9 months until brits need ID to post on Sup Forums


>a system that prevents access by anyone under the age of 18.
>Entirely bans “extreme pornographic material” from being distributed over the Internet.
>Brits will have to use AgeID in order to access 18+ websites
Anywhere there is 18+ content. That means Sup Forums. That means Youtube. That means Twitter.

Oy vey! The goyim are knowing at an alarming rate and it must be stopped!


There's no way this will actually happen.

R-right Britain?

Our politicians are not going to successfully censor porn off the internet and they're all dumb as shit for even thinking it's possible.

Yeah but people who try get around it are going to end up in prison probably.

I don't want to be paranoid every time there's a knock at my door because I didn't want to give my internet ID to a website that's supposed to be about anonymity

This, distinctly. This isn't something the vast majority of Britain is even slightly divided on, it's always just been the Whitehouses and politicians trying to score cheap "think of the children" points. They've completely fucked up the timeframe, too, and it's not like the Tories have managed to do anything else right this time around. I seriously doubt it'll last even if they do manage to implement something.

Stock up on porn its maybe gonna be worth a shitton of money and also thinking you can block a website like Sup Forums is retarded we will get around it btw use a proxy maybe

>stock up on porn
This is like when TPP was going to ban all piracy and people stocked up on everything. Why is there always something

Don't worry britcucks. I'll be seeding tons of porn for you.

That's great. God bless the queen and God bless May.

this is the same party that said they'll ban encryption. it's not happening.

They don't want bestiality

Don't tell me you're not at least a LITTLE bit turned on by pic related. If you can't admit that you're probably repressing something.



>yfw Shimoneta becomes real life

Will the bongs have names next to their posts?

Hahahaha. Fucking brits are such top cucks.

I have literally never heard of this website before so I don't believe a thing.

Foolish brit bongs

No they're just required to use the e-mail field correctly.

>post yfw none of the pro-islam, blacked or cuck porn will be blocked

The Conservatives will literally get unelected on this, if true, however I've heard nothing at all as to this happening.

Also, VPN's. Keep calm, fucking bypass the cunts.


Other parties are also in this, prob labour who want to censor porn and free information.

>Also, VPN's. Keep calm, fucking bypass the cunts

keep hiding like rats. Say what you want about the amerifats pussy protests but atleast they fight for their freedoms

>atleast they fight for their freedoms
no we don't

Banner appropriate

Kill yourself, cuck. We're fighting right now for white nationalism.