Has there been any other image so utterly destructive to the Alt Right?
Has there been any other image so utterly destructive to the Alt Right?
He's a kissless virgin faggot standing up for what he believes, whereas you are a kissless virgin faggot hiding inside all day.
Who decided on the tiki torches?
they're so pert
I don't think so, no.
Looks normal to me, at least a 5/10. Let's see what you look like, you leftist loving fuck.
>Murdoch Murdoch t-shirt
These tikitorch fags don't Rep the "altRight"
>that polo shirt
>manboobs despite not being overweight
Right. He was rolling in pussy at that sausage fest of a protest.
*blocks your path*
He looks like he'd lick nigger cum out of his girlfriend's pussy and unironically call a liberal a cuck
Wanna have fun?
leftcucks hate this picture because the guy in it is wayyy more representative of the average leftist than he is the average neo Nazi
the left can't even maintain a monopoly on glasses wearing numales they are finished
He looks like a dork, but the most of people I see in the streets don't look good either
I was actually impressed with how clean and well-dressed they all looked.
I think it's great the alt-right is so comfortable expressing pride in their latent homosexuality. OUT AND PROUD!
I love it. It's someone's obvious attempt to be edgy "let's carry torches". Then they get that shit from walmart.
Way to play to the redneck south stereotypes.
>this projection
>this denial
At least he takes initiative and action in his life.
damn he looks badass
We can all play this game
Seems like a cool dude to me. The supposedly anti lookist left making fun of his appearance reaffirms to me that deep everyone is basically a fascist and the equality and acceptance bullshit is just that...bullshit.
why don't they use this pic?
smart people I guess - the torches burn for a long time and are lightweight
because attractive people and african americans would break the stereotype of white supremacist virgins attacking poor lefties
This guy looks like he failed at life ferociously.
Has anyone doxxed this guy yet? Would be great to see the results.
Two other questions:
- why is everyone in this protest male? Was it gay themed or something?
- why are they using Polynesian torches? Isn't this a confusing kind of cultural appropriation?
Whomever thought the midnight Tiki March was a good idea needs to be removed from all future discussion making.
Whomever thought He, You, It whatever Will Not Devide Us! was a good chant should be beaten the fuck out of, because clearly he trolled you.
Whomever decided to let the Nazis, KKK and other hate groups march along with The Right should be kicked out of The Right.
Gotta look good when you're starting a neo Nazi revolution
Yes because Richard Spencer and David Duke shouting " Hail Victory " are really disappointed that Nat Socs showed up to the event, right?
Nazis did it, and the KKK before them, but yeah, they're cheap and tacky fucks.
hey man great opinion why don't you write your poli-sci 101 paper on it in a few weeks
Do you think he killed himself yet?
Not a single person there got handed a tiki torch and thought to themselves "we're going to look like idiots?"
This was either a masterful false flag op from someone on the left, or the alt-right is as retarded as they say.
It's a decent looking, in shape random guy. Wow.
>The virgin BBQ
>The chad torch march
There was literally nothing wrong with the torch lit rally.
>those are manboobs
You've been watching too much porn
The aloha it's time for a shoah look is quaint and brings some much needed multiculturalism to nazism but they really need to upgrade to techno-nazism. It isn't the 1930s anymore.
Damn I would.
Why would you expect traditionalists to send out their women to a place where there could be violence?
femanon here, don't mind me just gonna take a five minute break...
>decent looking
>in shape
Definitely not in shape, but facial wise, what's wrong with him? He has a passable chin/jaw, and his other facial features aren't bad either.
looks like john oliver
t. /fit/ manlet
Post your body, feg
The fuck is so edgy about torchlight you stupid /leftypol/? Even you commies loved doing it.
This one
Why are these all so closely cropped? And, more importantly, what weak minded person sees these and thinks they weren't cherrypicked?
THIS 100%
And leftists were scared shitless of tiki torches. So I would say it worked.
whoever went to their local ikea or walmart and bought these fucking tiki torches is a fucking faggot
It's summer in the South. You're gonna need them to keep mosquitos away.
They want to show these people as ugly failures who cant get laid. Women hate those types and leftist betas follow what women think.
Fuck off retard
Yes I remember at Nuremberg in 1936 the Nazis looked so bad ass at their walmart tiki torchlight parade
>destructive to the Alt Right?
which is bad why? fuck this chanology reddit shit
jewsnews good goy. Fuck your concern trolling you shit-teethed fag.
This guy if he hit the gym wouldnt be that bad could be the next Himmler honestly
Then there's that gollum looking faggot on the right.
he just looks like a normal guy. we dont all have to look like permatanned fake tattooed umbongo chimps all day like the kike media demands