James Alex Fields

How long will he be in jail?

I'm guessing 7-8 years

Other urls found in this thread:


there is no coincidence this happened in a state that carries the death penalty

he'll be our martyr

he wont get the death penalty he is being charged with 2nd degree murder

>All murder other than capital murder and murder in the first degree is murderof the second degree and is punishable by confinement in a state correctionalfacility for not less than five nor more than forty years

If the brake lights were lit, you gotta acquit!

local mayor is a Democrat, governor and state attorney general are Democrats
guy was at a nazi rally and pictured with fascist symbology so no public support fun or fancy lawyers to do pro bono a la Zimmerman
even if he gets lucky and only gets felony manslaughter instead of 2nd degree murder he can get hit with two dozen other charges
it's not looking good but maybe he can plead guilty and get 20 years

No longer than the trial.

Except they were. Even in the dashcam footage it looks like he accelerated, which is worse


This was self defense!

Trump needs to PARDON Fields!


If Trump issues a pardon we would witness a level of assblasting unknown to men.

Let's push for this.


The Nazi photos are a deal breaker in terms of getting a great lawyer to get involved, also hurts crowd funding efforts for his defense

>screencaps of headlines from shit thinkpieces
really makes me think

>drove over a hundred miles to a rally supported by a group of people that unironically sympathize with actual Nazis
>has references to Nazis and white supremacy all over his social media
>drove a car into crowd of protestors
>fled the scene

He will be made an example of. He will get 10 years, minimum, but honestly I wouldn't be surprised if he gets life. Good fucking riddance. People like him make all white people look bad in the same way a Muslim does when they commit a terror attack. This is the truth. No matter how much you try to sell the narrative that "it was just one lunatic who happens to be white" the non-whites of the world will not buy it.

Whatever 3 counts of vehicle manslaughter gets you.

trump pardon baby

Not only that, he accelerated straight ahead for almost 10 full seconds. No jury in their right minds would believe it was an accident.

A lot will depend on how much he said to the cops before he lawyered up.


>when you've never driven a car in your life so you think neutral lights mean brake

Trump doesn't have jurisdiction here

>Not only that, he accelerated straight ahead for almost 10 full seconds.


0-3 seconds, car decelerates
3 seconds -> Smashed with bat
3-6 seconds, accelerates and runs down violent protesters

It's not a fucking Prius, dumbass. 0-60 in under 5sec

> murder


He'll be out in no time with involuntary manslaughter

he's talking about sam hyde

The system is run by neo bolsheviks so he might not get off that easily.

Fuck me, reading too fast

>3 counts

>smashed with a bat
literally as he accelerates into pedestrians.
lmao why is anyone defending this kid. we gunna defend the muslim truck driver in Nice for some other bullshit. the kid was emotionally driven. he was mad and at these protesters because of some memes on the internet, i no doubt, he got from Sup Forums

He we will walk out free. Watch the videos.

0 years

You're lying. We have video and can see the taillight get hit when he brakes. Go suck a dog knot.

Unless he has his lights on they should be dark red if they were not pressed

That car accelerates like a motherfucker. Pay attention to the angle, watch as he slams the gas just after the nig tries to smash out his taillight, as if to say 'gidee-up!'

antifa tries to smash taillight out, causing dude to panic-slam on the gas.

More nignogs converge with baseball bats and start smashing at the car before he GTFO

Legal precedent has similar situations ruling in favor of the driver

Have they even determined who he was? Was he right, left, or just some guy trying to go to mcdonalds and ran across a rally blocking the road?
Leftists like reddit and imgur are ignoring the he was panicked and scared and it was unintentional angle.

lol nigga he gonna get 30 hours community service

lol, like anyone could possibly view that as self defense. He fucked up. He fucked up big time. And he will take the altright down with him.

Was the verdict vehicular manslaughter?

You're retarded

Lurk more, faggot

> Bikers start smashing car, driver panics and runs down bikers
> No Charges

> Car breaks through protesters, gets smashed up
> No Charges

Where the fuck is the one from just a couple years ago, ran down some bicyclists? Same result.


Dat symbology

the fat cunt that died didn't even get hit, she got caught in the pile up.


Someone said he was attacked and panicked. Proof?

>2 cents yada yada yada

Not really. Turn your dad's car one of these days and you'll notice the lights are on at all times, just softer. Sun was hitting the car from the front so the shadow highlights the neutral lights.

You a lazy motherfucker, aint you?

Scroll up 3 pages, fag


Daily Mail claiming he wrote Nazi fanfiction


He is jewish. It would be anti-semitic to convict him. Guaranteed to walk. Can't wait to watch the lefties' heads spin on this one.

Hmm could be true, but it is also the dailymail and everyone has already labeled him a alt-right member to get people against him. Confirmation bias and what not.

>i spend a shit ton of time on Sup Forums and so should you. I'm also a complete dickhead.

not proof

0 if rational

1-2 for manslaughter

He also left he Cat with his mother, probably planed on being a Hero but chickened out.

Watch it again. It's clear he was driving slowly, was attacked, and immediately sped up and crashed. If he was going for people he wouldve mowed down all of those people he passed up. He did panic and flee, hitting people, but that wasnt the plan.

Damn son, you just got humiliated and blown the fuck out effortlessly. How embarrassing must it feel to lose an argument to internet nazis?

Good thing this kid is going to walk. Must be reeeeeaaaaaal embarrassing for you but I'm feeling pretty great.

other people on this site are gonna demonize you for this, but i must agree

This. Even texas doesnt give the death penalty for 2nd degree. I bet he gets 10 unless more charges get added

He'll get charged with the hit & run or whatever minor charges he has, but he's not getting any serious time, any good lawyer will be able to get him out of it.

He's the fucking president. He can pardon anyone he wants at any time for any reason... Including preemptively for crimes they may commit in the future. Look it up.

the police fucked up and were given shit orders by either the governor, the mayor, or the police chief

Someone in power is going to get royally fucked by this.

time served, honestly im afraid theyll convince him to plea deal. hell get off if he goes to trial outside of va

>hit & run
>resulting in a fatality
>not getting serious time

I hope it's a mistrial or something just for the chimpout


20 months. Then he will be found not guilty and allowed to be a social pariah just like Zimmerman. Anybody got a Kickstarter for his league defense yet?

Probably 30-60 years

user are done with this turd. In any event he could not even get this right

i bet his shit lawyers convince him to take vehicular homicide. you could appeal this case all the way to supreme if he gets convicted b/c of the medias roll.

i think he will maybe get a plea deal for a lower charge like manslaughter because it seems like he has no previous criminal history

Self defense. The white bitch was literally filmed smashing his car seconds before.

wrong. acceleration means nothing. your feelings are worth dick when it comes to the law fagget

None . . . He was paid by Soros.

I'm sitting in my truck tight now and that's not the case.

I hope he gets acquitted so we can once more watch antifa scum and blm black supremacists chimping out

Will there be a chimp out if he gets freed?

Was clearly self defense he should get off

>How long will he be in jail?
about a week before he kills himself

He wont be booked for fleeing the scene
It will be easy to argue that by staying at the scene, he could have put himself and others in further danger.


When he backs up out of there, he is literally running for his life. It's survival at that point.

has anyone got a picture of james at the protest and a picture of the shield covered in a black bin liner by antifa?

Im going to say acquittal based on that video user

>I hit you and you run me over with your car
Huh that's not how self-defense works buddy

I depends on the judge, at best he'll walk on self defense, there's a very obvious case to be made with the break lights, the man hitting his car before he accelerated, and the fact that rioters attacked his car after the incident which gives points towards his claims that he was afraid of being attacked in the first place due to the traffic disruption. At worst he'll probably face 5-10 years, but that's the absolute worse case situation. Trump pardon is unicorn tier as some people mentioned but I guess it "could" happen.

Personally I think he should get more with how things look from video alone, but that's unlikely. I wanna hear his testimony on what actually happened from his perspective, too little evidence right now.

>How long will he be in jail?

For less time than the landwhale will be dead for.

Manslaughter/murder would be the charge for the fatality retard, hit run would be because he fled the scene.

won't the blacks kill him in jail?

we should for real kick start his leagal fees, im not going to donate but it would BUTT HURT the SHIT out of MSM and Antifa.

>>Not knowing how the legal system works.
>>Being this stupid....
Good thing your feelings dont matter in the legal system, genius

Trump can pardon people for FEDERAL crimes, he has no power over those convicted of crimes in the state of Virginia

*See "Separation of Powers"

Trump could pardon every right wing death squads. There would be no more liberals.

His car was being attacked by these irrational anti-free speech lunatics. Plowing into them was fucked up but they shouldn't have been blocking traffic illegally and attacking his car in the first place.

That google employee who purposely got fired for a book deal is the biggest loser in all of this. Everybody forgot about him now.

Remember when the Justice Department said they were investigating......
Doesnt that make this a federal matter then?

Chimps will look for any reason to chimp out. If it rained too hard they would chimp out saying whiteys were flooding their hood.
So yes. They will chimp out regardless of the outcome.

3 months for leaving the scene of an accident.
It's all they've got on him.

I wanna hear his testimony on what actually happened from his perspective, too little evidence right now.

But it just is, in this country, it just fuckin is.
And to top it all off, Virginia is a ni duty to retreat state.
