Age of consent map

Age of consent map

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The age of consent is 18 everywhere in USA dumbass.

Mexico...jesus christ

No its dependent on state law dumbass. I live in Texas and I know its 17. Also Romeo and Juliet Law.

wtf france


>all the shootings/Dodge Challenger runovers happen in the red states

I'm sure it's just a coincidence.


>fucking NINE.


I'm moving to Saudi Arabia to get me some 5yo Arab poon.

In the US it's 2 years old, according to George Soros.

Don't you mean Spain?

>no law

>young is green (good) and old is red (bad)
lmao who made this.

also america generally is weird with their ages. driving with 16 but no alcohol till 21. Here (and I assume in most of eu) it's beer+wine with 16, and driving + all other drugs with 18.

15 is probably enough

it was legal to marry and fuck a 7 year old in the US just 150 years ago:

> Over the course of American history, the most commonly observed age of consent was 10 years. In 1880, 37 states had an age of consent of 10 years while 10 states kept an age of consent at 12, and Delaware maintained its age of consent at seven years, having lowered it from 10 in 1871.[31][32]

everyone says that america is weird for having alcohol purchase age be 21 but do they not remember that alcohol was constitutionally illegal not 100 years ago? also the sale of alcohol was banned on sunday until recently

>also the sale of alcohol was banned on sunday until recently
really? wow that's some Islam-tier stuff.

>also the sale of alcohol was banned on sunday until recently
That is/was state by state.

outdated/shill its 18 here

It's 16 in Washington but you can't be more than 4 years older than the person until they are 18.

Mexico is what the CIA wants us to be

It'a outdated, it's been 16 here, ever since I had to care


Shit I'm still a child in Tunisia. Does this mean I cant watch porn?

yeahand they only legalized it because every locality is fucking broke and needs more tax gibs


ALSO isn't it ironic how the country know for the slut culture is the one who has most protection over sex, what is wrong with burgers

Just factually incorrect.

Not the entire country, just some counties



Spanish speaking countries are based as fuck. We can learn a thing or two from the spics

wtf is this based on?
our age of consent is 16 nigger.

yes, but must be married

Hey look, this one lives in San Diego.

When you call someone a dumbass but your actually the dumbass

Cause their Prophet was a pedo and the perfect man. He fucked Aisha when she was nine, so everyone else can do the same.

10 was the common law age of consent in England for many years.

Some areas still prohibit the sale of booze.

Lmao just look at murica pretending to set the higher standards. A nice church girl hold together through adolescence by a strict parenting and cheap religious morality, once unleashed the pressure drowned in a binge of porn starring

I wish, then I could just go down south of the border for all the spic loli I want

Founder effect. Puritans have to meddle in people lives.
SJWs are the current variant of Puritanism, who they hate and what they hate them for has completely reversed, but its the same mind set, morphing their targets through the years to be able to stay 'holier than thou' as society changed.

all the same stupid shit.

Based Delaware

it's 14 in some cases

Sunny Lane was a conservative jew until she went full whore. Not just Christians.

And get knifed by their brothers. And nothing of value would be lost.

This map is wrong. AFAIK the age of consent over here is 16 years.

ohhhh boooyyyyy, Argentina my nigga what are you doing

It's 16 in Spain since at least 4 years ago.

if the guy is 18 and she is 14?


Pink with purple dot is the only moral choice. If you disagree you hate families and the rights of a father.
The feminists forced them to raise it to 16 recently.

argentina are legit niggers, the blackest of south america, and they should be gassed. deus volt.

trips of truth.


00 dubz checking 000 tripz. digits confirm, Argentinians are niggers.

mmm intredasting
should i cross the border to Argentina?

Places where AoC is 18 or above - Normal
Places where AoC are 13 to 17 - Ephebo
Places where AoC is under 12 - Pedo

If you want to be the whitiest nigger around, jamal, then yes sure.

wow, rude
i just want some prime pussy man

Sex outside marruage is rape, you nigger.