Fucking sheep
Fucking sheep
I'm comfortable becoming a persecuted minority as long as I'm allowed to continue sniffing my own farts .. and they'll let me do that because everyone's the same
I dont give a single fuck anymore. Let this thing crash and burn. Left and right are just used to control people and guide them to the developement needed to establish whatever new shit politic system is needed.
I just wanna be left alone. Fuck this earth.
Washington warned us about a two-party system. You could have prevented this.
wow I'm a radical centrist now
BAHAHAHA you people are real aren't you
To tell the truth, there are no important institutions promoting white identity. But all of them are promoting fag commie-friendly politics. So who is dividing and conquering, is focusing on the left-wing.
wtf i want a black man to fuck my wife now
omg radical centrist who is sooo intelligent, u so elevated above it all
enjoy your black future
>Haha you think both sides are correct on certain issues and you don't just blindly subscribe to some ideology? What a retard
I can't unsee Eddie Murphy.
wtf i love brad pitt now fuck hitler
If you actually understood the d&c agenda you'd lean more toward NatSoc than being some high school anarchist that identifies with a shitty character from a gay movie based on a meme book.
kek, center or ...center!
Except Commie Nazis are behind all of Americas problems you dumb centrist fuck.
>not going to the third position aka libertarianism, ron paulism, americanism, trumpism etc.
radical centrism is the true redpill
why would you tho, natsoc is dated, tried and failed ideology
Ron Paul is the answer
But Tyler Durden wasn't real...
>lol I am smarter than everyone because I don't pick a side xDDDD
It succeeded until the entire world allied against it.
One nation, remember. Japan didn't fight in Europe and Italy was shit at its job.
You telling like Germany just sat there and whole world attacked him, what about invading Poland, operation barbarossa, invading Czechoslovakia after the munich agreement. Germany started a war and lost, again.