Muh CNN says white supremecists were responsible for 3 deaths.
Anyone else get super pissed off that they're able to lie like this?
Muh CNN says white supremecists were responsible for 3 deaths.
Anyone else get super pissed off that they're able to lie like this?
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Man, the alt-roight fags sure get triggered easily
They salivate at every chance to link white nationalists with 3 deaths.
It's straight up lying. The Jew driven clown news network just relies on people to not look at the details.
To them it's free time to run propaganda that sounds like white supremecists caused 3 people to die.
Oldfag here. Y'all just don't realize that CNN has been doing this for decades. They blamed David Koresh for all of those children dying at Waco even though Reno gave the order. Ruby Ridge? Same shit; Mrs. Weaver died because her husband was a meanie racist white cracker, not because government agents control their rifles about as well as they control their cocks. Bush got blamed for every civilian death in Iraq and Afghanistan, got blamed for Katrina, etc.
Meanwhile, Clinton NOR Obama got blamed for shit. Clinton committed perjury and they were like "well, who cares, he's awesome"
Bit behind with all this. Who was responsible for the deaths then?
The fat bitch was responsible for her own death. She was jaywalking, which is a crime. Don't touch a hot plate without a mitt, and don't travel on a road without a car.
The helicopter pilots died because the State of Virginia decided that peaceful protesters needed to be monitored because they're evil right-wingers.
I honestly feel like I'm being gaslighted by the media right now.
This is all fucking Mindrape cancer. how the fuck are we to blame for a downed helicopter
Shut up fag lol
>tfw you become so racist you can actually down helicopters with sheer unbridled hate
based mindrape britposter I see u
>she was responsible for her own death
>not the terrorist that rammed into her
fucking tards, when are you going to stop lying to each other about basic facts?
>1 land whale dead because she could not heed the wise words of Ludacris
>2 police die in an unrelated helicopter crash
fuck I hate them all so much.
Dude will walk as long as he sticks to the story of fearing for his life.
yeah gigantic jew owned media companies spewing outright lies is nothing to be angry about
>it's illegal to walk in Amerifatland
Bitch sure deserved it.
This. They hope and pray every day of their lives that some Sup Forums autist snaps and goes on a killing spree, so that they can grandstand on social media about it for the next month and hold over the heads of their political opponents.
They shouldn't have been in the street without a permit, user. What more can I say?
Its true drumpfcuck
All planned