This black man is a war hero.
When are you going to grow up and realize that skin color isn't everything?
This black man is a war hero
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If every black man was like, we wouldnt have a problem.
However fewer than 1% of black men are like him.
When the left integrates their communities and realizes white flight happens for a reason.
when niggers stop obsessing over black this and black that and black is my culture. and blackety black black black
>Actually wants le BASED BLACK MAN to fuck his wife
He was also from Texas.
Texas is everything.
Them why are you so quick to point out the color of this mans skin? you have no moral high ground to stand on and judge others if you describe this person as a black man
Race is about more than just skin color, nigger.
No one questions the character of black men. Black men are pillars of their communities.
Niggers on the other hand all need to die quickly
If skin color isnt everything why do you feel you need to point out that he is black?
>Fewer than 1%
Any stats for that, or are you just talking out of your racist inexperienced 18 year old faggot ass and parroting all the shit you hear around here? Grow up fag most black people are just like you and me, and acting like the majority of them act like the isolated incidents you've seen in webms here just shows how fucking retarded you are
It's about statistics not anecdotes you fag. If it's all or nothing you gotta choose, and with public policy it often is that way. On a personal basis I judge people based off what they do and how they act. I may not like African aesthetics but that only influences dating and not my conclusion on their character. I've had black friends. I don't currently because I just moved, but I've been on decent terms even with blacks that speak heavy Ebonics and only talk about basketball. Walking stereotypes, complete with some (mild) substance abuse. Needless to say I don't spend much time with them, but I don't have an urge to yell nigger at them or something when I do. I have an issue with the black community as a whole, not every black person I see on the street
So by that assumption Vancouver must hate Asians, Toronto must hate Muslims, and Montreal must hate Africans.
Except they don't.
I find it entirely more likely that the southern US is just filled with a bunch of ignorant, inbred retarded hicks that think it's still 1864 and niggers are the biggest problem plaguing America instead of the fact they're like 25th in education and still think they're smart.
also, sure the south has the largest percentage of blacks, but california still has a lot in volume
explain why racism isn't as prevalent in the most educated states.
>most black people are just like you and me
lol no just look at africa, detroid, Haiti etc. Blacks simply cant build and maintain a civilisation.
I already did.
When are you going to realize that skin color is nothing?
>war hero
Yeah it's less than 1%. Less than 1% of any American ethnic group is the same way. The lesson here is that it's anecdotal and not representative of the whole, and therefore shit like this doesn't really mean anything either way. Same reason terrorism doesn't mean Muslims are bad. Rather it's the widespread support for it that makes it reasonable to want to stay away from Muslims.
wtf racial differences dont exsist anymore
>skin color isn't everything
>Do pigmentation and the melanocortin system modulate aggression and sexuality in humans as they do in other animals?
► In 40 species of wild vertebrates, darker pigmented individuals are more aggressive and sexually active.
► Cross fostering studies and pharmacological dose manipulations establish the role of the melatonin system.
► We review the human literature within and between populations and find similar relationships with pigmentation.
► Darker individuals average higher levels of crime, sexual activity including HIV/AIDS, and lower IQ.
No one is saying they are all evil. But different races can never get along because they'll always stick with each other. If you hurt one of them it's going to cause the other group to react. That's why blacks keep rioting whenever a white cop kills one of them. Primitive tribal thinking,
No amount of lefty propaganda can override this basic biological programming
Can you or your family members?
Yes, since they are not majority nig.
You are being carried on the backs of great white men, and assuming you share their qualities because of your skin color.
after you grow up and realise that everyone on pol is not united in one opinion, it's just a place where there is free speech, good innit
>your skin color
That's why I avoid tanning.
>Genes don't just influence your IQ—they determine how well you do in school
and anyway it's not the blacks that's the real problem, it's the fuckin Jews
>You are being carried on the backs of great white men, and assuming you share their qualities because of your skin color.
Well Toronto, from what we see, seems somewhat racially segregated.
as far as the other regions I can’t say but around blacks you really can’t relax. Now while it’s true the South has had a long history of enmity with the negro this doesn’t explain Nevada which has had a recent influx of blacks and also a corresponding increase with IAT output.
You bring up this issue of class with whites and this is valid. It’s true that uneducated whites DO seem to be racist more but is this really because lack of education leads to racism or because people that are highly intelligent are MORE LIKELY to conceal their racism given specific societal implications. Given certain data.
Are Smart People Less Racist? Verbal Ability, Anti-Black Prejudice, and the Principle-Policy Paradox.
Higher cognitive abilities linked to greater risk of stereotyping, new study finds
“Fifty percent of non-Black participants reported that they would be willing to date a Black person and an additional 33% said that although they would not they thought it was ok for others to do.“
Despite these finding in the 2nd stage of the experiment most individuals insula activation – disgust response - as measured was relatively high and inconsistent with the former divulged opinions on race.
See 2
Much of this complicates your claim that YOU can necessarily easily measure racism and report to me that increased proximity to maple syrup renders you less racist. If you really intend to measure racism you are going to have to do so with a far more indirect method than relying on self reporting.
To address you considerations about the ‘more educated states’ the issue there is racial segregation. Chicago, despite being a bastion of liberal/left ideation, is one of THE MOST racially segregated states in the USA. NY has the MOST RACIALLY segregated school system in the USA. I can source these if you want me to. But for now I’m going to leave you with this.
Point is that racial segregation enables groups to insulate themselves from ethnic outgroups. When you thrust outgroups together you are going to get more racism and populism.
NPR found the same due to proximity to blacks.
>mfw i'm not anti-nigger.. But still rightist
fucking prejudices
>assuming you share their qualities
What is DNA.
>When are you going to grow up and realize that skin color isn't everything?
Most people of my generation (born in 87) were raised to think that. Then SJW bullshit started telling us that not thinking in racial terms was white privilege and wrong to do.
Reap the whirlwind.
No lad, it's blacks without a doubt.
>>You are being carried on the backs of great white men, and assuming you share their qualities because of your skin color.
So every white man has the same IQ and propensity toward leadership and hard work, because DNA.
>Look at this black guy in a sailor's hat FUCKING BASED
Meanwhile in 90% of black areas....
You ignorant fucking leaf...we actually get along very well in the Southern USA. You are so fucking uninformed I don't even know why I bother with a reply. A lot of us work together, go to school together, play together, etc. The only time you see real animosity here is across extreme class lines. I.e, don't go the ghetto if you are not from there. Likewise, stay away from hillbillies unless you are one. Got it? For the normies among all races, we already do get along. Fuck off back to leafdom and stop spouting out about that which you know zilch.
Traits are represented as bell curves in nature, moron
Blacks have lower intelligence and higher proclivity towards violence to the point no one wants to live around them
I'm not talking about blacks. I'm talking about non-productive members of a society taking credit for the work of their superiors.