Wtf I love nazis now

Wtf I love nazis now

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Why do nazi special snowflakes insist on having their own safe place?

Yes, and? He was.

Why do emotional left wing terrorists insist on creating chaos rather than discussion?

Well he was so

>leftists act violent
>right wing calls out this violence and is close to retaliating with violence
>leftists: you know that Hitler said he was attacking violent leftists too!?!?!? This is clearly all smoke and mirrors and because Hitler may or may not have said he was retaliating against violent leftists, this proves that we are currently not being violent!!!

Your homosexual lover will be upset.

Well he did kill all the commie fags in germany

Thats whats happening. The standing up to the antifa scurge

You seriously call Sup Forums a safe space when almost all threads are started by people attacking Sup Forums and their ideas.

>muh pride parades

damn.. so deep.. it's almost as if the commies would have done the same power grab shit as the nazis did.. whoa...


>When you read history of Nazi Germany, one of the chief characteristics of Hitler was that he "breathed oxygen", everyone on the right side of history put on your helium hats!

Oh wow, this helped me to see the error of my ways. I think we should just let violent Leftists do what they want instead. It would be best for us all.

geez, maybe leftists should stop being violent then, huh?

>therefore anyone who opposes leftist violence is literally Hitler

Hey lefty fags.
There is a Rally in Boston planned in the wake of you shutting this one down. What r u gonna do? How wil you recover?


Hitler literally was a violent leftist though

That doesn't make sense.

Violence means it's moved beyond words.

The leftists in Europe are so far left that it makes centrist capitalists seem left to us.

I`m shocked.
Did he just compare the Commies in the 1930s to the leftists of today?
I mean because if he did doesnt that just counter his whole point?
I mean so the right are Nazis and the left are commies by his understanding, and he thinks there is a good and bad side between them. This historical good side bad side in ww2 needs to stop.

well that's because he was.

read mein kampf if you want all the real arguments made by hitler, you can't refute any of them.

Surely he was only left on the economic axis?

Hitler was centrist at worst, do you really think private enterprise didn't exist in Germany at that time?

Of course I don't think that.
I was merely stating that the only left wing factor I could see in him was his socialist tendencies, to which are on the economic axis.

From my perspective I don't think he could have been a hard socialist as Germany certainly didn't go the same way as Cuba and Venezuela.

>When you read the history of Nazi Germany, one of the chief attributes of Hitler was that he was 5'8".


why do commie snowflakes demand that only they are entitled to safe spaces? where's the "equality" in that?



I'm 5'8'' thanks for cheering me up user

a lot of his arguments went over my head, like the debate between Bavarian German politics vs Prussian, or Prussian vs Austrian politics. Having little background in that area, I couldn't say anything about it.
But when he starts describing the tactics of the protesters, it's LITERALLY the same tactics Antifa and the left uses today.
When he describes the media, the similarities are too numerous and uncannily accurate for it to just be coincidence.
His stuff about the Jews is also pretty spot on, but even Hitler mentioned a difference between normal Jews and international Jews, loathing the latter.

Why do Leftists think violence is an appropriate response to a discussion?
Why do Leftists try to ruin someone's life based on them disagreeing with an opinion?
Why do Leftists try to impose Cultural Marxism on the rest of us, instead of focusing on their own issues?

We have many questions, and for some reason you people refuse to engage in a rational debate.




One of the tools Hitler used in Nazi Germany to rile up the rhetoric and incite violence was his totalitarian control on the media and the information the public received.


>Cultural Marxism

Don't you mean "sexual bolshevism"? That's what it was back during the 30s after all. Why update a nazi meme when the original works just as well?

Then they be more peaceful and stop supplyinh the right with the same reasons Hitler had.

Because most whites do not care about the what the left or media says anymore

>le half literate snark
Wtf I hate the great thinkers of history and am now a commie!

It all originates from the Frankfurt school, so in a sense you are correct. There is, however, some huge differences between Bolshevism, Marxism and Cultural Marxism.

Watch this:


its amazing how people never learn to learn from history.

Lifeless Jew eyes and cherry picked qoutes gave it away.

The fact that the NSDAP started in Bavaria and was incredibly antisemite was no coincidence.

Communist jews organized a coup there.

I would just like to point out that the modern day "Nazi's", National Socialists, are capitalist

You had to search to confirm that this guy is a kike?

>Claims intellectual superiority
>Has no idea what a Bolshevik is.

The Frankfurt school was trying to preserve actual western culture (i.e. non-American culture). Read Adorno.

So the war in Vietnam was actually a Nazi invasion? Standing up to North Korea is Nazism? Whole Cold War is just Nazis molesting poor Soviets?

And seriously, what's with the increase of faggy-looking men in the West? Both in terms of clothing and facial appearance? You guys looked normal 15 years ago and now there's feminine guys all over the place, even among conservatives.


that doesn't explain how he got into power in the first place, especially back when he didn't control the media.

Seeing how the left protests Hitler's probably wasn't even lying

Oh, come on! Nothing has been more subversive to Western society than the decadence brought by the Frankfurt school.

Don't take my word for it - watch this, made by someone who was actually a part of it.

nigga I would fuck those teenage girls up in a heartbeat. then satisfy the purple-haired mom 3x and impregnate her with the next kylo ren


So they read history, decided to copy it and now history repeats? Brilliant.

Why do clouds rain chocolate?

I did. The one and only objective of the Frankfurt School was to analyze why westerm society, which according to classical marxist doctrine would have been the first to adapt the glorious communist revolution to classless society, did not, but the seen as backwards Russia did. And then dismantle, bit by bit, step for step, what was preventing the glorious marxist revolution. Not to mention Adorno was a Jewish communist swine that wished the extinction and/or enslavement of the entire German people upon them.

And you are a lying, communist pig that should be exterminated, comrade.

He was standing up to violent leftists. That is why he was a hero. The only reason the right doesn't regard him as such is language barrier and postwar propaganda.

>one of the arguements

the fucking commies literally, LITERALLY, started a civil war in germany.

Wealth will do that to you.

Yeah, they want their pound of flesh, just like Shakespeare said. I wonder if Goebbels read that play.

No. It's for the normies so they can't deny it. I on the other hand am to the point I can tell if someone's a Jew just by looking at their face.

How convenient he left out the part where Hitler was a leftist.

Shakespeare was quite popular in Nazy germany.

This hit close to home.. Leftists have already tried to ruin my life because of my ideology.

They called my boss and had me fired. They called CPS and tried to have my son taken away from me. They contacted my family, friends and acquaintances and let them know that I was a "nazi", and tried to antagonize them for being friends with me. They contacted my girlfriend and tried to turn her against me over several weeks, by making dozens of false claims (i.e that I had plans on going full Breivik).

At this point the only thing I care about is my family. Everyone else have abandoned me or no longer look at me in the same way..

Hell, I can't even visit my best friend at his house anymore, because his wife has outright banned me from coming there and "influencing their kids". The irony is that I have been a close friend of their family for almost 15 years, and tried to be an "uncle" of sorts for their kids, teaching them about all aspects of life. It was never political.

Fuck the Leftists.. They have taken everything but my life from me.


Juden always looked like this.

Admittedly not all of them. Something must be in the water that turns Jews in Israel.

Nazis is what you get when capitalism fails to defend itself from communism.

Better to just let the violent leftists win then because that's better than being labelled a Nazi!

This is great. America has now just placed national socialism on their political spectrum.

The fuck?

Hitler ultimately turned to capitalism though, by necessity, not by choice. He even killed Strasser for even proposing the idea of socialistic economic policies.

Don't worry user, you're not alone. They're trying to ruin everyone who stands against them. But they're overextending, and will give us the rope to hang them with.
Our time is coming.

>ever defending itself against communism
nice meme, nation of race traitors

'ere yuh go guvenah
take a lookie loo then

You do you your faggot leftists created and implemented "safe spaces, right? You're only mocking yourself, you delicate pussy.

Thank you. I really wish there was a way to avoid the coming conflict, but I see fewer and fewer options with every passing day.

There will be war in our lifetimes. Let's just hope we'll find each other on the same side and not have any more brother wars between Whites.

...well, he kind of was.

Hitler was a reaction to kooky Bolsheviks. Whatever you think of him, if there was no radical left there would be no need for a strong arm rightwing counter group.

We have our safe space, just like the cohna sto is yours. Stay the fuck out.


I've read his essays, he's nothing but your typical cliche monger.
Marxism is still fucktarded

except nazis were left wing under current standards of politics. they were still socialists


And a major factor in his rise was that the left literally tried to violently overthrow the government in a civil war nobody likes to talk about.

Funny that.

Hitler was literally a violent leftist. National Socialist movement was a hardcore leftwing movement in the same exact vein as Antifa. These cunts are trying to change history.

wtf i love communism now

Seriously every thread there's a jew calling us neckbearded virgin basement dwelling losers lol. This is why I think shitlibs go hysterical when they're met with opposition, because they're never exposed to people who hate them

Funfact: Hitler was the last one trying to PREVENT WW2.
But in the end jews fucked him up and ignored his attempts for that because they saw financial gains through war.
Everyone else put up military defense before germany did.
Also before germany invaded poland, poland was hunting and killing thousands of germans in their country.

Hitler did nothing wrong.

I know that's a nice cuck story to tell, if you are going for the dems are real racists strategy. But please don't say this shit on Sup Forums, the_donald.

no, that's not the "history of Nazi Germany" but the history of the Weimar Republic. Nazi Germany came, after the left proved him right.

Do these people know anything about logic? Yeah, Hitler was fighting against violent leftists, and white nationalists are fighting against violent leftists. Where's the contradiction?

>the Jews
Yeah well. Also a nice name for the Eternal Anglo, Volksgenosse.

Are you a moron? Almost all threads are some regular Sup Forums user pretending to be leftist in the most over-the-top sort of false-flagging you can imagine.

>you mad, white bois?
>video game playing millenial men want to be kids forever, that's why women don't have children!
>Apologize, now!
>canadian law says kids can be taken from their parents if the parents use the wrong pronoun in their thoughts, about tiem!!!!111!

Those are the Sup Forumsacks meming as leftists, trying to stir up right-wing anger. If you think those are anything but right-wing trolls, you need to work on your reading comprehension pronto.

Absolutely checked

yes, and?

You can larp as a nazi frog all you want, I'm not here to stop you. The original Nazi were literally another left wing movement. They weren't even against the communist when they started off. Hitler divided Poland between himself and Stalin. He was allied to the Soviets. Mussolini the founder of Fascism considered himself a leftist. Hitler was a nationalist leftist.

You're repeating a myth.