>really gets my noodle a boilin'
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That cunt ain't white
I disavow this retard kiwi
You new you lose
I see this thrown around a lot, but what is this, "system" she's talking about?
Another celeb to put on the list...the day of the rope will come soon.
>You will never patrol that thot.
Fucking hell, bros. Why even live?
Not sure it's even female.
why is this alien pretending to be a white person?
all leftists deserve a bullet
But she's a Kiwi. Why is she getting involved? Do the jews require you to be a shill as part of a recording contract or something?
Shes a stupid lefty teenager, but I really wanna cum in her mouth.
wtf lorde
I unironically love her music and now she goes on this SJW rant, haven't been following her political stance much.
jewish as usual
One more for the noose so
I think they mean systems of commerce and governance that create something other than an AIDS infested shit hole.
Liberals seem to think these things are tied to our magic soul, and we horde the soil magic to make white places good and non white places bad.
Whenever non whites settle on our magic soil we make sure to use our knowledge of the magic systems to take away the soil magic wherever non white people settle.
So wherever you get groups of non whites you also get lots of poverty, violence and crime. Because we stole their rightful soil magic.
>All Muslims are responsible for the actions of violent Muslim terrorists
>All Whites are responsible for the actions of violent White terrorists
Pick both or neither, Sup Forums.
hmmm what did she mean by this.
part and parcel
>white people are responsible for this system's thrive
That's actually pretty white nat if you ask me. White people allow systems to thrive.
She's young and a celebrity to be fair.
She has been coached by kikes and surrounded by niggers for years.
Probably beyond reclamation for wife material.
She will be sent to the breeding camps where she will be artificially inseminated with the seed of a genetically engineered Chad and made to birth white babies for the remainder of her fertile life.
>Mfw i bought tickets to see her in November
I'm trying hard to separate out the art from the artist, but damn i want my money back
This is so enraging. She is helping to normalize and make it okay to hate white people. I bet her kids will live cushy lives but white kids in the ghetto can deal with hate and racism they will get because of shit like this.
>going to a concert in 2017
why don't you go for a stroll in lakemba at night too
just another entertainment industry kike cocksucking puppet.
Thanks senpai now I'm worried
>we have to do better.
I agree, you can start by making better music.
you should be, ISIS is beginning to disintegrate and a lot of the cunts fighting for them will find their way here.
Says the woman from New Zealand
Could she be anymore Australian?
>self hating cunts
Pick one
Bleeding cunt, the poster child for why women's right to vote was a huge mistake.
Useful idiot
>New Zealander with white guilt
I pick both, so let's do the sensible thing and let them live separately, instead of trying to force them together in a multi-culti "utopia".
its already here nigger
grab a blunt object and go hunting
>said a mystery meat
Ok then.... And you wonder why no woman will touch your peepee.
>white people are responsible for this system's thrive and fall
So she is basically admitting that niggers and shitskins are too incompetent to actually change the system, and that white people are the only intelligent and responsible race and have to babysit the non-white races.
Are you being disingenuous or are you just a sperg?
Women in general should get the noose. Artificial wombs will replace them.
New Zealanders confirmed cuck sheepfuckers as I knew they were
her mum must be 'yugoslav'. which in english translates to: cuck.
pic related.
>all white people
I know that "what if you said this about x" is low hanging fruit, but the self hate and hatred towards white people is just so evident
>all white people are responsible for this system's thrive and fall.
All black people are responsible for Chicago's murders.
All Asians are responsible for Pol Pot.
All Mestizos are responsible for Contra.
>all white people are responsible for
Stopped reading right there, I'm responsible ONLY for my OWN actions, nobody else's.
Muslim is an ideology. White isn't.
Yet they focus solely on the fall and don't give a shit that literally billions upon billions of people have white people to thank for our innovations in health, science, and of course stopping all major war. But yeah feels > reals so they act like all non whites are in misery from us.
Who the fuck is Sam Harris anyway? What makes white identity politics worse than other identity politics?
I thought she was from New Zealand? And in case, you're wondering, yes New Zealand is like the Canada of Australia, except they are economically inferior trash who are always trying to immigrate to Australia because we pay better.
She's getting rekt
Something... something... jew... something... something... holocauster...
Eyes are on the side of the head, it must be some kind of Zealand sheep.
Real talk. Anyone noticing the amount of females often brigading these twitter posts and youtube vids lately?
Even twitter women are telling lorde to fuck off
Another talent-less ugly millennial cunts who needs a bullet put through her nubrain.
Fucking hell.
Are you? Are you justtotesjokingguyzI'mjustaninternetironicnazi! Or do you seriously believe you're going to be able to one day live out your Nazi breeding fantasies? Do you still believe in Santa Claus?
Daily reminder Lordes name is Ella (((Yelavich)))
Stupid bitch jumping on the bandwagon
This. Idk what she is, but she isn't white. Also she should khs
i just want to say i'm so, so sorry. all new zealanders are responsible for this mongoloid looking cunt's existence. we have to do better. i'm sorry
hes jewish
stupid meme, artifical wombs are establishment tech. we wont be allowed to have that unless it benefits evil establishment agenda
Sounds like this ugly little kiwi is opening her legs for PoC and is about to be as RICED as the common wealths demographics.
>All Mestizos are responsible for Contra
I should learn the history of my ancestors
Yes. I am completely serious about breeding camps.
What would you rather we do? Execute fertile white women? Are you some kinda kike or sumtin'? Tssss.
>Daily reminder Lordes name is Ella (((Yelavich)))
Doesn't surprise me.
Lots of Kikes living in NZ.
She's not welcome here
So how do you think you're going to get any woman to agree to this?
Noggin joggin 'n sheeit
>All white people are responsible
>All white people
I live in 1 bed 1 bath Apartment and work at the fucking gas station in between times when I have to take care of my disabled wife. How is literally anything that happens in the world my fault?
Yes, actually. The music industry is owned by jews, at least for a large part. Most modern popular music 'artists' are not famous for their qualities, but because they are heavily shilled with airtime plugging /buying and advertising by (((record companies))). You don't play by the rules? You don't get anything. Same thing with actors and virtually all media personalities. Their entire livelihood is dependent on their (((superiors))) being content with them. That's why celebrities all have the same opinion except for some outliers like Ted Nugent, who are widely despised for not adhering to the consensus
>all white people are responsible for this
You think they are going to consent to your execution of them?
You're a monster.
>all whites are responsible for this
i'm not responsible for anything I was born into poverty and i'm yet to have any stake in society thankyou very much lorde
>what is the free market
>what is forming your own company
Who's executing people?
What did he mean by this?
My bad. It's either breed or death. Gotcha. Did your mother hug you enough as a child?
"fuck whitey" narritive is just going to force more normies to our side. When will these idiots learn they're making it easier for us.
So when that guy shot all those congressmen he was all white people?
That gas what taken via imperialism? /leftist logic
>memetexting on twitter
Well the Jews control Mainstream music and the celebrities. Why is anyone surprised?
I pick neither
at least half of muslims are extremists though who support terrorism
At least all the comments are people waking up, saying how racist her statement is and fighting back against all the anti-white shit.
II assume most of her fans are young too, this is really positive.
The white person agreeing and blaming whites is your classical leftist. Pic related.
Kiwis hunt this bitch down and lynch here. can't be that hard to find geez.
That girl is very unattractive.
Fuck off ya whiny pissvag
>Another celeb to put on the list
Most celebrities about 98% are leftist.
Shut the fuck up Stan Marsh
He used to be very balanced and reasonable, got broken by the election like so many others
When will reviewbrah redpill his sister?
>"system" she's talking about?
Western Civilization that was buitl by white people.
They want that gone.