Do liberals know by doing this they are only bringing us closer to another civil war?
Do liberals know by doing this they are only bringing us closer to another civil war?
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They think they can win by demoralizing and deplatforming... They are only making more people with nothing left to lose
But you LARP faggots have been clamoring for a civil war for quite a while now, so what exactly are you bitching about?
>le civil war maymay
Never gonna happen buddy
They're firing nazis
That's good
Just start listing the places of employment that are firing these guys and go fuck them up.
>Jews said it
>so it must be true
Yea we're a hyper evolved species that has moved beyond war or conflict in anyway whatsoever.
Free speech doesn't exist in America if you are white, protesting doesn't exist in America if you are white, and not some Antifa lefty.
Weren't you burger cunts supposed to revolt if the guburment took away your rights and freedoms? What happened to you poofters? Did they finally take the guns away?
Says New Zealand. :D
It isn't bitching, it's confusion because the Left has to know that they can't win this if things get violent.
>asks a question
>assumes person who asks question is bitching
fucking wew loo lad
Goes to public event
chants old Nazi slogans
cries when is called out
Leftists may claim that their activism is motivated by compassion or by moral principles, and moral principle does play a role for the leftist of the oversocialized type. But compassion and moral principle cannot be the main motives for leftist activism. Hostility is too prominent a component of leftist behavior; so is the drive for power. Moreover, much leftist behavior is not rationally calculated to be of benefit to the people whom the leftists claim to be trying to help. For example, if one believes that affirmative action is good for black people, does it make sense to demand affirmative action in hostile or dogmatic terms? Obviously it would be more productive to take a diplomatic and conciliatory approach that would make at least verbal and symbolic concessions to white people who think that affirmative action discriminates against them. But leftist activists do not take such an approach because it would not satisfy their emotional needs. Helping black people is not their real goal. Instead, race problems serve as an excuse for them to express their own hostility and frustrated need for power. In doing so they actually harm black people, because the activists’ hostile attitude toward the white majority tends to intensify race hatred.
If there is a civil war you "muh snake and free market" faggots are beyond fucked, both extreme right and left hates your guts. Will be so ironic if they end up giving you wankers helicopter rides.
Literally commentators on CNN are raving that we are going to have a race war or civil war.
I don't agree, but the opinion isn't limited to basement dwellers.
>called out
>fired from job
I nail it down to just biology. They're addicted to self-righteous indignation. They can only feel good when they're hurting people they think are evil. They've done this for so long they've burned out their own dopamine receptors.
Illegal firing, California has off duty conduct laws.
The Jews want a US civil war.
hence why they are poking and prodding from the shadows while left and right fight each other.
Fired for attending a rally, but not actually doing anything? lol
Land of the free
Good. The sooner that stormweenies learn that their views are not acceptable in society, the better.
Get rekt weenies.
stfu you dumb shill.
Live-action role play battles aren't going to create a civil war.
Its your views next
cry me a fucking river. we arent going anywhere.
>can't even get a job
>wants to fight a war
lol Why would you spend time on a message board that literally hates you?
The strange self loathing of a leftist
Why the fuck would I care?
I don't care when commies ir antifa lose jobs or get arrested.
Why in the fuck would I get mad when a bunch of delusional race weirdos lose their jobs for an impossible, misguided pipe dream?
Is the phrase "Not all Muslims" the same thing as "All Trump Supporters"?
my keks, one fucking person, one, ONE fucking person and she actually was hit by the car INFRONT of the car because she was fat and literally sitting inbetween two cars like an idiot fat cunt being in the road
Stay mad weenie.
Enjoy being unemployable because of your political views.
People like you deserve to be ostracised.
Why is it always "white nationalists?" Are there no non-white nationalists in America?
Just a little reminder.. Before all of you trumpcucks invaded from t_d, anons on this very board doxxed hundreds of racists. You think we left? We've just been waiting.
And you guys called the liberals stupid for covering there faces
at will employement.
see my above message, my autistic friend. this was my board LONG before you ever heard about it.
>Doxxing people who haven't done anything
Even we just dox the fags who get violent, are the leftist retards aware that people will only hate them more for this?
>"t-they'll be sorry when the civil war starts!"
lmao have find finding a new job, cumskins
Of course, but only whites can be racist in the U.S. silly nip.
I'm a half white nationalist. The other half is all heathen.
It's too hot this time of year for the Elite Larpers to waddle out and stand the line.
Awesome. Keep doing the Lord's work.
Civil right lawsuit
> Bullying the NSDAP will surely keep them from ever gaining pwoer
Antifas and liberuls will get btfo when normies and soccer moms realize what slimy POS the left all are.
>Attacking the most well-armed segment of the American population
That's not going to end in helicopter rides, just a lot of dead law enforcement.
Do these idiots understand that they are now taking a political/ideological belief of someone and now turning it into a personal grudge? When you get fired you only get angrier.
No. Liberals "know" you are a dumbass.
By attacking people financially and their lives stability?
No surely that would simply end this. Right?
No they don't. Liberals suffer from a reduced ability to recognize threats. This has been scientifically observed in both behavioral and neurological studies.
>Doxxing racists
lolno. Pedophiles? yes.
Your army will die of cardiac arrest just by gearing up
the only place I see hatred for the left today is on a lonely little island called Sup Forums. these doxxings are being celebrated by everyone else. keep the hate going though. I can't wait to see where it gets you.
This. Eventually there will be that man who was already down on his luck who loses everything because he's fired and decides to go out with a bang.
So, you guys can dox antifa no problem, but when the other side does it it's magically suddenly bad?
You guys are a joke.
Have you fat white mom try to reach your black father in prison and explain to him that you are a violent homosex.
because they get paid to do so.
Just know you faggots will make zero progress on Sup Forums. Youre not going to win cocksmoker.
but at least youre getting paid for a despicable job right?
Assuming Sup Forums is all males.
Fuck you.
I know you have to pretend because you're on a payroll, but it's pretty common knowledge that in non-public places people show their real opinions about the left and antifa.
And usually it's far from a good opinion.
yeah its a bad idea to fire a conservashit (sociopath) for his beliefs.
they should have had some wisdom and waited to fire him for something else.
Once their addresses get leaked people will bully them into submission. Either that or they get killed outright. That's a good way to stop them from becoming criminals in the future, no?
well yeah, that too. the anonymous movement started here years ago. Ive been around for lots of doxxings. kkk members were one group back in 2011 or so that got doxxed..
One ill turn deserves another.
Good job left wing, you are creating bunch of angry, middle aged, jobless man with nothing to lose and access to firearms. This surely will end well.
Sup Forums doesn't dox people who haven't done anything bad.
>Let's radicalize them even more, what could go wrong?
Haven't most
>ye olde Sup Forumstards
been redpilled by now? A lot has changed since 2011.
Called out =/= fired from job
Spotted The Righteous Mind reader.
>Needing to gear up to shoot gun grabbers.
Every time they break down a door, or step on someone's property, or attempt to arrest someone, the cops/law enforcement would be risking a bullet to the cranium.
It only takes one pull of the trigger to kill.
Don't you have a cuckshed to be cleaning Sven?
Posting in what is now a honeypot thread.
Keep making those threats, larpers.
Poland knows.
Listen to Poland.
You have an incredibly simplistic, almost Hollywood-esque movie view of political beliefs.
If they understood anything beyond how they initially feel about something, they would make better life decisions overall. Instead, they make poor decisions...and will deal with the consequences that come afterwards, just the same as if anyone else did something similar.
next time, they should all wear masks.
Who else has been enjoying these LARP threads lately?
Filtered. All plebbitflags should be filtered. Don't forget that no one was shouting National Socialist slogans in this event. But they are liars who hate whites, so don't expect honesty.
Shhhh! Don't tell them, let them start the fire that will bring the American Renaissance, not the American Downfall if the Right goes full 14/88 first
You cannot be un-redpilled. Only the most craven of cowards could possibly unlearn reality.
do you realize this is exactly what you do to us on the left? you hypocritical pieces of shit
They are already fascists. I don't see how they could get worse.
i can hear your Paki accent from across the Channel
California has a specific law that prohibits firing someone for their political affiliation, any political activities that don't take place during work time, and any political activities that do take place during work time but don't interfere with the performance of said work (such as wearing campaign paraphernalia).
It's basically like firing someone for their religion, a massive nono.
Unless he works in California or one of the very few other states that have similar laws, that won't matter.
>Citation needed fucking nigger
Yes and then another! Till we give them what they want. Death Squads For Freedom!
Doxxing only works as a threat. Once you do it you have given up your bargaining position
no, most just got disheartened with the change on the board and went elsewhere. some hang around and LARP as hardcore redpillers to make Sup Forums look worse than it actually is.
Some just stay to troll the trumptards.
This is why we wear masks you idiots.
They could be standing on your throat.
Sorry, they will be standing on your throat.
You too, boy.
That's exactly what they want.
They want their people to die so they have fake martyrs to cry humanist crocodile tears over. Now, jobless young men with no economic future in groups, those have traditionally been the doom and downfall of already rotten societies.
because you're next you cuck
well if they get fired then they need to sue the company also we can just doxx the commies also so who really cares
but when niggers kill cops out of protest, that's completely fine because it displays african culture, amirite?
Niggers at BLM riots where they break store windows and light warehouses on fire are not individually "called out" or fired from their jobs.
Leftists at left-wing rallies, slut walks, and gay parades are not individually called out or fired from their jobs.
Antifa wears masks for the express purpose of hiding in a crowd after they commit violent acts against innocent people.
Only right-wing whites suffer consequences. Only right-wing whites are shut down through social justice warrior mobs. Only right-wing whites are being targeted.