A white ethno state is coming
A white ethno state is coming
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Good to know?
Where might this state come to be?
Is it Canada?
Somewhere in the northern US hopefully.
the American northwest maybe
That's the Chinese ethnostate.
good desu
You have 0 government officials endorsing your cause.
How do you expect to do it?
Can I come? I will be a doctor in 4 years time, I could contribute!
The only problem is I am mixed swedish/greek and even though I look like Hitlers wet dream I hate white people because they are all degenerate fucking atheist homosexuals
:( wat do?
fuck off kike/nigger
Lol, sure it is.
you can come. not all white people are degenerate the degenerate ones will be wiped out by their own sins
You mean like a fucking reservation?
Stay cucked
northwest imperative.
Hey look at me! Im a doctor on the internet....
Keep making kebab you fuck!
Le digits and memes and like 300 faggots that put the right wing to shame. This is too much thinking for one simple protesting event gone wrong. It's always larping man, its always larping
Is the logger the guy from Arckanum?
Excellent !
why sheeps? cows are the real white men cattle
>be black
>your whole future of 1st world living standards relies on the fact white people gibs
I want an ethno state just to watch niggers swim
Go back to Germany, rock-nigger
Didn't work 30 years ago, doubt it will work now.
I agree but this site holds a fair bit of influence, and right now it isn't looking like they want to admit any wrong.
How is the GOP this coming election going to reconcile mainstream ideals with their increasingly relevant fringe followers?
You are touching on what I've been thinking about a lot lately. If white people were like they were a hundred years ago I'd be a white nationalist in a heartbeat. But seeing as how most of the ones I interact with are niggerloving pagans with dildos in their butts I really want nothing to do with them. Hell my girlfriend is even Iraqi christian because I wouldn't want a swedish gf since she would just cheat on me...
Quite the conundrum!
Ok mr "I was raided by arabs for a millennia and now I look like Abdul Al Tariq Muhammad but totally 100% european guise"
We make gyros not kebap you fucking racist
So all the liberals in Oregon and Washington are leaving?
I know personally 8 black families that do above average for our county.
Not all of them are welfare leeches.
do we have to chop logs
Need wrench turners?
>implying the kikes wouldn't just stage some false flag to justify carpet bombing a white state
>/leftypol/ with bait thread again
Not important.
They don't respect our culture.
>Banned in your country
Big if true
way to try and divide kike
its saying that the liberals and faggots are mostly based in the big cities and everyone outside of the cities is pretty conservative and white
Soros funded protesters aren't going to get us there.
with only white males as inhabitants lmao
The ones I know do.
Stop thinking every black person lives in the hood and robs people, its not true at all. I've met more rural black ranchers than I have met hood niggas.
Mommy got B L A C K E D
Mommy actually got B L E A C H E D
>not wanting to chop logs
Are you kicking them out then? Good to hear.
I'm not white
can I join?
What a disgrace to their heritage those men were. I wonder, if they knew that their actions were leading to the eradication of European peoples, would they have still chosen to side with Zionist Jewry?
>big cities
to bad that is most the population, and portland is like antifa ground zero. it would be a war till one side wiped the other out.
>There are already ethnostates and places where whites can live with high autonomy. Rural Alaska, Russian Siberia.
>Packing white people into a single state allows for them to be eradicated from the face of the earth with 1 or 2 nukes.
>No country would ever cede land for an ethnostate.
>Where would an ethnostate stand politically with other nations? What resources would the state have to sustain itself economically?
>Do you honestly think it would be a model replica of the 1950s? You'd get all types of whites that come from different backgrounds and beliefs. Ex. Wiggers, Hicks, Rednecks, Middle Class, Liberals, Europeans, etc.
>Who is white enough to join the ethnostate? You can easily have Jews, white berbers & arabs pass off as white an infiltrate it.
>Ethnostate is basically a zoo to gawk at white people.
that's kind of a dumb question don't you think. you cant join sorry you can make your own ethno state for your own race though
I support the white ethnostate.
Could whichael Jackson join?
I think they really believed in their cause and that it was just so that the west could be strong. They were probably patriots, but their ideology was wrong from the very beginning. Freedom can never preserve culture, only traditionalism can, something we should learn from the muslims
He was a known jew hater so why not? pretty good music too famalam
>tfw no futuristic aryanized world where there are starships or portals to different universes, alternate dimenions and planes of existance for mass colonization of super advanced whites to become a race of Abrahamic tier gods
aww :(
>Packing white people into a single state allows for them to be eradicated from the face of the earth with 1 or 2 nukes
I don't think anyone is talking about having a single state for all the white people in the world.
A black ethno state is here. And Jenny aint never foegets. word? words!!!
Already have one m8. It's called Argentina.
>Implying that the American government would give up it's land
>Forgetting about how the (((civil war))) started
how do i get citizenship
Then what's the point of the ethnostate if not to preserve the white race?
>linking us an IRA supporter
sure thing white boy
lel there are less of you than there are blm antifa types
not only do you have to eliminate all the minorities, but also all the white people who have empathy
Can I Join? Or at least vacation in it?
How is having multiple white ethnostates not preserving the white race?
>Northwest Imperative
whats your obsession with white girls don't you want to preserve your own race or do you hate yourself that much? are niggers truly inferior and they know it?
No it won't. White people are too focuses on identity and warfare to allow a single, united white ethnostate.
Soon enough, once there aren't enough races, white people will begin to squabble over their nationalities.
>french vs british
>the swedish are subhumans
>genocide of the german
>slavs are subhumans
It won't stop until there's one country left.
expand this to the north dakota minnesota border, the red river valley contains almost countless acres of farm land
we can breed black babies in africa. here in america, we focused on breeding white people till they go extinct
>Ethnostate is basically a zoo to gawk at white people.
To be fair NSDAP germany became a tourist destination because what white people created was incredible.
Is this flag good for the white ethno-state?
I'm thinking of holding a rally, but I don't want it to evolve into a giant clusterfuck that'd get me sent to prison. How do?
Literraly a meme country
Can we make a state somewhere warm with fertile land for agri culture?
cant we get along you have Africa and we have America and Europe and Russia. also the only girls you guys get are land whales that nobody wants
> seattle
houston we have a problem
pay reparations and we will stop. simple.
You are a turk right?
im pure ghana black my friend
all the welfare we have given you people over the years counts as reparations and affirmative action is a thing. if we gave you more reparations would you all move back to Africa?
Soon you will have no gibs. Hope your ready to do shit on your own.
african tier flag/10
>To be fair NSDAP germany became a tourist destination because what white people created was incredible.
We'll have all of that again. We can work out the government specifics later. Right now we need to keep fighting for that future for our children.
Only one of´em is white plus they (cause u´re just a trol) cut the black girl off. Guess black woman aren´t worthy.
post ethno state aesthetics
What are some good colors besides black and red?
>A white ethno state is coming
Western world is making me sad
Wow! Guns, traditional family, lumber, and husbandry are all things I can get behind. Where do I sign up?