Why do we need religion?
Is religion important?
controls the masses
So old people don't feel too bad when they're about to die
Without religion, society wouldn't be possible at all.
Take a look around you: this is what happens when people come to know God and then abandon Him. You get parents convincing kids to cut their balls off, government-enforced praise of sodomy, and women running for president (and nearly winning, if we believe the results were truthfully accurate).
Because you get a group of people who are agnostic which causes people to be open to good and bad things.
>John 3:16-21
"“For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him.
“There is no judgment against anyone who believes in him. But anyone who does not believe in him has already been judged for not believing in God’s one and only Son. And the judgment is based on this fact: God’s light came into the world, but people loved the darkness more than the light, for their actions were evil. All who do evil hate the light and refuse to go near it for fear their sins will be exposed. But those who do what is right come to the light so others can see that they are doing what God wants.”"
Because otherwise everything is permitted
Its traditionally provided the philosophy and psychology behind society. In a purely material society and a purely material ideology, you get all of the nonsense of today. It's all based on international materialism. From other kin transsexuals to ethnic replacement. Literally every single issue truly threatening our society and making it a hollow mockery is due to the loss of a sound and coherent ideology which absolutely cannot be provided by material and non-spiritual philosophy (which includes communism as well as capitalism).
This. Fucking this.
>is the truth important
>why do we need the truth
The absolute state of OP
Britain has truly disgraced itself in recent years. I feel bad for it, but the same thing is happening to America. We were the people who kept God's promise alive, and took the gospel to the world. Now look at us.
I add that it ultimately doesn't matter if it's Christianity or Iron Age European paganism or Zoroastrianism, as it's all the same societal soup if you go back far enough.
You must however provide that Man is here to learn and improve, not play. That there is a universe of laws, not chance, and that universe will hold you to account for how you performed in this life. Without accountability and purpose, you get (insert literally all nonsense of the past century)
for the purposes of societal order perhaps, but god is a different matter entirely
Every time I think I've seen the height of the human spirit put into beautiful form, I find a new Cathedral.
This. Whatever you think about religion itself, it's painfully obvious our societies NEED Christianity to avoid falling into degeneracy. You can criticize it all you want, but Christianity has always traditionally served as a vanguard against cultural decline and degenerate behaviour, as well as a cornerstone of community.
And yet America is the epicenter of this despite being more religious than Japan and Swizterland
Cathedrals truly represent some of the most awe-inspiring beauty ever created by man. Such feats can only be accomplished by a powerful, successful people devoted to their lord.
>despite being more religious
Right. Most Americans who call themselves Christians are probably Catholics (heretics) or simply say that and know/do nothing about their own supposed "beliefs."
You have to look at the text of the Bible. Are "religious" Americans following the text of the Bible? In most cases, no. That's like me calling myself a vegetarian as I chew on a steak night after night. "Oh, I'm a vegan, I just don't actually DO any of the things that I say I believe in."
There is a difference, and it mattesr.
We're materialist to the very core. We were the green house experiment of total "technocratic" new age socialism since the turn of the last century, before Lenin or Hitler.
If you want to see what a fully material society, bankrupt of philosophy and spirituality looks like, look here.
America is hardly a religious society anymore. The hyper-sexual degeneration, much of which indeed stems from America, is the result of a post-religious society. The people shaking their asses aren't acting as Christians, nor are the parents who let their children view it.
If you want to see what could be called a "Christian society", look at the old America pre-60's. These things generally wouldn't be tolerated by mainstream society.
Most of regular America are suburban megachurch Christianity. Feel positive, stand against nothing, God will take care of everything.
It's just consumerism under another name, and to the same evil ends.
e'er buddeh in the club gettin tripsy
But yeah, there was a powerful line of utopian technocratic thought running through American intellectualism from about 1900 to the Depression. It served as a blueprint to the later criticisms of both NS Germany and the Soviet Union
>separate families to enforce loyalty to the state
>humans are a material resource to be exploited like gold or lumber
>the state is the ultimate arbiter of morality and distributor of justice
>children are malleable clay for the state
>the wise state knows best and must enforce its material ends upon concepts like truth and democracy
See Edward Bernays, the Wilson administration, the Creel Committee and a whole slew of "American System" intellectuals and public education architects.
USA and the west is founded on biblical principles. Most people think it's common sense and take it for granted but as Marxism advances christian society start to crumble and barbarism makes it's return. This is the satanical oppression described in the old testament when moral authorities could sacrifice you on a cross or behead you for the slightest transgressions.
After WWII, as the world settled into American hegemony and the Comd War, we had less lofty utopian ideology and more base consumerist and materialist "maintain the status quo at all costs" ideology, which led to current things like acceptance of everything, total materialism, population replacement, illegal wars of aggression to maintain an unsustainable economic system and so forth.
But the point is study comparative religion and philosophy. It's chemo to the surprising chaos and turmoil we were all born into.
Trips cheq't.
I disagree with you because hypothetically, according to you, any spirituality or philosophy can fill the void. There were many societies that had these things and still allowed and condoned horrific things.
Greece had both and there was pederasty; Rome encouraged sodomy; Canaanites burned children alive, etc... These things are not intrinsically good on their own. God, Yahweh, the real God, makes them good.
I agree completely. The left wants progress; ok. Cancer makes progress; cars going off of cliffs make progress, and blades cutting off heads make progress. Corpses make "progress" as they decompose.
That is what the left is bringing to a once vibrant, beautiful, and strong civilization. And the cucks who tolerated it initially are to blame.
Religion is of extreme importance.
The only secular/atheist societies ended being depraved, obscene, narcissist, transexual western societies and mass murdering communism.
>satan trips
Yep america is as lost and godless as Europe, but EU will be a barren wasteland sooner.
Isaiah 1:4-7
This, it isn't so much that religion is necessary, its that the void that is left in its absence is filled with shit
I had a big long post about comparative religion, but I need to start off by saying the "homosexuality" (as we know it) of Greece is a meme, and that the Old Testament horribly villainized the Canaanites and Baal, quietly sweeping under the rug the influence Canaanite society's chief deity "El", had on the Hebrews (there's even talk Solomon was actually a worshiper of El, the two were so similar)
In Rome, the Roman society was comparatively materialist and religiously bankrupt, striking the first great blow against the old religions of society, by defeating the people's gods, without providing an adequate replacement to them. In ancient history, if an invader defeated your state, you may adopt his (obviously stronger) gods, but the Romans themselves had no way of providing an alternative to the deeper spiritual thought of the peoples they had conquered. Also, Rome didn't encourage homosexuality. Calling your opponent gay was a common political tactic in Roman politics.
The only serious strain of homosexuality in antiquity that comes to mind is "bond" love between warriors in some ancient circles, forgoing women and families for the companionship of their band.