Faith Goldy of Rebel Media thinks the Nazis have "robust" and "well thought out ideas" about the "JQ" (Jews)
Molymeme nods.
Faith Goldy of Rebel Media thinks the Nazis have "robust" and "well thought out ideas" about the "JQ" (Jews)
Molymeme nods.
Every e-celeb faggot is a closet ethnocuck. After what's happened this weekend and how your """ideologues""" have reacted, I sincerely hope Sup Forums has had the chance to take a long hard look in the mirror and found they didn't like what they saw. Running people over is NOT how you make america great again. Color is only skin-deep and all this """racism""" is hurting the movement. It's time to disavow.
I want to impregnate Goldy with my BBC.
We do.
I mean Stefan.
(((Rebel Media)))
Expect her to be fired like Lauren Southern soon
This. I would watch the hell out that.
Faith Goldy can be a little weird on Twitter, but she is one of the few sticking with the right in Charlottesville
>Reposting liberal garbage like anyone here will buy it.
is faith married?
those lips godamn
jq is jewish question
Link to the "charlottesville statement"?
She is. Has two kids
>tfw no slavic/greek tradwaifu with 10/10 silk bj lips
Looks like Ezra is going to have to fire another one.
Best pepe
Oh fuck, 10/10
This shiksa is being a bad goy!
So what are the statements in question? Or am I just supposed to be shocked because the word "nazi" was used?
>unironically talking about Jewish Question in public
(((ezra levant))) actually gives them a long leash. He doesnt strike me as a bad guy tbqh. Rebel media does more good than harm
>not redpilling as many normies as possible
It's amazing how much the overton window has shifted in just a few years.
I've been hearing more and more about the JQ the last couple months. I think we are literally living in Weimerica.
Ezra was alway pro white ans pro christian.
Polspastics are incel aspergs and as such ,autistic in the maximalism of their beliefs
Ezra is viciously hated by "fellow" jews and has been dragged to (((courts)) countless times for speaking his goyish beliefs.
As for him being pro israel is a given.Ethnonat idea lives on and jews have every right to it as goyim.
Can I still hate niggers? I do think all people are equal EXCEPT for niggers and abos. We need to unite together to remove them from the earth.
hey BASED black man, can you fuck my wife too while you're at it?
Nice. Got a link to the interview?
>mfw (((Rebel Media))) suddenly seems less #hasbara
>pic related
Literally every time I see this bitch,I want to fuck her face.
Not her pussy,not her ass-her face,her mouth.I wanna fill it with Big Croatian Cock.
Look at how big her mouth is,Jesus.Look at how she talks.
She reeks of sex.
I've got a JQ of 200
He just needs to not punch towards the altright and he can be like Gad Saad, honorary.
People underestimate how important Rebel is in Canada, without it we would be Sweden/Germany tier.
this is the funniest fucking pepe i've ever seen
>that post
>that pepe
well meme'd
That's it. I'm starting a new folder.
oh god...
I bet she's fucking wild in bed.
All her Christian talk is just BS,you know she gets it in the butt.
Fuck my wife please.
Looks exactly like a blowup doll.
Oh look,it's 2/10 guy.
Just shut the fuck up,we all know you'd fuck her if you had even a slightest chance.
Need a green dodge version with red lips for the intake
>you will never go on a hike with Faith in the crisp morning dew
Seeing as how I've never posted that sentiment before, it seems I'm not the only one who believes it. I didn't even mean it in a bad way.
top kek things are getting spicy quick
i fucking love 2017
Shes even prettier without makeup.
Completely natural and drols that "plastic " look
Really makes her MED beauty
>implying we wouldn't fuck a blowup doll
People who were in between Civic and White Nationalism are going to go full dash after yesterday.
>prove Nazis wrong
protip: you can't
the truth doesn't fear investigation
>race is skin deep
and skull deep, and bone deep, and ligament deep.
>Literally every time I see this bitch,I want to fuck her face.
>race is only skin deep
your bait is only skin deep
crisp like her deep fried leathery skin
I want to have multiple children with her
Got anymore rare Faith?
She looks like a beautiful man with long hair.
Faith is a double agent. Do not trust, but by all means goad her into revealing her true intentions.
Molyneux did this in his interview and thus discretely countered her own videos by having her call herself out.
>tfw your fiancee wears her hair like that every chance she gets but is completely clueless about the fash/alt right
she was cute before the botox
Can we get this green?
lmao how the fuck do you guys come up with this .. Sup Forums makes everything better
based stef
It's nice to try different flavours sometimes, if you weren't a gay virgin you'd understand.
you must have been waiting for a good one to drop that.
Is she /ourgirl/?
Ezra Levant called the Jews that run the Law Society of Upper Canada a bunch of fascists for targeting Christian Western Trinity Law School
Back on SUN News
You know Lauren hit it.
Intense levels of smuggnes!
>you will never see the Lauren-Faith-Brittany-Brittany orgy tape
whats faith's relationship like with that kike that took over from lauren? what's the deal with lauren and rebel why did she really leave?
>whats faith's relationship like with that kike that took over from lauren?
I've seen Faith mock her on twitter like when that tire thing happened. So not good.
>what's the deal with lauren and rebel why did she really leave?
She can't be specific because she signed an NDA but she doesn't speak to Ezra anymore and is trying to convince Faith to leave too
Add Theryn too. HNNG.
She's dating a guy that's full 1488, that's why.
She mentioned there was a 20 point Charlotsville manifesto that had been developed by the organisers.
>Ezra was alway pro white ans pro christian.
Then why did he publish this video?
They were always controlled opposition even if they did some good work on a few things, that's probably why Lauren ended up leaving.
>I've seen Faith mock her on twitter like when that tire thing happened.
you being serious? got a link/screenshot? that's odd since they work together.
>is trying to convince Faith to leave too
this, nowhere in the video with Molyneaux does she disavow the right.
>you being serious? got a link/screenshot? that's odd since they work together.
I looked for it on twitter and I only found her liking a tweet that made fun of Loomer, maybe I misremembered and she wasn't as overt as I thought
You'll just have to believe me on that I'm afraid
I saw the video with her calling out the worthless pigs ..
I didn't even consider FG before but she's got my support from this day forward. Loyalty was proven yesterday. fuck pigs and snakes
>I looked for it on twitter and I only found her liking a tweet that made fun of Loomer, maybe I misremembered and she wasn't as overt as I thought
link it. this is interesting.
>You'll just have to believe me on that I'm afraid
i can't do that. spill the beans unless you're just shitposting like most people do.