Ok Sup Forums, prove to me that white people are infact the master race. Quality of life maps, HDI maps, IQ results, infographs, SAT results, everything you have, dump it.
Master Race
mongols are the master race
The wallet experiment in Lisbon demonstrates perfectly the reason why I want to leave this shit-hole as soon as possible. The people act all nice and shit (muuh Portuguese hospitality), but people are actually Russia-tier materialistic cunts.
No, I don't want to be your master you dumb nigger.
i'm blonde hair and blue eyed you fucking subhuman
mongols >>> wh*teys
Even if we were the worst race I'd still fight for our existence, you're asking the wrong questions.
2nd map is retarded.
Hair turns darker cause of the sun. I was blonde as a child.
Just go and don't come back self hater cuck. You are a disgrace to 900 years of history.
We both know that Lisbon had thounsands and thousands of not native portuguese/white... but migrants
>Just go and don't come back
That's the fucking plan.
What, you think that if I ever got the chance to leave this horrid shit-hole I'd ever want to come back? Jesus. I wonder what you tell yourself to convince yourself that Portugal is fine.
This population is a disgrace to 900 years of history. These good-for-nothing dumb corrupt pricks that make up the majority of our population are exactly what's driving me - and anyone else worth a fucking thing in this country - out of here.
Hair colour actually gets LIGHTER in the sun, I have blonde hair, turns dirty blonde in the winter when I wear a toque (canadian)
Fuck, your level of buthurt is abnormal, but coming from an immigrant, that not strange at all. your smell is obvious.
Yea, go back to where you came from, some kind of shithole in africa or s-america.
Leave us, with our very high quality of life, glorious culture, and history.
Fine? no western euro country is really fine, since we are being invaded by your kind.
BUMP. Post all you got
The one metric that matters is median wealth and Nordics do very poorly at it.
>coming from an immigrant, that not strange at all
Are you fucking retarded or something?
Where in my posts did I mention being a foreigner, you half-wit?
I will leave you with your ""very high"" quality of life, ""glorious"" culture and history, yeah. Hopefully never to meet them again.
It's the culture that makes this country such a miserable shit-hole.
Holy fuck guys this was supposed to UNITE europeans, not pit each other against one and other....... post Quality of life maps, HDI maps, IQ results, infographs, SAT results, everything you have, dump it.
>Where in my posts did I mention being a foreigner,
You don´t need to do that, it's obvious. One of 2, or you are a traitor, liar or just a buthurted immigrnt.
How can you say Portugal is a shithole,when is one of the 35 richest countries in the world, and with a very high quality of life, a history and glory without parallel in face of our dimension. If you compare us to norway, we are not that rich.... and for me that's not a problem.
The pesfect would be when you leave, your nationality revoked 4 ver like we usually did to the degredados/expelled.
Why don't you go Unite all Asians, start with Saudi Arabia and japan, you dumb nigger.
fuck off immigrant shill
>The pesfect would be when you leave, your nationality revoked 4 ver like we usually did to the degredados/expelled.
That would be perfect. I want to have nothing to do with the dumb illiterate fucks who live here.
>one of the 35 richest countries in the world
>very high quality of life
No it's fucking not. Not unless you're fucking rich. Go ask someone living on minimum wage if they have a VERY HIGH QUALITY OF LIFE when they barely have anything left at the end of the month, if they even manage to cover their expenses. Get fucking real, buddy. It sounds like you're just some privileged kid.
>If you compare us to norway, we are not that rich.... and for me that's not a problem.
For me it is. Why aren't we as rich as Switzerland? They don't have the abundance of oil that Norway has, which we don't have either.
why are these two spanish niggers sperging out at eachother in a thread meant for white people?
i don't think you are allowed to fraternize in here with anybody either , my dear toronoto chink
i'm blonde hair blue eyed first generation immigrant, with a dutch passport.
sure you are
>That would be perfect. I want to have nothing to do
Good, one more pária in the world, a f gypsy without a country. lel
>No it's fucking not.
You have no clue, about the world that you live son, go back to the basics..... and see pic.
>Why aren't we as rich as Switzerland?
For several historical reasons (late industrizalization, then reverse industrialization, open gates etc..) you dumb fuck... you should try to improve our country, instead you run like a little bitch, and even came here cry, like a pathetic clown, ridiculous.
why the fuck else would i create this thread
why would a pol meet up consist of 100% chinks , a spic, a half mulatto and some dumb whore ?
the chances that you are actually white or even only able to speak without an accent are about as low as me getting hit by 2 lightning strikes in a row my
"dutch" friend
>several historical reasons
All of which are a result of our people making dumb fucking decisions, because - guess what - they're daft cunts like you, "dumb fuck".
I can't improve this impoverished shit-hole on my own, and I sure as fucking hell am not going to waste my time working my ass off in a country where I have no future.
I'm not fucking crying. I'm letting out my relief, knowing that I'll be out of here soon, never to come back to this wretched shit-hole where people like you make the norm. Get a brain sometime and realize that this country is fucking lost. I do commend you staying here though, good luck trying to make this place any good when the people in it are absolute door-knobs.
Canada is 80% white you fucking nigger
>muh quality of life
Fuck off. HDI is what matters, and we're behind some Brazilian states as far as that is concerned. Yet another reflection of Portuguese inferiority.
so i take it you would like to be able to drink clean water again?
would you be happier if i sent you some bottles of evian?
irrationally angry when confronted with the truth, i'm sure you are white and not a chink mr Lee *wink*
Switzerland = 5% muslim
Canada = >2% muslim
Come again Achmed?
You are actually quite dumb, do you think conjunctural economic situations invalidates 900 years of history?. Do you think that for example when sweden was "poor" in the xix century in comparison to any western euro countries, that they cry like little biteches like you? yes go away, the weak scum are always and always the first to fall, and no one likes them. that's a worldwide truth
Absolute piss water.
You fuckers might boast about having higher living standards, but your table water is absolute trash. Keep to what you're good at; sitting on dictators' fortunes and making bank off the proceeds.
it's ok you spanish monkeys, i'll send you both a bottle of evian so you can have a taste of the 1st world
just stop fighting now , thx
>brazilian mud detected
jealousy doesn't suit you, go back to being flamboyant homosexuals my spanish bullprepping friend
not your personal army
>Leaf poster
Sage goes into all fields. Go back to India and shit there on the street pajeet.
>go back to being flamboyant homosexuals
I'm pretty sure you have a lot more flamboyant homosexuals than we do lmao. But sure, whatever.
i've seen picture of your army , and boy are they all homos if i have ever seen some
but it's ok Abelardo , i'll just drink the top quality water myself then
scared to show flag
shut up subhuman
still better than being a proud leaf Mr Lee
they were probably all niggers
>Hair turns darker because of the sun says the spanish
>My Anglo-German hair gets lighter in the summer because of the sun. When my hair is long and I wear a hat I get blonde tips.
Hair gets darker because you got older, eventually it will get lighter again maybe even white.
The same shit... again? My fucking god, can't you for once realize that not all your countrymen are as blind to this country's perpetually miserable state as you are?
Portugal has been a poor, illiterate shit-hole since the dawn of time. We never managed to hold onto any wealth for any meaningful amount of time cause we're niggers.
Our literacy rate in 1930 was 40%, Spain's was somewhere around 60% and Sweden's had already doubled ours in the 18th century.
We are fucking stupid. That's it. We'll always live sub-par as long as we live in our little seaside shit-hole.
>trips on lusohate shitposts
ok so if you are stupid, why are you trying to make other countries worse by moving in with your stupidity ?
at the very least you can let a bull impale you and feel similar to how sven feels when he's getting cuckolded
Someone is mad that the dutch have more light haired/light eyed people than the swiss. Top kek.
>why are you trying to make other countries worse by moving in with your stupidity?
Because I can and want to, and will continue to do so for as long as it's possible, anywhere it's possible. I'm fucking tired of Portugal.
it's ok Lee , i already accepted your "whiteness" 3 posts ago , you can now continue larping , i "believe" you
sine that's the purpose of this board to act a valve for mentally ill leafs
In matter of fact, Portugal was a 1st world country since the dawn of times, since there are basic stats obviously.
Look at the map again mud:
check sweden xix century, they were what??
>meaningful amount of time cause we're niggers.
You are. Portugal isn´t. Dont project your condition on other's it's laughable and pitfull at the same time.
Who gives a flying fuck about how many light-haired/light-eyed people there are? Let me ask you something: do you honestly believe this is something that matters? Let me clarify: do you, barring irony, believe it is a GOOD thing when a country has more light-haired/light-eyed people than another one?
Because if you do, my god. You are fucking retarded beyond belief. But then again, so are most of the mongs on this board.
alright, so you want to get cuckoled by a proper bull and not your weak spanish ones? let me just fill out your papers so you can walk into sweden my friend
don´t answer to the bait bro
>median wealth
It's dogshit. We're doing better than ever in those terms just because we have an enormous housing bubble. That's not a good thing.
Why do you keep on calling me a "mud" if you're probably some swarthy southern fuck who looks like he came right out of Riyadh? Mind-boggling.
>Dont project your condition on other's it's laughable and pitfull at the same time.
You call me a nigger yet you can't fucking spell for shit. Fuck off. You're just another stupid tuguinha pushover who'll spend the rest of his life working 10 hours a day making minimum/close to minimum wage and complaining all the time but doing nothing to alleviate their condition. The plague of our people: lack of will to revolt. Pussies.
>that they cry like little biteches like you?
To be fair we had something like 2% of our population leave for the USA every year back then, for quite a while.
Worked out well.
if i apply enough black body paint will i be able to acquire a cute swedish waifu? please answer
wouldn't it be funny if you were both tuareg niggers from north africa?
yes it matters. Nordics are going extinct due to (((mass migration))) but you portugese ottoman rapebabies wouldn't understand.
It would. I can confirm that at least one of the parties doesn't fit that description, so your fantasy's not in good luck.
>portugese ottoman rapebabies
I'm not even going to bother. Fucking 10 year old.
Leave one, take one, yeah?
but Mr Lee, how does the mass migration affect your reproductive capabilities exactly?
i know it must be hard for you to turn off your chink accent so kudos to you for this high level LARP
5% mudslime
do you think we can go grab some pho later on at your mothers restaurant?
all this shitposting is making me hungry
you got any pics of blonde cuties by chance?
in my experience normal people aren't that easily upset by the internet , so it's very likely you guys are both some kind of dysfunctional trash
Holy shit this Swiss shitposter is a fucking degen. Must be a wage cuck. Probably an immigrant.
Who is this fine swarthy specimen? I think I am in love
leaf calling a top ranked flag "degenerate" whew lad is this uncalled for
when are you going to get plastic surgery for your epicanthic fold ?
Barely any, I pretty much just have a "hips" folder.
In my experience normal people don't stay up until 4 AM shitposting on anonymous image boards, so if that's something you seem to value so much, why don't you go get some shut-eye and honor your status as a normal person?
If you ever find out please get in touch and we can fight to the death over the contact information.
Found the Estonian Larper
like all portuguese people, i'm european.
The same probably cant be said about this immgrant:
but just take some from the outside when you go shopping ....
i'm really curious how your average women look nowadays
the normal people with psychological disorders are usually the worst (pedos, cannibals, sadists)
i thought you were prepping your travel suitcase and your anus for the full swedish experience?
>this thread
Looks like a very nice place.
i'd rather live in a country that's 80% white 15% east asian, than a country that's immigrants are all mudslimes and africans. Thanks though
they are hot and i appreciate your effort but they look too fake
i wanna see some natural swedish qties pls
Look around, fool.
You tried.
You're mistaken, friend. We only export people to Switzerland, we don't import your customs.
Think this is her but still no name to put to her face
Dinairic are the original master-race. Your maps are shit maps.
Dinaric/Mediterranenans have light-color eyes mostly.
Also there are hundred of eye colors not only blue & brown
They're not so special. Just less ugly people.
I know the perfect image to post but I forgot to save it. Like 5 years ago.
And it is. It's a shame I have to share it with Portuguese "people".
all white people are not the master race. going by whos controlling more of the western political movements over time and historical situations. its the brits. germans got BTFO and itally kinda faded into obscurity in the modern age
i don't understand, why are you only posting brunettes or fake blondes,
i was told there would be at least be loads of blonde quintuplets with nice teeth waiting for me in Stockholm
what is going on Sven?
Fuck off Jew rat.
hips, user, hips and midriffs
>slavic countries
>master race
is this pale enough for you
The Slavic tribes actually migrated into Europe around the fall of the Roman Empire. The map describes of the range of peoples who predated the slavs.
White people aren't the master race, the Jew is. That's why we have to protect the future of our race, because the Jew plans to exterminate all lesser races.
i mean, i could accept you not having taste and liking brunettes, but ignoring the head?
i hope you are jesting my kind sir otherwise our short friendship has come to an official end
nah, it's not even about paleness, these kids will tan horribly
swedish blondes tan very nicely, almost like chicken nuggets
Under 1% so noise.
Slavism is not a race a you retard leaf.
Not even close
the paler the better
tan is plebeian
heard of sub-races?