Oh jeez
Oh jeez
Other urls found in this thread:
Everyone forgot about this guy after two months
Hogkins was a crazy retard
James is a crazy retard who knew the truth
Not a sure about the others, but it's at least 50%
Boy I sure am tired! Aren't you tired too /po/? I think we should take a nap.
4 people to write one article...
How long until they claim he got his views from Sup Forums and they shut us down? I give it 12 hours tops.
BeepBeep! I'm the Challenger of nazism. it says Dodge on my hood, and you should. VROOM!
Even if the guy is found innocent, his life is ruined. This is the face of a man with nothing to lose.
part and parcel of living in a major city
remember, any muslims are nazi sympathizers too
The modern media sites have already made that link; I'd give the mainstream ones a couple of days to catch up.
He could just sue the media and the government of libel, since they are throwing the terrorist label without any proof or trial.
any links?
and the guy in question was Jewish.
What is it the Planet of the Kikes?
im surprised uncle sam isnt a nigger in this pic.
>and the guy in question was Jewish.
No he wasn't. He doesn't have a Jewish name and doesn't look Jewish
where the fuck are these nazis I keep hearing about?
Don't tell me it's fucking Richard Spencer
His mother is Jewish so he's a Jew
>All those women and children
It's fucking weird how every person in the news is a Jew. All 6 gorillion must have moved to America in the 1930s it's bizarre.
who cares, i haven't heard anyone talk about it at work
nobody cares some fat whore and a bunch of hipsters got hit
its literally nothing
Really makes you think.
you retard
You think people were waiting for the trial of the boston bomber, or the orlando shooter before they were called terrorists?
That argument is so dumb sweetie, go back to stormfront
Watch their heads explode in confusion
Hey I'm just rooting for the little guy.
Actually this. Didn't hear any normies talk about it all weekend.
it's funny because the excuses on here all day have pretty much been #notallmuslims
Tell me again how Sup Forums isn't using terrorist logic to defend their actions?
That's cos you don't have any friends