I make bait threads for the lulz.
Confession thread
I miss some threads.
I smoke turnip strips
i make threads with news and questions, which really matter to me.
I agree with shills for the luls
I'm a weeb.
I'm into light skin females
I reply to threads to feel better about being a kike, it's not working.
im a nazi and i smoke weed (mom doesnt know)
i converted my girlfriend into a fascist and her family hates her for it, but she'll choose me over them every time
I only have 2 AR-15s and black lives don't matter enough to make it a national slogan.
I never seed torrents after downloading.
I also smoke weed (mom knows)
i tried to rape my downsyndrome sister
bitch was alot smarter then she looks
I tell people Sup Forums redpilled me, but it was actually imagefap
Sometimes I LARP as a cuck for the easy (you)s and asspained rage at my flag
be honest with me then do you get banned for the troll shit or am i wasting my time reporting all the off topic crap?
If you LARP as a cuck then you are one...
yea me too, its usually the "i need my ar-15 to protect myself from the gub-" threads, instant replies everytime
I shitpost about MGTOW, but I only fucked one woman so far in my life.
I can only get turned on by traps(nohomo though).
I go to college campuses once and a while with the express purpose of fucking women with a condom with a hole in it.
I sometimes go to the club to find hung blackmen to penetrate my boipucci in a dirty toilet for a drink.
I used to watch mlp
i only got banned once for offtopic and i make offtopic all the time, i remember i uploaded a pic to pol with an expired mayo showing the expiration date asking "will i die?" but nope offtopic never gets banned anymore just thread deleted after about half an hour
I really like this nazi stuff and hate degeneracy and think the jews are up to no good but I'm not pure in any way and I don't want to die so I don't know about it all.
I ironically shill w/ bait threads because it's funny as well
I feel like all the shills are just ironic Sup Forumssters. It's like controlled opposition so we have a reason to fight.
I unironically want WWIII.
I like Furshit and I also fap to twinks every now and then.
I'm also a thicc fag.
I used to be a left winger but the internet and you guys made me want to erase everything that is shit skinned or jewish from this globe for the sake of europe's future.
Also I've played 3000 hours dota
>19 yo polandfag
I use a Canadian and Swedish flag to bait people and make autistic comments at least 25 times a day. I'm actually in a lot of relatively famous screencaps used against Canadians.
Same with me. I used to be a communist and I hated all the infighting and identity politics. Then I found the fuhrer...
>Played 3000 hrs “Dota” (i assume this is a game)
Entertainment addict
>used to be a leftwinger but the internet
You fucking mark holy shitttt your whole life and everything you believe is a joke and a scam how does it feel??
I have a 'survival of the fittest' mentality, and think the elderly should be left to die to free up resources for younger, stronger generations.
>same with me
Underage b&
Am actually only 7 inches, 5ft11.5, and associate Chef at Wendy's.
You'll get to two someday, buddy.
i smoke weed, but i'm very hostile towards other weed smokers on Sup Forums
I believe some of the things Marx said were fairly reasonable
I'm brown and act like I'm white because my family is wealthy
Wtf is “associate chef”?
Are you a teen? Why dont you have a real job
does your mom know?
I reply to confession threads.
We didn't. Grand solar maximus is an event that warms Earth every few centuries and in the medieval times Greenland warmed up. So the parts of Greenland where the Norse settled really was green, while Iceland has glaciers and is named for it.
Fuck man need to quit
Yes. It's a game and the only gud shit running on my craptop.
Got a ps3 now and play bf3.
>entertainment addict
Yes. I found it hard to socialize.
I'm not white but LARP as white on Sup Forums
she knows i've smoked weed, but she does not know i smoke weed at the moment. (i smoke at night time when she is asleep)
haven't seen one of these for over a year
And me too, buddy
I just want a girlfriend who loves me without being manipulative, but they all pull shit tests,and are repulsed by being treated well, that why i will end their suffrage.
Same. We are the outcasts among the outcasted.
I like the Jews, I only Nazi to trigger white people.
The best way to quit is to smoke all you have until you can't get any more
>How does it feel.
Not sure. Knowing that true live doesn't exist and that ppl like Soros are shekling us to death is quite frustrating. Especially the 1st one
I used to put a bayonet on my dick and run around my neighborhood as if I was my great grandfather who did serve in WW1, and stab as many people that I saw that looked Aryan.
jacking off while high is hella fun
I pretend to be a Christian on here, but I've never been to church and couldn't give a fuck
Stop doing that.
I lose hope everyday because of the lack of effort of others but keep trying when I really shouldnt.
it not me its my family live in some hippe family my sister does it fuck im going to avoid them when there doing it
I believe basically everything in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion except that (((((JEWZ)))) is a scapegoat. The REAL puppet masters are clever enough to have seeded this idea.
You guys know the Protocols was originally not even about jews and that’s just the popular version?
It was a Russian “fake news” meme pamphlet
Almost all threads on pol are bait threads.
I am a non-white who larps as a white NatSoc
>fell for the treat girls well meme
t. eternal virgin
I'm dating a nigger
35 and being realistic. We've got a rapidly ageing population, and elderly care is one of the fastest growing job markets. Imo, if they need constant care from younger generations, they are nothing but a resource consuming burden on said generations.
Sounds like my family. It's honestly not bad though it's a nice way to hang out and talk with each other.
i know that it does not work, i still won´t be mean to a girl. And i probably had better sex than you.
Habent read the protocols but websites like (((rational wiki))) claim the bindle's fake cuz antisemitism.
Valid argument imo.
I made some of the "regret voting for Drumpf" wojacks that still get posted today. It's the only OC I ever made that anyone reposts.
Blimey mate you’re a fucking idiot.
and I don’t believe this is coming from a 35 year old (who’s had sex with adult women)
Why dont you go kill gramps then?
I'm not really japanese
I think all types of women are attractive no matter their race...
I am 25 and still play runescape
>had better sex than you
I find almost all women pretty in their own way. I never really understood it when guys say certain ones are ugly.
It’s literally plagiarized out of “Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu”.
It would be like if I rewote the Protocols but made it about the white man keeping the nig-nogs under his thumb. Literally nigger-tier clickbait for white trash of the time.
I'm 21 and play Runescape.
Oh, hey mate.
Depends on how they look basically, but nogs are still often too testosterone ridden.
I think Communism ,Nazism, Zionism are fundamentally radical evolution from the previous ideology, evolved to be able to obtain even more power.
So I also hate Nazis, Commies, and Zionists equally.
>i´m so ugly that i have to call others virgins to feel better about myself.
Yes i am a virgin for sure. You Chad thundercock compared to me. I would suck you off right now, but i´m afraid your dick will break my jaw, because it´s just soo massive.
I wish i had your levels of T, which make you win one internet fight after the other.
I aspire to be like you one day, master.
Damn, that nose could be a muffler for all I know.
>there is a Jew behind the Jew
holy shit, is it literally reptiles?
btw kek loves me, internet stud.
Just give it another five years of your life anons
It’s “fun” it’s “what you like to do”
>implying i've had sex before