Sup Forums and the alt right is just a big honeypot isnt it? It's here to trick us into coming out and showing our power level so that (((they))) can ruin our lives forever.
I get it now
Other urls found in this thread:
White supremacy is an ideology of peace
They're probably using it to exclude us from work and other opportunities but it is also the only place to go to find solidarity among those of us who are being (((replaced))). I made the call and I'm okay with not working for (((those companies))( if it means I can still stand up against the literal genocide of my people.
Easily led sheep. Fucking idiots.
I just kind of like this picture now.
divide and conquer; best part you are playing right into their hands. a divided nation is a weak nation which is easier to conquer.
pol doesnt like vetting their guys like richard spencer and baked alaska. all it takes for things to go wrong is to blindly let these people steer the movement.
it gets us there yeah
Yeah, like the gore on Sup Forums, the Nazi stuff on Sup Forums was always to scare away normies who were worried they might get in trouble for seeing such naughty things, because we don't want herd folk fucking up our conversations with their idiocy. But then Trump won and researchers and media started paying this place more attention and believed that we're really nazis here, when it is all just one big practical inside joke, one of the oldest running gags on the internet. Now MSM and Democrats are losing their minds fighting an invisible Nazi threat that only exists in their minds and in the fake protesters they pay to wave around Nazi flags and give Roman salutes. This really is a a hyperreal world we're living in these days.
Yep they definitely have big blacklists of people to economically alienate.
cultural marxism is for useful idiots
Baked Alaska is so obviously a Jew it is bizarre. I mean he was a writer for Buzzfeed for chrissakes. I never heard of him until all of a sudden he's being written about by the controlled op like he's this huge star. It is all fake, don't believe any of it.
If you're a real American, a real individualist, really woke, then you don't need a fucking 'leader' to author your opinions and desires. Especially not a Jew pretending to be a white nationalist.
Yeah, the problem with that is that you can only play the "we're only being Nazis ironically!" card for so long.
And just what the hell was the theory behind that shit they were chanting? "You will not replace us?" What does that mean? "We're good little wage cucks and you're not replacing us with muslims/mexicans who work for less and have more of a slave mentality than we do? We'll be more slavelike if you just give us a chance."
I really just want to turn off reality, but there's so many good video games and politics is so bizarre and entertaining. The world is burning and I just want to see more of it.
>MFW op finally took the redpill
The majority of conservative figureheads popular with Sup Forums mostly fall into this category. Idiots who exist solely for the purpose of popularizing inaccurate conspiracy theories so the masses learn not to believe in any conspiracy (Alex Jones) to pretty-boy pussies happy to be the poster boy for all things ignorant (Richard Spencer) to guys who appear well-educated and argued at first but devolve into whining and name-calling when cornered (Cernovich, McGuiness).
Ben Shapiro is one of the good ones at least. Yea he's a JEW but he actually takes his faith seriously and uses it to better his life, unlike the majority of Jews I know who use it as a defense system but otherwise don't actually give a shit about their faith or following any moral code.
OP is correct.
We need to stop going outside, where we can be exposed for the Nazis we are. We should stay indoors and keep posting on Sup Forums, where we're more effective.
We can do this guys! We can get our ethnostate! We just have to be patient.
And if we lose, maybe People Of Color will show mercy on us.
Anyone these days who isn't joining in with the herd and violently attacking anything that isn't politically correct is easily categorized as a Nazi as a dehumanization tactic. Nazis are the only conscious humans you can wantonly slaughter in movies and video games without having to play some sympathetic music or provide some backstory on why they became so evil. It doesn't matter about being a nazi ironically or whatever, if you aren't with the SJW herd then you're a Nazi, period. The MSM, university, politicians say this is how everyone must act and speak, and if you don't then you're a Nazi. This is what we've always been against and laughed at, knowing they're going to project the Nazi label on us to dehumanize us, so it really doesn't matter. We give them someone to hate, we provide a valuable service. If they weren't attacking us they'd be tearing each other apart for minor transgressions, and they do this still anyway. Sometimes some of them wake up and think for themselves.
Yeah Shapiro has said some smart things but why does he keep taking the bait and engaging with chan trolls in flame wars on twitter? I'd like to think he knows better.
Please. Why would you organize a public rally? And let everyone else in the world know so they can bus in people from all over the country to violently confront you? You can talk about whatever you want online, make videos online, chat on discord. Marching around waving flags on the street and confronting people is either Narcissism wanting to get yourself on the news or this weird Maoist cultural revolution stuff. Same stuff happened in China, Maoist theory encouraged the folk to yell at each other and stuff in these same sorts of protests. After a while we're all supposed to be kumbya communists working together. It won't work. Maybe in a country with a more homogeneous population, but not in America.
And a more important question, why if you were really "Uniting the Right", would you organize a rally in a city Charlottesville where the mayor (((Signer))) is a Jew and Democrat operative who helped organize Obama's state department? Why would you hold a rally there if you were legit? Why wouldn't you hold a rally in a city with strong republican leadership where you know you'd be better protected?
The alt-right was an obvious honey pot from day one. The greatest strength we have is that we can't be easily labelled. (((Communists))) and their ilk grow and survive through shaming tactics. They don't actually want to discuss issues so they generalize entire groups in order to shame them and anyone who associates with them. The MSM created the alt-right label in order to do that to us. That's why anyone who unironically adopted it is either one of (((them))) or an idiot.
I think it's good if people want to go out and protest, but it's completely fucking retarded to do it under some Alt-right, New Right, Nazi, or whatever party. If you guys want to protest, pick one issue at a time and study it. Then go out and protest it. That way you'll make (((them))) look like the monsters if they try to stop you.
fuck this mayor
This is a fag lefty meme that is being passed around to explain why Antifa, women and other dysgenic people can't compete on a "level playing field." It's the same game the Jews have always played. Be subversive, Be unhonorable, be sneaky and underhanded with your tactics and win using any and all available means. And these groups of people, especially the women, will never give up using this tactic because it's the only option they have. They can't out argue you, they can't overpower you, they can't rally or motivate human beings like you, the only thing they can do is stab you in the back or slit your throat in your sleep. Never sleep on these people.
They did pick one issue. Their issue was the 14 words. YOU WILL NOT REPLACE US.
daily reminder that a
>Fackelzug like image related
is very very old and has nothing to do with NS or the 3rd reich. when i served in the bundeswehr we did this as well and student fraternities here do it once a year since the year 1813
>mfw americans link it to the KKK
this happens once a year here since 1813
You have all been doxxed. This board is cia property now.
if (((they))) ruin a bunch of peoples lives then those people have nothing left to lose
How will that work out though. They just get a self fulfilling prophecy once all the unemployed/black listed white men don't have jobs, and decide to take what is theirs back.
Worse case scenario you get an actual race war. Best case, Hitler 2.0.
they can try
>american media think torches are scary and KKK and nazi
what happens if CNN finds out this is a tradition in germany and has nothing to do with what they label it as?
See video:
The UK media changed it to Jews will not replace us
>no helicopter in top left corner
That's not how it works god damn it.
Nope. It's real. It's actually happening. Either don't show up to those gatherings or cover your face and other identifiers.
>Random chadwolf gets scared after a bat hits his expensive car accidently runs over ANTIFA
ACTUAL BLACK Supremacist kills 3 white men in downtown Fresno
Well you see...
My world is filled with gullible hypocrites
But even in that meme, the white male is obviously superior.
Honestly this rally was a success. It's showing people that the alt right is just regular dudes that want whites to have equal rights as everyone else. It's giving us more exposure and the young whites are loving it. And nobody's going to care about that fat chick that died. She was a 30 something childless party girl whos best years were behind her.
I like that. Very powerful visual
Unironically, that's exactly what national socialism is.
>It's showing people that the alt right is just regular dudes that want whites to have equal rights as everyone else.
Very few people looked at what happened the other day and saw this.
you deserve to have your freedom taken away.
because that is what you wish to do unto others, so shall it be done unto you. faggot
>so that (((they))) can ruin our lives forever.
we are )))youguy((( already destroyed already ruined who got back up and then who just separated your ties with (((them))) and giving you every reason to fight beside us.