You can't be both Christian and Fascist Racist Neo-Nazi, tough luck honey!
You can't be both Christian and Fascist Racist Neo-Nazi, tough luck honey!
Other urls found in this thread:
>kikes attempting to push people away from christ
If you disagree with even 1 thing written in OP, you aren't Christian. It's just cold fats sorry hun..
Based high IQ jew tells the truth!
> cold fats
like the the kind of fat used to make candles?
>christianity divides because people argue about things
>so let's go back to worshipping extinct bullshit based on whatever bits of lore christian scholars recorded
we aryanz now.
>Christian Scholars
Kek! Christianity actually unites everyone who is Christian in another words it is pro race mixing and thus devides white people. It makes us hard to fight our ((( real enemies ))).
Never forget that the real Christianity teaches that a Black Christian is exactly as good as white Christian and a white infidel is subhuman.
Racism against fellow Christians of different races is strictly forbidden by the ((( lord ))).
Christianity has been telling the white man everyone is equal in the eyes of the god, the left is the most Christian whether they admit it or not. White Nationalism is exactly the opposite of Christian Globalism.
>Love thy heretic neighbor
Chr*stians would rather accept an African or Asian Chr*stian than a non-Chr*stian European(White).
that's correct, and, it sounds like you're having a hard time figuring out why white christians aren't actually nazis even though they keep getting called that.
Oh yea the catholic church loved jews and so did martin luther try again synagog of satan
>The Muslim
>The black
>The Jew
>Not The white
Really makes you think
You haven't the slightest idea what you're talking about. Nationalism and Christianity are perfectly compatible. See: nearly every European nationalist movement in history.
There is no inherent racialism in Paganism, as much as you'd like there to be. If blacks are converting to Christianity, good for them, I still don't want them migrating to my country.
Burn in hell, kike.
Good goy.
not an argument
>le ebin grusaders xDDDD
Reminder that the Crusades were largely a miserable failure due in part to in-fighting between various sects of Christianity and that the Fourth Crusade was directly responsible for the fall of Constantinople/Byzantium and the Ottoman Empire's rise to power.
bullshit bull fucking shit all those forced conversions all those witch trials all those genocides against whites fuck off man. stop we are being raided by fucking shills and you gotta post stupid shit like this fuck off
To "love thy neighbor" is to convert them to the light of Christ.
Those that are not baptized in natural water, and who do not believe in the essential mysteries of faith all, and I mean every single one, go to hell.
Every single homosexual goes to hell, every single muslim goes to hell, every single jew, every single heretical protestant, every single schismatic, every single pagan, etc.
You ALL go to hell straightaway.
John 3:5 - unless a man is born again in water and the spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of heaven
Ever wish Christianity was compatible with white nationalism? That it wasn't "jewish"?
(Saving files will prevent audio crashes)
>[Master list of podcasts]
>[Judea, Judah, and Jew. Learn the Difference]
>[Debunking Churchianity/Catholicism]
>[Race Mixing is the Unforgivable Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit]
Audio sermon:
>[Debunking Universalism]
>[Eight Witnesses Against Universalism]
>[Discussion on the Settlement of Europe]
>[Race Mixing: Broken Cisterns]
>[Two-Seedline Explained: Pragmatic Genesis 1/28]
>[The Edomite Jewish Immigration Agenda]
>[The Curse of White Genocide]
"People are being lied to about history, and especially about ancient history [...] This website is a reflection of the religious research and historical inquiries of William R. Finck Jr. The purpose of this site is to correct the record in regards to the history and origin of the peoples of Europe, and the reasons why they have adopted the Christian religion and must keep it, along with their ethnic identity and culture."
Jesus would also love:
thy paedophile neighbour
thy murderer neighbour
thy rapist neighbour
thy ex-Satanist neighbour who indulged in child sacrifice in the past.
Jesus is the embodiment of forgiveness for people whose sins are too great to accept or even mention (along with more normal sins like stealing and adultery).
This sign just manipulates the message of Jesus for SJW convenience.
The 'Pasteur' who put it up is just one of many false prophets who Jesus himself warned us about.
Stop being a Christcuck
Don't bother trying to argue with Christc*cks, they love Yahweh too much.
You can be both of them if you are orthodox.
And you had many crusades on other white Europeans, because they followed the wrong brand of the Jewish cult.
My neighbour is a fucking faggot and so are you (((OP)))
God dammit boys. You are falling right into the oldest fucking jew trick in the book! Get yourselves together for fucks sake! Whites are united!!
antipope francis and the abomination of desolation that is the vatican 2 sect isn't "christian" in any way aside from their buildings and robes, which are just remnants of what was christianity
Nice meme. Literally the first site I found of Orthodox Christianity was praising Islam and pointing out their wonderful similarities.
Not that he is entirely wrong though. :^)
Maybe it's time we beat the Jew Yahweh crap out of them. What do you say bro?!
heretical protestants aren't christians either
to be a Christian is to hold part of the "one faith" and to be part of the "one church"
Christians are gay and probably jewish
>not welcoming your brothers in Christ
You cant be racist but you can definitely be against Jews and Sodomites
I question whether some of these people are my neighbor. It's ASSUMED everyone is your neighbor.
Always wondered -
Did Jesus live in a multicultural society, or was his idea of "neighbor" folks lust like himself?
>love they addicted neighbour
That's the most telling one, you're supposed to love them, do your best to get them to no longer be addicted even if you have to be harsh. You aren't supposed to be supportive of their all their choices and help them continue to destroy themselves with drink and drugs. When you've understood that you'll see the same applies to every other sinful way of life.
That's like natsoc and communists uniting lol. Christcucks want to storm the gates of Jerusalem (jew desert), their (((holy land))). They don't want to retake Europe.
Fixed your meme for you!
Good thing I'm an atheist.
Gas the kikes, race war now!
Who said I didn't love them? I just prefer to love them when they aren't killing my people and ruining my country.
>Literally the first site I found of Orthodox Christianity
Go to orthodox church.
Churchianity doesn't believe in tough love
It only believes in feel-good "love"
>heretical protestants aren't christians
Wow! A true Christian!
The Greek word translated as "neighbor" was a word form used of grazing animals which meant "one who grazes next to you". It meant one of the same type, of the same herd. In those days there were some multi-culti cities but mostly it was extended family who lived near you, always of the same race.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Please leave my neighborhood.
>the mental gymnastics
you have no idea what Christianity is
Some people in the Alt-Right think Orthodox Christianity is un cucked, pro white version of Christianity. But this is simply not the case.
Christianity literally started as a sect of Jews. The first Christians were all Jews. The Christian god is Yahweh. Abraham was a Jew. The only name jewier than Abraham is Yahweh.
All types of Christianity are inherently multi racial unlike Germanic Paganism which has racial element to it.
This is the Orthodox Church's statement on Matthew Heimbach who considers himself to be a Christian and a white nationalist.
Statement Regarding Matthew Heimbach: On Saturday, April 12, 2014, I received Matthew Heimbach into the Orthodox communion through the sacrament of Chrismation. I did not understand at that time that he held nationalistic, segregationist views. Immediately upon learning of the scope and development of Matthew's views, I responded to his decisions quickly and decisively, meeting with him in person and by phone on multiple occasions, and conferring with our bishop.
Typically pastoral issues are best handled confidentially between priest and penitent in order to protect the privacy of those coming for counsel.
"If, however, a person makes inflammatory public statements in the name of the Orthodox Faith, as in the present case of Matthew Heinbach, a public statement is most certainly warranted."
Though Matthew has made progress in coming to understand the teachings of Christ, he has not formally renounced his views promoting a separationist ideology.
"Orthodoxy rejects the teaching that churches or countries should be divided along racial lines. For, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus' (Gal. 3:28). And again, ‘They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one Shepherd" (Jn. 10:16)."
Matthew must cease and desist all activities, both online, in print, and in person, promoting racist and seperationist ideologies, effective immediately. He must formally reject violence, hate speech, and the heresy of Phyletism. Finally, he must submit to period of formal penance in order to be received back into the Orthodox communion.
what a nice looking little church
Do you have a source?
The only thing I can find is the Greek word "plesion"
>Foisting 20th century values and perceptions on translated words from 2,000 years ago
Good thing I'm pagan then
Then there is this: "Orthodox-Christian" wedding. Race mixing is biblical, never forget that good goy!
shoo kike! fly away! shooooo!
she is coal burning whore, she literally had african wedding.
Here's the fastest I could come up with. And my mistake, it was the Greek version of the older Hebrew word rey'a
That's a nice sign. Jesus also said to follow him because we're all horrible and his way is the way. Good luck getting the "I'm a good person though" people to go along with that.
I'm pretty sure natsocs weren't pagan AND Christian weren't the communists either.
who cares that the founders of Christianity were Jewish? why the fuck does it matter?
Aren't leftist churches dying?
Christianity is not European.
It's christcuck slave morality that got us in this mess.
>thinking some Jewish guy had the multiple meanings of a Greek word in mind when he preached in Aramaic to goat herders to support your own perceptions and values 2000 years later
>25 And behold, a lawyer stood up to put him to the test, saying, “Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” 26 He said to him, “What is written in the Law? How do you read it?” 27 And he answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.” 28 And he said to him, “You have answered correctly; do this, and you will live.”
>29 But he, desiring to justify himself, said to Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?” 30 Jesus replied, “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he fell among robbers, who stripped him and beat him and departed, leaving him half dead. 31 Now by chance a priest was going down that road, and when he saw him he passed by on the other side. 32 So likewise a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. 33 But a Samaritan, as he journeyed, came to where he was, and when he saw him, he had compassion. 34 He went to him and bound up his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he set him on his own animal and brought him to an inn and took care of him. 35 And the next day he took out two denarii[a] and gave them to the innkeeper, saying, ‘Take care of him, and whatever more you spend, I will repay you when I come back.’ 36 Which of these three, do you think, proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell among the robbers?” 37 He said, “The one who showed him mercy.” And Jesus said to him, “You go, and do likewise.”
The term neighbour has nothing to do with physical proximity.
>marrying the beast of the fields
It was actually the older hebrew word, I misspoke
Thats where youre wrong kike.
Orthodox missionaries helping their fellow orthodox niglets to become future breeders of white christian women (who are more likely to mudshark with negro Christians than white atheists /pagans).
Then there is also Jesus stuff which is just another Jew bullshit.
Watch me go, kike
They are called "Orthodox missionaries" and they are highly respected by fellow nigger Christians. But what they really are is anti-white. You can call them christ cucks, ((( they ))) are all the same anyway.
Ok. Thanks, user
>Then he set him on his own animal and brought him to an inn and took care of him
>nothing to do with physical proximity
Also, Orthodoxy is the biggest growing religion in Ethiopia. So many fellow nigger Christians ready to breed with white Christian women in the name of ((( Jesus ))) now think about that for a moment.
Fuck it. Guess I'm not Christian then.
can we be jewish?
Nowhere does it say any of that. Go away jew.
Says the 2 post faggot
Point - Orthodox Christianity is not based/better than any other Christian denominations.
There is nothing such as un-cucked Christianity since Christianity literally started as a sect of Jews for the goyim to follow."
>36 Which of these three, do you think, proved to be a neighbor?” 37 He said, “The one who showed him mercy.”
Your neighbours are those who show mercy. Do Muslims show us mercy? No? Then they aren't our neighbours.
Here's a great article explaining neighbors and strangers in the bible for those interested
I don't know white boy, love the black as much as you like, but STAY OUT OF MEXICO FUCKING NIGGER ROOOOO
"First, in secular Greek there are other words used by authors contemporary to the New Testament period, and which also appear in the New Testament, which are often translated as neighbor. These are γείτων (1069), which is explicitly “one of the same land, a neighbour” (Liddell & Scott) a word found at Luke 14:12; 15:6, 9; and John 9:8, and περίοιkος (4040) which is “dwelling round...οἱ περίοιkοι neighbours...” (ibid.), which is found only at Luke 1:58. Both of these words have an explicitly geographical meaning, since they refer to physical proximity. But πλησίον describes only one who is close or near without any explicit inference of location.
It can surely be demonstrated from historical sources such as Strabo of Cappadocia, that in Palestine and throughout the οἰkουμένη, the word used to describe the physical Greco-Roman world, one’s neighbor was most often, and was expected to be, of one’s own tribe. That this is the true meaning of τὸν πλησίον in the New Testament is evident in other ways, besides the use of those other words, γείτων or περίοιkος, where it was appropriate. Strabo had marveled that in Egypt, there were cities that were inhabited by people from different tribes. Therefore we see that diverse cities were not the norm in the other countries."
>started as a sect of jews for goyim to follow
Sure explains why the Jews decided to kill him, huh?
>You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Do not even tax collectors do the same? And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even Gentiles do the same?
>Be perfect, therefore, as your Heavenly Father is perfect.
"The Hebrew word in the original text of the command that “thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself”, which is found at Leviticus 19:18, is Strong’s Hebrew #7453, reya', which is “an associate (more or less close)” and Strong lists the King James Version translations of the word as “brother, companion, fellow, friend, husband, lover, neighbor … [or sometimes as] (an-) other” and therefore it should certainly be evident that τὸν πλησίον, the Greek phrase used in the Septuagint and in the New Testament to translate this Hebrew word, is not merely someone who lives nearby.
In turn, the root word of reya', or neighbor (Strong's # 7453), is a word said to be derived from another Hebrew word which is found at Strong's #7462, ra'ah, which is defined by Strong as “a primitive root; to tend a flock, i.e. pasture it; intransitive to graze (literally or figuratively); generally to rule [in the sense of tending a flock]; [and] by extension to associate with (as a friend)...” and so it is apparent that if one is a member of the flock, then one’s πλησίον, or neighbor, can only be a fellow sheep! This leads us right back to the original appearance of the word in this context in Leviticus 19:18, where we have seen that the word neighbor can only refer back to one of “the children of thy people” according to the commandment as it is given."
>thy addicted neighbor
>Jesus said to turn the other cheek!
>Punch a Nazi!
Since when do leftists care what Jesus taught?
National Socialism is neopagan essentially and in the Third Reich, certainly. It's a leftism same as progressive radical earth mother worship- the "pre-Christian ancestral gods." Christianity is Patriarchical, and it's slandered as much by Communists as National Socialists because these are cut from the same cloth. What pagans usually misunderstand, since their object of worship is material (mater-) and of creation rather than creator beyond creation is that Christianity concerns itself with the life after life, the Spiritual Kingdom where indeed all men are equal under God though do not strictly seek to change earthly life in principle. Many early Christians were slaves, even their masters who were also Christian did not necessarily make them free. More simple, render to Caesar what's his, render to God what is His. The love in Christianity is Spiritual, not necessarily emotional or carnal. What Christianity disallows though is hate. National Socialism thrives on a "will to power" radicalism that needs fuel and in more degenerate, weaker types that gravitate to it's strength, hate is what they use. Hate is not intrinsic to self defense, protection, justice- it becomes so in those not as capable to the tasks. So no, generally speaking NatSoc is not compatible with Christianity but it is neopagan. As other forms of politics are
>trying to conflate the word neighbour with the word enemy
Jews didn't kill ((( Jesus ))) lol.
Tacitus and Pliny the Younger onthe Early Christians:
The originator of the name, Christ, was executed as a criminal by the procurator Pontius Pilate during the reign of Tiberius;and though repressed, this destructive superstition erupted again, not only through Judea, which was the origin of this evil,but also through the city of Rome, to which all that is horrible and shameful floods together and is celebrated.
Hebrew speaker here. Every time it uses the word "neighbor" in the Torah, it refers exclusively to fellow jews. Seems fairly nationalist to me.
>missing the point
Jesus tells you to love and greet both.
I agree, although I also believe that today's jews are imposters who stole the identity of the original Israelites around the time of Jesus, under John Hyrcanus. So you think Jewish ethnostate, I think white ethnostate.
>Cuckistianity post rapefugees forever.
get your shit together user
The sign in the OP doesn't mention enemies, it's attempting to incorrectly say people like Muslims are neighbours when they are simply heretics.