>Sup Forums: "We are nationalists who protect white workers!"
>go full allahu akbar on live stream
>kill a white girl
>a white girl who is also a labor organizer
>Immediately: leaders all get BTFO, either peppersprayed or chased off by angry crowds
>massive negative media attention ruining all their petty sites
>even their own ranks start to question if "heiling trump" is ironic or not
>the j-jews, haha, right guys?!
>r-right... guys?
>communists all around thanking Sup Forums for the great service they did for the radical left movement
But wait.
Sup Forums's denialism knows no bounds.
>Haha, lefty scum!
>ONE OF YOU got killed!
>Tomorrow we all get into our red Ferraris and run over you one by one!
Sup Forums's days are numbered
Other urls found in this thread:
Thread theme: youtube.com
>it was a black woman driving
>it was antifa
>it was a CIA operative
>it was a false flag
>he is jewish
>it was an accident
wew what else can we come up with
>he is jewish
I've never seen this statement backed up...
>the Russians did it
>she ran over herself, there's video evidence
>Kim Jong-Un was spotted driving the car
>the antifa pushed the car on her
>she isn't even dead, she's just resting
>Kim Jong-Un was spotted driving the car
Spelled Sam Hyde incorrectly
Guess it's time for me to accept the loving embrace of the left.
>preserving the white race and the beauty of a white woman
>by killing a white woman
they really are following in the footsteps of the nazis
great job guys
How about this?
>I don't care.
The world is seeing the right for what it truely is. A bunch of hateful degenerates and deplorables trying to overcompensate for their own lack of self esteem.
This has been a victory for the left. We will maintain the hearts and minds of the people. We will use it crush the billionaires who exploit us.
I actually asked some Sup Forumsacks about this point in another thread, they said it was OK because she was a race traitor. When I said you'll have to kill a huge portion of the white race then, they said that's fine.
>ANTIFA Bash the Fash
Looks like she got put to the gas.
OMFG I love communism now
/our/ days are numbered
LOL he may walk free
Just look
>all cops are racist
>the cops will all hunt you down and arrest you
Pick 1
i have actually been hit by a scooter before.
I love how Sup Forums supposedly hates postmodernism but whenever they see conflicting evidence to their own narrative they immediately form into paranoiac groups deconstructing uncontroversial facts and then reconstructing narratives freed from the "shackles of truths."
fuck off nazis leave my people alone
hello fellow gobbumisnist :DDDDD
>When I said you'll have to kill a huge portion of the white race then
lol, no you don't, the majority of whites are already genetically ethnocentric. But race traitors and leftists white? They don't belong to us, they are a threat so they should be expelled, exiled and removed from our societies. Only stupid leftists with an ego thought they were safe from ethnonationalism cause they had the same skin color. lol.
I also don't understand why Nazis collaborate with capitalists, when they're the ones oppressing them, not the working class Jews. The bourgeois Jews get shot too, so why do NatSocs have such a problem with us?
>Only stupid leftists with an ego thought they were safe from ethnonationalism cause they had the same skin color.
What the fuck is the point of your ethnostate then?
>80% of people are not even remotely racist
>Sup Forumsacks kills all of them as "race traitors"
>now that they won and only the true racists are left they start bickering about who is really white
>slavs, no
>mongols, no
>this blond german dude had an Armenian great-grandfather, so no
>implying she was not a fuck ugly mongrel whale
>he doesn't cull the traitors first
Meh, this is all really the Revenge of CNN.
They didn't like what happened a couple of months ago, and this is their shot at evening the scales.
Lol, we don't support Allahu Akbaring yourself into crowds of sheep. Especially not white sheep. The guy was unstable and probably did more to impede the progress of his alleged movement than any of the sheep at that rally.
the city was legally obliged to protect Spencer and the rally
they did not
moderate support is rising, political correctness rules the streets (this is changing as we have seen) but behind closed doors a lot of people, not just whites, agree with Spencers message
the driver will get off, evidence is mounting he panicked after his car was hit
Trump supports the movement, make no mistake
Incompetence killed the police, breaking the law killed the protestor
It's at the forefront of social consciousness now, every white male and by extension the culture our forefathers develop has a future to believe in
Terrorists have to blow shit up to get attention, we just have to hold a rally and let the incompetence of the left show itself
attacks likes thats happens every week.
>80% are not even remotely racist
that's because the masses are generally dumb
He was literally a Sup Forums poster
>not even remotely racist
>t. my ass
Always worth reposting
>shocked that some people on Sup Forums are unstable
made me chuckle
Best thread on the board right now.
Everything in that screencap is utterly true.
I said it before and I'll say it again;
My biggest regret is that more people didn't die.
Stop rioting in traffic areas, you fucking idiots.
but there are PLENTY of "white" people who need culling friend. It's more than skin color.
>race traitors
>liberal left
>BLM protestors
These can all be white people.
OP does not know what a labor organizer is.
you sound afraid. it's because we're winning
Just proving the pic
germans weren't white according to ben franklin
russians, swedes, italians, spaniards etc neither
only the eternal fucking anglo
I have never been to a single peaceful protest where we didn't have a spontaneous game of t-ball...
This is the culmination of Donnie accepting the white supremacists and neo-nazis' support during the election.
Honestly, the man's too scared to denounce them because if he does...they're going to assassinate his ass.
...something I predicted last year.
Everything in that screencap can be summarized as an elaborate way of saying "Sup Forums is wrong about jews."
>wow, so profound
you guys are annoying
i hate both sides of the spectrum
just stop fighting
>Honestly, the man's too scared to denounce them because if he does...they're going to assassinate his ass.
>Implying he doesn't get a mild hard on watching patriots defend general lee statue
>Everything in that screencap can be summarized as an elaborate way of saying "Sup Forums is wrong about jews."
uhhhh...how about I actually say what that screencap ACTUALLY said in a meme-friendly way...
>trump assassinated by white nationalists
Fuck off, that's ridiculous.
Heres whats going to happen
>/ourgoy/ will say he was threatened by the antifa terrorist mob surrounding his car
>antifa already recognized by the state of NJ as a domestic terrorist organization
>gets off free
>Sessions opens federal investigation
>begins asking questions like why the court-approved permit to rally was disregarded and why police were harassing the people that were allowed to be there
>why did the mayor/gov tell the police to stand down, opens larger investigation into previous antifa riots where this also happens
>antifa gets labeled a domestic terror group at the federal level
>govs that allowed it get funding pulled or shat on
>soros money investigated officially
the left will never learn or win becausr theyre fundamentally in the wrong. get fukt
>both sides fighting
more like sane people (AKA mostly everyone) and a minute smattering of actual SJWs version vs. Sup Forumstards and racist skinheads.
Literally nobody cares and everybody will forget by Tuesday.
>ur the SJWs because ur postmodern because u believe strongly in (((something))) that isn't true
Really banking on that assumption that (((it))) isn't true there.
The point of his matter is that you can say all that but it is at best trite drivel lest you provide empirical evidence alongside to effectively denounce the arguments put forth. It is the same reason why everyone here laughs at the incessant ad-hom the left engages in, it is all denouncement on no basis, simply rejection backed by name calling. I can call Reddit the bastion of truth for what few legitimate posts exist there while recoiling from any counter-position purveyed by the rest of the board's actions and establish a near identical cap to what was posted here.
>bringing everything back to Soros when he most likely has fuck-all to do with Antifa.
You guys are big, big trouble. Keep trying to make up excuses, because no one's buying your bullshit anymore.
i remember at least 13 times Sup Forums days where numbered. Remember that time when Sup Forums took down visa and mastercard for a full 24h day? you don't because you are a newfag but such events took place and Sup Forums where able to disrupt biggest world banks it made them millions upon millions of damages because businesses where not able to use the system for that time.
its true though
2 of the biggest fucking losers ever bicker about things that will never ever happen
>Right wind death squads? HAHAHAHAHA
The truth is that i don't even care.
Liberals arn't humans. Dogs get hit by cars all day.
What's left for Sup Forumsyps when they can't come up with some cool conspiracy theory that saves their asses this time? Wishful thinking:
B-but g-god and truth and s-shiet are on our s-side, r-right g-guys?
Sup Forums is post-ironic and HWNDU is metamodernist. Post-modernism is rapidly losing relevance because it's internal incoherencies have been so well exposed time and time again by people like Jordan Peterson
old Sup Forums was a real counter-culture.
Sup Forums is pretty much a cancerous testicle that has been slowly killing the site in the last two years.
is that the new emblem of millennial communism.
>"Sup Forums's days are numbered"
Fuck how new are you, this is literally nothing
>commie flag
3rd time today i grew less fond of leftypol and more fond of nazbol
>video related
>pic related mfw
this. shit's hilarious, especially given all the recent attacks by the opposition, like that police shooting.
nice get
I know, such a huge loss for humanity killing such a beautiful creature.
>a white girl
You're letting your CNN spill out, xir. She was middle aged and massive.
But leftypol is nazbol comrade.
but where would you spout your cess if not on Sup Forums?
I've been hit by a car going twice the speed of that Dodge, those bitches are just weak as piss.
>cancerous testicle
sooo counter-culture?
It was genuinely a accident through
At 0:03 the guy randomily stops then suddently accelerates after getting his car hit by what appears to be a protester. How about you go back to /leftypol/?
>2k in total in massacres
That's less then the homicide rate of african americans yearly.
>play in the road like a dipshit
>get Dodged
Awwwww is somebody boipussy hurt?
Part of the problem is that people still think Sup Forums is "what you see is what you get". Old Sup Forums didn't have a real world activist agenda they were pushing, they fucked people over because it was funny.
Then chanology happened, and Sup Forums permanently became a serious business only headquarters. Today it's a cesspool of viral marketing and actual shills trying to manufacture consensus.
More like three letter organization decided to sacrifice someone to moloch and blame it on the "alt right"
I've never seen a nazbol on leftypol. i only heard songs about nazbols being on leftypol.
Explain it Genosse
>pic related: me listening
>slavs aren't white meme
Plus the vast majority of the board doesn't mind asians because they actually work.
Alphas and betas...different genders...what kind of shitty bait is this. I know commies are retarded but this is ridiculous.
We need to make Sup Forums great again. Purge the unironic shitbags and actual retards from the site.
Shit wasn't this disgusting and scary even three years ago.
>hide in a bubble
>in a board where anyone can post including communists, liberals and pretty much everyone
>mental gymnastics
You Sup Forumstards have been doing this shit all day. You people are fucked.
Yeah everyone defending yesterday has to be a shill. The delusion is too thick to be one of our men.
>Shit wasn't this disgusting and scary even three years ago.
lol? have you been on Sup Forums recently? this site is a neutered joke for years now, even Sup Forums.
>in a board where anyone can post including communists, liberals and pretty much everyone
except the ones who get banned faggot
>blm nigger shoots and kills 3 cops
>media silence
>white normie accidentally commits runs over a fat coalburning whore after his vehicle is assaulted by a mob of protesters illegally occupying a street without a permit
I hope north korea and china nuke you to oblivion
nation of retards
The american left is to stupid to gain anything from this. They just exaggerate the sitatuion even more. The "everyone else is a nazi"-schtick just radicalises the right.
They had the chance to hold the moral upperhand and bow down to the right with something like "together condeming violence", but they blew it. Now they just manifest their balant hypocrisy.
wtf I hate racis wypipo now
Its a bubble and safe spaces for those who take EVERYTHING at face value.
Some of the posters here are fuckin' scary. I'm all for ironic shit for giggles, but there comes a point where you have to draw the line and go "dude, not funny".
I miss Ron Paul posters. Those guys were great and actually supported someone who might actually make a difference.
Fuck you, Trumptards. Fuck all of you.
Have you seen the headlines? They are trying to make this a watershed moment. Trump will be crucified if this happens.
>by killing a white woman
>a fat tumblerina white women who hate white people
wow 1 fat women is dead, it's the end, communism win, back in gulags guys
>was a real counter-culture
>was REAL because it didn't touch my political belief
The majority of whites are racists, that's why leftycucks need to rev up the indoctrination program with whites. Without it, all of us would be "racist" by leftists standard (I prefer my race over others).