found out
>Huge flies around places with water and farm aninals
>Not sure what they're called in English, but they can sting you and it really hurts
>Let's punish these annoying fuckers
>Catch one in between your fingers, it can't fly away nor bite you
>Literally shove a straw up it's ass
>It flies straight up into the sky without stopping
>First Estonian space program
>>Not sure what they're called in English, but they can sting you and it really hurts
I believe those are called mosquitos
I have a story concerning my grandmother and her family
>Lithuania is occupied by Germans
>Krauts come up to villagers and want to buy some meat
>Some people don't want to sell it, but too scarred to say no
>Great grandfather hides some in some field in a hole safely preserved since it was smoked and salted
>Germans come asking for meat
>Says he has none
>Some time later Krauts come laughing their asses off
>Apparently their horse got its leg stuck in that hole and they found his hiding stash
>They ask if he is willing to sell it now
They were cunts, but if this situation was a holywood story they would have executed the whole family and they still payed.
Now the story of how my grandpa was sent to siberia
Mind you, these stories are not in chronological order btw.
>Be grandpa, having dinner with his family
>Suddently, a knock on the door
>Two red army soldiers walk in
>Both jews btw
>One has a rifle, the other one is talking to parents
>Once talking is done, they tell everyone to face the wall
>They start a fire in the chimney
>Start throwing books into the fire
>Imagine my grandpas shock
>Finished with all the books in the nain room, move on to the other room, close the door
>Grandpa quickly reacts, runs to the chimney and picks up his favorite book, "Nimed Marmortahvlil"
>Luckly, only one corner was burnt
>Hide it under shirt
>Neither of the red jews notice
>Leave once they finish burning books
>Hide book in the house until family gets back from siberia
>Pack things and leave
>Transported via train to siberia, alongside hundreds other unlucky families
>Many years later, return to the old home
>The place has been completely looted
>Furniture, food plates, silverware all taken
>tfw even... the book
Not mosquitoes, eitherhorseflyorgadfly(according to google translate). They don't sting, they bite, apparently
you should all be ashamed of yourselves
My phone's autocorrect is so shit. Have to press spacebar to confirm every word.
Here's a bit of his life in siberia
>They were not sent there on vacation, an many lefties would think
>They were sent there to work
>The land was terrible to farm and build on
>Your houses base would sink overtime, so you had to completely destroy it and build it from grounds up after some time
>Giant mosquitoes everywhere now instead of horseflies
>No fun with these shits anymore
>Different from the smaller, estonian mosquitoes, these ones didn't buzz around you for a while before they stung, they went straight for it
>And the people living there
>They were pretty starved, but they were lazy as fuck
>Didn't work the land, and instead, continiued to drink vodka and starve themselves out of pure laziness
>They despised all of the newcomers who were sent there
>Constantly calling them dirty fascists, nazi scum, etc, like we get called today in the alt right
>At first nobody paid knew, since most people who were sent there from the baltics didn't speak r*ssian, but it eventually stuck on them, as there was no other way around it.
>To this day, some of my older relatives know fluent r*ssian
>You know how they say there was no food in siberia?
>Wrong, you just have to know where to look
>Most other families who were given cattle ate them right away
>Not gramps and his family though
>Their cow helped them noticabely in not starving to death.
>Also, surprisingly, their settlement was near two lakes
>The fish in it were huge and plenty, since they fed off of the mosquitoes and there were barely any people hunting for them
>Grandpa and his family managed to get an estonian fishing net.
>The ropes connecting it were very very thin and the fish could see them way worse
>Other, local fishermen got curious about this net and came to ask
>All of their nets were thick, russian made and the fish were smart enough to see it most of the time
>The jealousy and hate just kept growing