Dropping Google. Best alternatives?

If you support free speech you should stop supporting Google wherever possible.

Chromium is a good alternative to Chrome
DuckDuckGo is a good alternative to Google

How infected by SJWism is Apple? Should I replace my Galaxy phone with an iPhone?

Other urls found in this thread:


I would like to know if there is something like archive.org that can be used for youtube. Unfortunately there is not really any other video service that can rival youtube at the moment.

Hooktube.com my man
Replace "you" with "hook" in the YouTube url/address and it will take you to same video on the hooktube.com site tho. Means no views/ads counted so no support by researching shit.

vid.me has potential

these threads should be a general on EVERY board, its actually important



garbage meme, limited ability to customize, inserts its own ads in place of the web ads

use Iridium browser
it's chrome purged of all the CIA-nigger systems

Chromium is the open source version of chrome. If you want experience close to chrome/chromium use ungoogled chromium, Vivaldi or brave .

Chromium is run by google you massive putz.

> Chrome

> Youtube

> Search
DuckDuckGo et al.

> Gmail
anything - run your own damn mailserver

> Google Calendar
same deal - run your own CalDAV server, baikal is one

> Google Drive

> Google Docs

> Google Maps

> Google Analytics

> Google Alerts

> Android
good luck finding a mobile OS not owned by a major corp.

going to change this, Sup Forums?

They have hundreds of applications, so I'm not going through them all.
You can find alternatives to nearly all of them.

Can I use chrome extensions on Iridium?

And BTW - Google Analytics is run on every page on Sup Forums, allowing them to track every single thing you click on, type, post, etc. :)
s.4cdn.org/js/core.min.1012.js (search "google")

Good thing I live in a shithole and CIA doesn't care about me.

>anything - run your own damn mailserver
Use ProtonMail

The CIA cares, no matter who you are. We're one big happy family.

Pale Moon

Google Chrome ---> Icecat/Iceweasel/palemoon/waterfox (icecat is the best)
Google ---> startpage.com searx.me
youtube ---> hooktube/youtube-dl
android ----> Lineage OS
Google docs ---> LaTeX+Vim
Google drive ---> buy ur own storage
Gmail ---> run your own mailserver


Yes, Chromium is way underrated, from my experience it's faster than Chrome. Also, DuckDuckGo just as good or better than Google (even when you ignore the facts that Google hates free speech and your privacy).


need explanation. does this pic say waterfox can not be trusted?

And protonmail

>> Android
>good luck finding a mobile OS not owned by a major corp.


I like it. It's built of chromium and it's minimized and clean looking. But it lacks support for features like greasemonkey and other add ons. Also wish it had a night/dark theme mode. Would switch if they fixed that.

Someone mentioned lineage OS - that looks promising.

Brendan Eich got fired from Mozilla for not bending the knee to political correctness. Brave is /our browser/.

I wanna quit it too. But botnet is too comfortable.


Duck Duck Go is a good alternative.

DuckDuckgo is shit
try startpage

Startpage only proxies google results. You're still getting their filtered results.

DDG used to be shit. Now it's usable.

For phone, use Brave browser.

For search engine, use Bing or Yandex.

For destruction of Google, create a tax on internet advertising. A 100% tax would cut Google stock by 50% and a 1000% tax would cut it by 95%+ leading to layoff of virtually all evil Google employees

For video hosting, why not everything
everything just not goolag

Haha, nope. Google is in bed with intelligence agencies and military. They're not going anywhere.

Trump will purge them. Even majority of Sup Forums don't realize who Trump truely is.

Brands can die, also goolags
Goolag is very fitting. If it gains traction, it may hurt goolag, as it describes its filter bubble mentality. And I don't think Alphabet can reform fast enough to counter, intelligence or what ever, too big. And no, goolag will not be financed with tax money, well not officially

Yeah, it may hurt them slightly. They'll adjust. Life will go on.

Maybe Alphabet will die or be absorbed into something else in a century, but for now, there's nothing else like it.

someone make an infograph of all this

i download all my youtube videos so i never have to give them clicks for them again.

download everything important right now, before they remove it.


I switched to Firefox browser on mobile and pc, and use duckduckgo for the search engine.
Still use YouTube and Google maps though...
And android.

bing is compromised
yandex is compromised
there is nothing you can do at this point to maintain privacy.
absolutely nothing.

Nice concern trolling. Anything is better than Goolag.

you're buying into the illusion of choice.

don't take my word for it. visit Sup Forums and ask the same question.

You can choose which corporation you use.
It's extraordinarily difficult and very limiting to opt out of being surveilled altogether.

Na, I rather have them lose another big markets. Like the EU, maybe Russia, India... This brand and what it represents needs to be put down for good. Maybe even 1789 style.

I can’t leave muh entertainment!

I'd rather have a wish-granting unicorn too.

Best we got is Hooktube ATM famalam

Our hardware is compromised at the most basic levels, it really doesn't matter what you use.