gofundme /i-was-beaten-by-white-supremacists
$75k raised in a day. Any footage of this guy provoking? I live streamed the entire day and saw a lot of arguments that didn't end in brawling, so why should I think that this kid was minding his own biz.
gofundme /i-was-beaten-by-white-supremacists
$75k raised in a day. Any footage of this guy provoking? I live streamed the entire day and saw a lot of arguments that didn't end in brawling, so why should I think that this kid was minding his own biz.
Other urls found in this thread:
damn.. bix nood my nigga...
Already donated $50 to him :^)
He's not on medicaid and welfare? I refuse to believe that.
Is that the guy in the parking garage?
He was wearing a mask and whatnot. He was probably throwing rocks at people, as it was reported that people were from that area.
He'll OD on coke now.
he got 75k of his 50k goal in 7 hours, wtf
Lefty nigger apologists fetishize niggers
It's almost guaranteed he started something/deserved it, and he's swindling the morons of their money
I bet hes on SSI,HUD,and another laundry list of welfare programs.
>any evidence
Yes. Now you can stop trying to peddle your white supremacist ideology here. Sup Forums is DONE with larpers, only genuine practical ideologies will be tolerated on this board from now on.
Yeah. This is being pushed hard as a classic tale of innocent black man being battered by whites. Pretty fucked for a bunch of people to keep hitting him with poles unless they want to face murder charges, but a fight broke out and videos of him hucking rocks would be pretty great.
Sadly I guess he still gets his $75k and far far beyond at this rate.
lol nigger got his watermelon caved in
talk shit, get hit
>implying he didn't have it coming
They were focusing on him exclusively, which means he did something to draw it.
Damn. He founded a new biz opp for niggers. Go to rallies get kicked and make five figures. Nice gig.
>Harris said he and his friends did not initiate physical violence towards the rioters and they were talking before one man starting hitting him with the pole
>He is an aspiring musical artist who moved to the city two years ago when he began working as an instructor for a special education program
"Aspiring rapper" says he dindu nothin
he will spend that money on rims and malt liquor and will be even broker then he was before he instigated his beatdown
If nig in OP's pic is same nig getting beat down in parking garage, apparently nig grabbed some white girls ass and ran.
Also, how much gofundme money did the guy who got smashed with the bike lock get?
The video is out there where the whites were leaving and Tyrone and his buddies were talking shit, hitting the whites, and grabbing their flags.
As usual, this nigger isnt innocent.
Hats off to him, though for gaming sympathetic whites. Its hilarious that those same whites think this endears them to blacks. Blacks will eat them as fast as they would if they were KkK
WHERE did you hear that!?
Do you know how pissed all these tender fucks that donated would be to hear that he GROPED A WOMAN!?
Yes, it's the same guy.
He says he full up dindu nuthin in the news article
Wearing sunglasses is criminal intent suddenly
start faking this stuff and scam lefties
He's an "aspiring hip hop artist." What a walking stereotype.
I'm going to prepare fake nigger injury photos and a gofundme ready to go live after the next happening and make some cash off these cucks
>black man thinks he strong
>gets beat up by beta white men
why is koolaid coming out of his head? fakest shit i ever seen lmao glad hes scamming libtards with white guilt
Lol looks like cool-aid. Definitely fake but gotta give him props for getting free gibs
Someone contact ADL. Those assault sun shades need to be banned.
This will be the next big scam, hell - I wouldn't be surprised if people start trying it nation wide in coming protests. Talk shit -> get hit -> dindu -> gibs
How long until the clubs and knives are replaced with firearms? I see martial law coming.
Saw the video on a thread last night. Black dude running away from an angry white mob like he just stole all their gibs.
White mob catches up in parking garage, dispenses justice. Leaves. I thought I saved the video, but I didn't. If anyone has it, please post.
Imagine what you would do with 75k right now. That's so not fair.
he linked this vid on his gofund.me page:
no backstory though.
I think it looks like kool-aid because he's being sprayed with a water bottle for extra dramatic effect. I'm guessing this was before he was taken to the med area.
too bad he doesn't have a rope around his neck.
happiness is a dead nigger.
>once upon a time I would've thought the nigger was an innocent victim
wew, lad
>It's the current year and we're beating niggers in the streets for being niggers
the future is bright boys
$75,000? damn dude, where are these aggressive white supremacists? i wouldn't mind cashing in.
I can believe he got beaten with little provocation.
It's a riot, you don't need an excuse to start lathering people.
Ya's? Buts whats abouts blacks on blacks slavesery?
that's just his culture. it means he liked her. you need to be more tolerant.
All my student debt would be paid off, PLUS I'd still have enough to put a fat downpayment on a house.
I would GLADLY get my ass beat for $75k
This time next year, he won't have a cent of that $75k, and he'll have nothing to show for it.
Fucking niggers
>mfw this is how liberals actually treat niggers and mudslimes
dey don't know any better! Gib dem monies!
at least he is one honest nigger...
>given 75k
>buys typical nigger shit
>gone in a month
>dead in two.
Just throw some ketchup on your head and say you got beat up.
Yeah, he'll spend it on his rap career and bitches and hoes.. oops, forgot to pay taxes on it - yo IRS I dindonuffin
Up nearly $3,000 since I posted this. When will it end? What if this goes up to like $300k?
This. He's just finding his death.
muhfuggen gibsmedat
When will leftist figure that niggers are the ultimate opportunists? They don't give a fuck how lefties feel about them. All they see is white people and think of ways to see how they can fuck them over.
All y'all with that gay twitter shit need to start posting on every story about him that there's reports he grabbed a girls ass.
It's gonna piss them off, they're gonna say you's racis, but they gotta know.
Is there anything stopping me from making a gofundme like this with a pic of some random nigger (cropped and flipped 180 so it doesn't turn up n Google image search)?
Never relax around Sup Forumsacks
Fuck this world
You're witnessing the creation of a new IRA.
He won't keep it. It'll either go into the health care system or he'll blow it on frivolities.
>this is what I have to live with.
They know that Toronto is too far gone for whites already as well and they are proud of it.
make him pay reparations....
probably a money grab
was nowhere near that rally
you're part of the problem
Lol that's fake blood.
Donated 15 bucks, I don't have much but any little thing will help I'm sure
No even the blood in his hair that isn't being hit by water is way too bright red to be blood.
This is ungodly fake.
i donated after i saw your post thanks for the plug nazi
You are a good person.
how it should be, like it was in the good ol' days. I hope we can go back.
niggers stole my PS2, fund me a PS4. Thanks
making them to waste money like this should be a strategy
>For patients without health insurance, an emergency room visit typically costs from $150-$3,000 or more, depending on the severity of the condition and what diagnostic tests and treatment are performed. In some cases, especially where critical care is required and/or a procedure or surgery is performed, the cost could reach $20,000 or more.
He works for a school so he probably has health insurance. He'll pay a few grand for the deductible and a percentage of anything over that. Probably make off with 60,000+ from gofundme. Even if he's uninsured, he's still getting a five figure payday from gofundme alone. He was able to give interviews and pose for photographs after the event, so I assume he did not suffer serious brain injury and there will be no long term costs.
this shit is so fake kek