The whole world is looking at you, and realising just how fucking retarded you all are.
Stop this shit, and go back to eating your burgers you fat pieces of neo-nazi shits.
The whole world is looking at you, and realising just how fucking retarded you all are.
Stop this shit, and go back to eating your burgers you fat pieces of neo-nazi shits.
Other urls found in this thread:
No, the Right wing has been infiltrated by Nazi cunts, just like how the left in the UK has been infiltrated by Maoists.
now the MSM can tar all right wingers as Nazi terrorists.
When you've been a joke for hundreds of years you don't have the right to laugh at others.
Nice ramp on your aircraft carrier lol
You know who is to blame here?
The fucking Russians.
Hello, Achmed
behead yourself Mohammed
>assuming we care
>The left burns downs buildings, drags Trump supporter from cars, beat them in the streets, bash them from behind every chance they get, riot every time a thug die, on and on. Never a peep.
The real enemy of the country is the marxist media and it's little lapdogs like OP.
No one cares about murica this isn't the 1900s
>meanwhile UK "people" get acided and stabbed and rammed
Still better than you guys
You do, otherwise you wouldn't have replied you fat shit. Face it, America is in decline - you've got neo nazis walking the streets with little torches. It's pathetic.
God, why did we have to bring you into this world. If we had any sense we''d take you back as a fucking colony to show you how to run a country.
Youre trying too hard
>Can run country
>Landmass the size of few islands now
Pick one
Trying to hard? I'm not even a virgin 4channer.
I just heard that this is where all the neo-nazis basically originates from.
Seriously. what other country has neo-nazi rallies where people die? You literally fought the fuckers in a world war not too long ago. It's stupidity at a level only an American could achieve
The royal family are Nazis op . They were friends with Hitler too . So shut up and enjoy your Brexit troll .
Jews own your cuntree, faggot.
>letting someone own all the swans
> Land mass of a small Island
> Still a top 5 economy with universal healthcare and one where neo-nazi marches would never be allowed.
Meanwhile you literally have a celebrity TV star as your President. Fucking lol
The only brits that hate America are pakis, and calling you a "brit" is pushing it."
Op has BNP EDL and combat 18 and now DUP so don't be slagging off USA you cuck
lol fuck off IRA boy. You're the reason the DUP exist.
Op is a normie troll from londinistan . Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Muhammad was a pedophile !!!!
I wonder
Whatever you say Herr Battenburg.
Sorry America, OP is just one of our many smelly pakis. We have a big problem. We're rooting for you - dont turn into this shithole
How the fuck does normie know I'm in the Ira ......
Agreed . Tommy Robinson and Paul Joseph Watson are right . Islamic invasion . God speed UK Natives .
Corbyn lost you fucking cuck
Get off my fucking board and hang the noose already, it'll save me the trouble of hanging your entrails over the tower of fuckin' London with the other traitors when DotR comes.
>mfw I was going to make a joke and then realized that the british broadcasting corporation has actually been promoting big black cock for a while
Then the right wing has to come up with something new and should ask itself why it has been infiltrated by nazi cunts so easily.
>one stupid faggot on Sup Forums
>who lives in a society where you can't buy plastic knives and you go to prison if you hurt a faggot's feelings
>whole world
ok, pal.
Man you fucking loser, you have been shitposting your lefty dogshit for 3 hours now - when is it enough?
shit posting used to be fun . Feels bad man . Too many normies invading my stream reeeeeee off to bed ...
Or Dylan roof
this is really excellent - too bad their are still way too many
A britfag trolling Americans with a photograph of a cuck and the mother who cucked him. You can't make this shit up.
>where neo-nazi marches would never be allowed
you britcucks dont like free speech?
Hey come on buddy, I'm just trying to waste sometime until Game of Thrones is broadcast tonight, and 'Muricans get triggered so easily.
>the IQ meme
>hurr durr if u sei sumfin stupd ur stupd
You know, maybe people don't want a stick up their asses the whole time and just have the desire to lose some edge by putting faggots in their place. And of course, with many pretending to be faggots, the real faggots were attracted. Ever thought about that, faggot?
Nah the whole world is looking at Europe and shaking their heads. You where our home land, and a place of beauty and wonder. Now your just a fucking shit hole filled with sand niggers that rape and murder your daughters. My country is starting to go down this horribly awful path to, fuck you.
Hard Brexit
Bilateral Trade with USA
muh tower!?!?!
Nah to what end the burgers will just swarm in there and make it a leaf hate thread.
don't make me come and peel the "vote labor" sticker off your iphone fuckface
Corbyn would change this country for the better
Can we be a colony again dad?
Kek top tier post
shut it loser Turk. I see cultural marxism has done a fine job on you.
Can't have Sharia quick enough, eh, cuckold?
Fuck it, let them kill each other. They're asking for it everyday