>Americans have become so divided that people on the right and left celebrates the death of their fellow Americans, simply because of their race and/or their political views
And you polacks call yourself patriots
>Americans have become so divided that people on the right and left celebrates the death of their fellow Americans, simply because of their race and/or their political views
And you polacks call yourself patriots
liberals aren't people
That's pretty rich coming from a Pakistani. You boys are tearing the shit out of each other constantly, and so efficiently too.
Thank you, based Muslim. We have much to learn from your people
>fellow Americans
Yeah, just like "we're all humans", right?
"Fellow Americans"
Commies and niggers are not Americans. Do you think the founding fathers would've considered them American? They already hated monarchists, they would've considered commies subhuman just like they did niggers.
White nationalist* not patriot
Once men quietly amongst themselves form new alliances and groupings then that society is doomed.
A multicultural/ethnic society will always lead to fragmentation.
Also, Paul Ryan and John McCain are "patriots", not Sup Forums. Most of Sup Forums are ethnic nationalists, which would exclude maybe half of Americans.
America is destablizied and on the verge of fucking itself in the mouth like the Soviet Union did any day now
Reminder that liberals consider themselves liberal or *race* before american.
*One person dies*
>OMG America is totally fucked now and this is totally out of the blue an shiet. There's no way this is being blown out of proportion.
>American civil war when!?!?!
>implying a traitor is an american
>"""""""""""""""""""""""fellow"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Americans
I'm not pakistani
if the neonazis were killed and leftists wrote that you all would have lost your shit
its sad
That's why Trump will start the Trump war. He'll unite everybody against North Korea. I bet american spies will be the responsible of throwing the north korean atomic bomb against U.S.
>land of the free
>but only the ones who I agree with
Not a patriot to this masonic pile of ZOG crap called america. There is no nation without a racial aspect. Whe are nothing mote that the sword of international jewry..
We need to unify our own country before we can conquer the world. Death to commies.
Communist are NOT and NEVER will be American. They are scum. I wont go around killing ""innocent""" commies, but they get what they get.
you are unamerican
it's sad when a brit knows what your country stands for better than you
your forefathers would be spinning in their graves at the shit going on at the moment in your country
we have muslims to worry about, but at least they're not our own fucking people
I don't particularly give a shit about them, considering I'm not a neonazi myself. Not to mention how killing them would've made them martyrs for the rest of the right wing.
>land of the free
>not allowed to call NAP violators niggers
>i should agree with criminals and retards who are a drain on society
Fuck America. We need a separatist movement where white people can create our own nation within the States.
>liberals are criminals and retards
go live in a totalitarian shithole then faggot
Leftists are not people. They are worshipers of Satan.
Wife got shocked when reading about the car mayhem. Told her not to feel sorry for them cause they were Antifa rats that had it coming.
nice work pal, if they knew the truth they'd never follow us, so we must keep bending it
they were immoral scum who deserved it!
Our forefathers were white supremacists who considered none whites subhumans without souls. The idea that an america with a white minority is going to be anything like the america of the past is fantasy. The sooner we break this thing up the better.
communists arent people
the U.S. IS becoming a totalitarian shithole thanks to liberal cuck faggots like yourself
dumb bitch
Wait, the victims weren't Antifa?
meanwhile in london
>20 people get mowed down on sidewalk by truck
>part and parcel
I was just glad the qt black grill with nice legs was okay tbqh
cultural marxism is for useful idiots
Also, two months prior she told me she didn't know what Antifa was, so I told her it's a Marxist terror network known for arson and ultra-violence.
Pls no
The wheels of freedom are greased with the blood of leftists.
Nobody cares about your virtue signaling, kys nigger faggot.
Agree, it's sick as fuck.
People like pic related cunt are the source of the problems, the escalation. Never forget civil war monger Michael Signer. He WANTED the violence.
>commie """"people""""
>fellow american
I'm celebrating the death of some anti-American marxist shit head. The rest can join her in hell or any socialist country on earth they want to move to.
I think we can all agree that the only good American is a dead American.